Learning Outcomes:
• Implement basic and nested control structures, single and multi-dimensional arrays, input
and output methods, and string methods as learned in CSE 174
• Use class libraries to assist in problem solving
• Use exception handling features to handle exceptions.
Important Note: Submit code written by only you. Otherwise, you will receive 0 points and
will be reported to the Academic Integrity Office for violation.
Implement a class named FileParser, along with specified methods, that can read words from a text
file, parse those words (such as finding palindromes), and write those words to a new file.
More specifically:
1. Write the FileParser class so that it has the following methods:
a) public static void main(String[] args) — The main driver of the program. Prompts the user
for an input file, an output file, and a choice for what kinds of words to output.
b) public static String clean(String word)– Takes a string and removes all non-letters,
returning an all uppercase version. For example, this input: “A man, a plan, a canal.
Panama.” will produce this output: “AMANAPLANACANALPANAMA”
c) public static void parse(File in, File out)– Parses an input file, writing each word from the
input on a separate line in the output file.
d) public static boolean isPalindrome(String word) — Determines if a word is a palindrome
(reads the same forward and backward). The method is case-sensitive, so it will say that
dad and DAD and d-a-d are palindromes.
e) public static void parsePalindrome(File in, File out) — Parses an input file, writing only the
palindromes to the output file, in alphabetical order, one line at a time, without repetition.
Palindromes are words that read the same forward and backward, ignoring digits and
f) public static int value(String word)– Returns the monetary value of a word, found by
assigning the value $1 to A, $2 B, and so on, up to $26 for Z. The method will ignore
differences in case, so both A and a are each worth $1. It will also ignore any non-letters in
the input.
g) public static void parseHundredDollarWord (File in, File out) — Parses an input file,
writing only the $100 words to the output file, in alphabetical order, one line at a time, in
uppercase, without repetition. $100 words are found by assigning $1 to A, $2 to B, and so
on. For example ELEPHANTS is a $100 word because: E + L + E + P + H + A + N + T + S is 5 +
12 + 5 + 16 + 8 + 1 + 14 + 20 + 19 = 100. You can use the value() method defined above to
compute the value of a word.
2. Create your own input test file and use it with your code to generate three output files.
3. Upload all five files (Java source code, input file, three output files).
● Familiarize yourself with palindromes (words that read the same forward and backward), such
as RACECAR. See, for example, the Wikipedia article on palindromes,
Project 01, Object-Oriented Programming, CSE 271, Spring 2020
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Miami University
File Read/Write, String, Array, Try-Catch-Finally, Exception Handling
Page 2 of 5
● Familiarize yourself with the concept of “$100 words”, such as ELEPHANTS. See, for example,
Grading Rubric:
Full credit Partial credit No credit
(40 pts)
Your program correctly
performs all specified file
handling (including
checking for the existence
of the input file, reading,
and writing)
Your program performs the basic
file I/O operations, but with some
errors, or not according to
Your file reading
and/or writing
causes program to
(40 pts)
Your program correctly
parses words read from
the file, including
identifying palindromes,
$100 words, and
“cleaning” strings.
Your program performs the basic
string parsing functionality, but
with some errors, OR it performs
all the basic functionality
correctly, but not according to
Your program can
read in words and
write out the same
words but does not
perform any of the
string parsing that
was specified.
(20 pts)
You submitted an input file
and 3 well named resulting
output files that clearly
demonstrate your
program’s ability to do all
the required parsing.
You submitted the required test
files, but the test files fail to
demonstrate some aspect of your
program (for example, the input
file does not include adequate
tests of your program to read from
paragraphs and clean a variety of
Strings). OR, your test files are
named in a way that makes it
difficult for others to know which
output files correspond to which
You did not submit all
the required test files
(one input file, and
the three
corresponding output
Javadoc Comments for the class and methods (only deduction – 5 points)
Submit the following 5 files to the course website:
● An input file created by you that best demonstrates all the features of your program.
● Three output files corresponding to the three options being performed on your input file.
The output files should be named with the .txt extension, using filenames that clearly
indicate which of the three tests produced the file.
SUBMIT DRAFTS: If you reach a “milestone” (your code may not be complete, but it compiles and
works at least partially), then UPLOAD YOUR DRAFT TO THE WEBSITE. When you reach the next
milestone, archive your previous submission, and upload your newest draft. This is a good way to
protect yourself. Plus, when someone says to me, “I missed the deadline for submitting this”, I can
say in reply, “I don’t accept late submissions, but at least you have your latest draft submitted that I
can grade.”
Project 01, Object-Oriented Programming, CSE 271, Spring 2020
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Miami University
File Read/Write, String, Array, Try-Catch-Finally, Exception Handling
Page 3 of 5
Programming Notes:
1. Subtracting two char values will produce an int value. And, in fact, taking a letter and
subtracting ‘A’ from it gives you a value that is almost what you want for the monetary value
of that letter:
‘A’ – ‘A’ is 0
‘B’ – ‘A’ is 1
‘Z’ – ‘A’ is 25
2. Arrays and ArrayLists are two reasonable ways to store the words you find. ArrayLists
have a method built in that will tell you whether a particular value already exists in it. This
can be useful when it comes to avoiding duplicating words. Only add a word to the list if it
doesn’t already exist in the list.
3. Java has a Collections class that has a static method that will sort an ArrayList of Strings.
Feel free to use this, rather than implementing your own sorting algorithm. You can also use
Arrays.sort() method to sort arrays.
4. Notice that only a little file handling happens in the main() method. main() is where the
user enters an input filename, and then there is a check to see if that file exists. main() is
also where the user enters the output filename. Once File objects are created from those
filenames, those File objects are sent to other methods for the actual reading and writing.
5. Test your program with your own input files at first. Input files should be “pure text” files.
Don’t use a word processor to generate text files. Use a text editor instead.
Work incrementally!
You will not make it through this course if you can’t master working incrementally. DO NOT
● Write a small amount of code, perhaps just part of a method, and test it.
o Did it work? If so, repeat the process by adding on a little more code.
o Did it fail? If so, then back up a little bit…remove something you are unsure of and
get to something that DOES work. Then, gradually work your way through your
● Stuck? Try to work through it on your own. You will become a better programmer as you
become more independent. Your knee-jerk reaction should not be to go to someone else.
You will not get better at programming if someone else tells you how to fix your problem.
● Still stuck? Ask for help!
● Is it possible to “put away” the part of your program that is not working, and work on other
independent aspects? If so, go for it.
● But whatever you do…if part X of your program doesn’t work, and part Y depends on
part X, then don’t start on part Y. However, if part Z is completely independent of
part X, then go ahead and write and test part Z instead.
Project 01, Object-Oriented Programming, CSE 271, Spring 2020
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Miami University
File Read/Write, String, Array, Try-Catch-Finally, Exception Handling
Page 4 of 5
Sample runs:
Consider the following text file, demo.txt:
I found it interesting that the elephant’s Radar2000 device was not working. A quarter of all
elephants get lost very easily, so something needs to be done about this situation.
An elephant’s mom will be very upset if her son’s Radar2000 device stops working.
Here are four sample runs of this program:
Enter input filename: dem.txt
File does not exist. Goodbye.
Enter input filename: demo.txt
Found. What do you want to output?
1. Raw word list
2. Palindromes
3. $100 words
Choose: 1
Enter output filename: raw.txt
Finished printing raw word list.
Enter input filename: demo.txt
Found. What do you want to output?
1. Raw word list
2. Palindromes
3. $100 words
Choose: 2
Enter output filename: palindromes.txt
Finished printing palindromes.
Enter input filename: demo.txt
Found. What do you want to output?
1. Raw word list
2. Palindromes
3. $100 words
Choose: 3
Enter output filename: 100.txt
Finished printing $100 words.
Note regarding the example files on the next page (page 5):
● raw.txt file contains each word on a separate line, including punctuation
● palindromes.txt and 100.txt contain each palindrome and each $100 word, but the files do NOT
include duplicates. So, even though “elephants” appears multiple times in the input file, it only
appears once in the 100.txt file. Notice also that the word radar does not actually appear in the
input file. Rather, radar2000 appears. But you will be evaluating words by first “cleaning” the
words, eliminating any digits or punctuation before testing for palindromes or $100 words.
Project 01, Object-Oriented Programming, CSE 271, Spring 2020
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Miami University
File Read/Write, String, Array, Try-Catch-Finally, Exception Handling
Page 5 of 5
Here are the resulting files and their content (see previous page for sample runs and input file).
raw.txt palindromes.txt 100.txt