The purpose of the 4th program is to implement the new concepts learned which
include (a) pointers, (b) dynamically allocated arrays, and (c) classes. Our goal is
to continue to create programs with a small main function that delegates to a series
of functions where the real work takes place. Place your class interface in a .h file
and the class implementation in a .cpp file.
In this programming assignment, you are not allowed to use global variables. You
are allowed (as usual) to use the cstring library (e.g., strlen, strcpy, and strcmp).
Limit your main (and all functions) to no more than 30 statements of code (for
executable statements… not counting variable definitions, blank lines, lines with just
curly brackets, or comments).
Program Assignment:
Keeping track of attendance is almost a full time job for one of the lab
administrators. Some of the professors use clickers instead to avoid needing to
take attendance. But even that information needs to be merged with a master
attendance list which is no easy task. Writing a program that would take your
attendance entry and automatically place it in the master list would be very
Your job for this 4th assignment is to build a class called “Student” that will keep
track of a single student’s attendance records. It will keep the lab attendance
separate from the lecture attendance. It will need a dynamically allocated array for
the lectures and labs that are attended. With dynamically allocated arrays, you will
also need two integers to keep track of how (a) full the array is and (b) the
maximum size of the array. Do not use a constant for the size of these arrays!
Once this is working, build a class called “Attendance” that will keep track of all
of the attendance for all students in a given class. You will need to use a
dynamically allocated array of students and a dynamically allocated array of
characters for the course name.
CS162 Winter 2015 Program #4
The following is a suggested set of classes. You may add more or modify the
arguments or functions:
class Student
~Student(); //A destructor used to deallocate dynamic memory
void Attend_Lab(int lab_number);
void Attend_Lecture(int lecture_number);
//Only displays the information if the student name matches
void Display(char student_name[]);
//Displays the attendance information, including the name
void Display();
/*Put a dynamically allocated array for the student’s name, a dynamically
allocated array for the number of labs in a term, and a dynamically allocated array
of the lectures in a term; You will also need integers for the number of labs being
attended and the number of lectures attended as well as for the sizes of those
arrays */
class Attendance
~Attendance(); //A destructor used to deallocate dynamic memory
void Read_Attenance(); //Received weekly attendance information
void Display_Attenance(char student_name[]);
void Display_all();
/*Put a dynamically allocated array of students in the class and an integer
count of the number of students */
Extra Credit:
Try out constructor with arguments:
Student(int num_lectures, int num_labs);
Attendance(int num_students);
CS162 Winter 2015 Program #4
***You are always welcome to do more! But, really focus on making general
purpose functions that can be re-used. Anytime you have code that has already
existed elsewhere in your program (such as to error check input or give the user
another chance), write a function instead!
In Program #5 we will store the students in a linear linked list!
Things you should know…as part of your program:
1. Make sure to prompt the user for any input requested. Make sure it is clear
from your prompts what the user is expected to do.
2. Have main test out all of the functions to make sure they work for all
3. The program should continue until the user wants to quit. Allow them to
continue until they are done.
4. Make sure to put your name in your program
5. Submit an electronic copy of your .cpp file as an attached file to the dropbox
on D2L (go to: to login). Make sure to hit the submit button
after uploading your files (otherwise they will be lost)