Project 04 CPSC-236


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Create a library WinForms application that allows users to manage records of multiple types. Examples are a library of books, movies and games, or tasks trackers, or anything similar. You are encouraged to theme your application.

You may not simply change the variable names of the sample application we do in class. You must find ways to expand upon it or do it in your own way entirely.


Starting with a premade C# WinForms application in Visual Studio, create an application for adding, viewing and deleting records. Users should enter a record’s information, click a button, and that record should be turned into an instance of an object that is then added to a BindingList. You must use a BindingList, and you must store each record as an individual object in that list.

A basis for your project will be provided.

Create a ListBox for storing an identifier for each object (such as the title). Users should be able to click on an item in the ListBox and pull up record information. Users should also be able to delete a record from the selection.

The generic object struct/class must contain three properties, at minimum.

Your program must save and load previous data and your application must be tested for user experience (no window resizing, TabStop order, labels, bug free).

The application should:

  • Use WinForms ListBox and Tabs
  • Use a generic base class called Record
    • Use of an enum for the specific Record type (CD, etc) or an inherited class is up to you, but you’ll need one or the other
  • Use of a BindingList
  • Reading and writing data to a file(s) between application sessions


Assignment is worth 25 points. You will be graded on:

  • Successfully using a BindingList object and DataSource property to update your ListBox.
  • Successfully read and write your data
  • Building a UI with proper TabStop flow and UX
  • Being able to view, add and delete records from your application
  • Having a compile-able application within Visual Studio
  • Correctly turning in the assignment – naming convention, correct files submitted


Turn in your zipped solution folder to Blackboard. Make sure to name the zipped file firstInitialLastName_proj04. For example,