In this programming assignment, you will build a semi-supervised text classifier. Many realworld applications contain a small number of labeled data points (instances) but a large number
of unlabeled ones. Machine learning algorithms can utilize unlabeled data are called semisupervised.
The particular type of text classification to be performed for this homework is sentiment
classification. The objective is to classify the sentiment of user reviews into negative and
positive reviews, and to make the task more interesting (i.e. difficult), we have split the reviews
into segments of around 140 characters. Notice that this might make it prohibitively difficult or
impossible detect the sentiment of some segments – this can be ignored for our purposes.
1 Preliminaries
1.1 Data and Code
The data you will use is in the tarball sentiment.tar.gz, which contains the following files:
• train.tsv: Reviews and their associated labels to be used for training.
• dev.tsv: Reviews and their associated labels, to be used for development (do not use for
• unlabeled.tsv: Reviews without labels, to be used for semi-supervised training
We have made some initial code available for you to develop your submission. The file
contains a basic logistic regression classifier from sklearn.
The file contains methods for loading the dataset (without untarring the data file),
creating basic features, and calling the methods to train and evaluate the classifier. It also contains the code to output the submission file for Kaggle from a classifier (sentiment-pred.csv)
and the code that was used to generate the solution file, and a basic benchmark (sentiment-basic.csv).
You will use Kaggle to keep track of the performance of your models. The test data is only
available on Kaggle, you will have access to the test data indirectly by seeing how your methods
perform. Follow the link below to make submissions on Kaggle.
2 Supervised: Improve the Basic Classifier (45%)
As described above, we have included a basic logistic regression classifier and included its predictions as a benchmark on Kaggle. This classifier uses the default hyperparameters for regularization and optimization from sklearn and uses the basic CountVectorizer to create the
Your task is to familiarize yourself with the data and the classification task by improving this
supervised text classifier. There are a number of different things you can try, such as hyperparameter search (using accuracy on the development data), different tokenization, adding/removing
features, TF-IDF weighting (using only the training data), and so on. The primary guideline
here is to utilize only your intuitions and the training data, and the performance on the development data, in order to make these modifications. Use of unlabeled data or any other external
resource is not allowed.
You are not allowed to use a different classifier other than logistic regression (and as much as possible, use the scikit-learn implementation). The aim of this exercise is to train you to do feature
engineering and semi-supervised learning algorithms, not from changing the underlying classifier.
In the writeup, describe the changes, your reasoning behind them, and the results. You should
use figures, examples, tables, and graphs to illustrate your ideas and results, for example plotting
accuracy as the regularization strength is varied. Submit the relevant code in a folder called
sup . The Kaggle submission description should start with“Supervised:” (you are free to add
whatever else afterwards).
3 Semi-supervised: Exploiting the Unlabeled Data
In the second part of this homework, you will focus on improving your supervised classifier by
leveraging a large collection of unlabeled reviews that are available to you. There are many
different approaches to do this, we will describe two options below. You are free to choose your
favorite. Note that semi-supervised learning is tricky, and its not always easy to get a substantially better accuracy than the supervised classifier. Do what you can.
As with the previous submission, you have to describe the approach that you are using, and provide the plots, tables, and graphs to analyze and discuss the results in the write-up. For example,
a useful plot for you to include might be the performance of your classifier (on development data)
as the amount of unlabeled data is varied, i.e. 0% (same as supervised), 10%,20%,. . . ,100%.
Part of the analysis should also include some error analysis and examples of the highest and
lowest weighted features for each of the labels. You should also refer to the relevant readings and
published papers, and cite them as appropriate, when describing your approach. Include the
relevant portions of your code that your approach in a folder called semisup. The description for
the submission on Kaggle should start with “Semi-supervised:” (you are free to add whatever
else afterwards).
3.1 Expanding the Labeled Data (45%)
One popular approach to semi-supervised learning is to iteratively expand the labeled data (by
using the classifier to predict on the unlabeled data) and retrain the classifier. The following
pseudo-code illustrates this idea.
require Du (unlabeled data), Dl (labeled data)
l ← Dl
θ ← TRAIN(Dˆ
u ← PREDICT(Du, θ)
l ← EXPAND(Du)
if STOP( ) then return θ
end if
end loop
There are many variations of this algorithm, known as self-training, that you can use. The
first choice is to decide which labels to include in Dˆ
in every iteration: every prediction? most
“confident” predictions? predictions with a “soft” label (kind of like EM)? only points that an
ensemble of simple classifiers agree on? nearest neighbors of previously labeled points? or something else? The second choice is to decide the stopping criterion, should it be a fixed number
of iterations (determined using development data)? should it be when the set of labels stop
changing (or only a small proportion changes)? or something else?
When analyzing this approach, we expect you to include the accuracy and the size of the
labeled set (if appropriate) as they vary across iterations. It may also be useful to identify a
few features/words whose weight changed significantly, and hypothesize why that might have
3.2 Designing Better Features(10%)
The primary concern when using a small set of labeled data for training text classifiers is the
sparsity of the vocabulary in the training data; irrelevant words might look incredibly discriminative for a label, while relevant words may not even appear in the training data, because of
small sample and high dimensional statistics. A way to counteract this is to utilize the corpus
of unlabeled text to learn something about the word semantics, and use it to identify the words
that are likely to indicate the same sentiment. In order words, knowledge from unlabeled documents can allow us to spread the labels to words that do not even appear in the training data.
We are being vague here in order to not provide a specific solution. You will have to consider
how to represent the word contexts, how to represent/encode the notion of similar words (fixed
or hierarchical clusters? low-dimensional embeddings?) and so on.
Your analysis should include why you picked a certain strategy (why you thought it would be a
good idea). You should also include examples of words and/or reviews where the propagation
of information helped (where it worked) and hurt.
4 Report Guideline
4.1 Supervised: Improve the Basic Classifier
a. Performance better than the baseline / no improvement but extensive discussion
b. Describe at least two strategies for feature engineering. For each strategy, provide results,
discuss why it worked/did not work; use tables/graphs/examples
c. Submit your prediction results on Kaggle
4.2 Semi-supervised: Exploiting Unlabeled Data
a. Improvement on the supervised classifier / No improvement but extensive discussion
b. Describe the approach for utilizing unlabeled data (You are welcome to use charts, pseudocode, etc, if necessary. Your goal is to enable someone to reproduce your results, but dont
get too detailed, like you used a map/array to keep track of XYZ)
c. Analysis of the effect of size of labeled data: What is the effect on performance if one
starts to add more labeled data
d. Identify features whose weights change significantly, and hypothesize the reason(s)
e. Comparison between supervised and semi-supervised classifiers, e.g. performance vs the
number of unlabeled data: what’s the effect on performance when I vary how amount of
unlabeled data.
f. Error analysis on your semi-supervised classifier (E.g., you can directly show examples)
g. Submit your semi-supervised prediction results on Kaggle
4.3 Semi-supervised: Designing better Features
a. Describe approach for designing better features (clustering or word embeddings or etc)
b. Perform relevant comparisons
5 Submission Instructions
Submit your work on Gradescope.
• Code: You will submit your code together with a neatly written README file with
instructions on how to run your code. We assume that you always follow good practice of
coding (commenting, structuring), and these factors are not central to your grade.
• Report: (use the filename A2.pdf): your writeup should be four pages long, or less,
in pdf ( reasonable font sizes). You should have three separate sections in your
report, the first on supervised learning, the second on semi-supervised learning. Additionally, under a third section called “Kaggle”, please include your Kaggle user
name, Kaggle display name, and email. This will allow us to lookup your performance on the test data, and verify that it matches what is in the report.
Part of the training we aim to give you in this class includes practice with technical
writing. Organize your report as neatly as possible, and articulate your thoughts as clearly
as possible. We prefer quality over quantity. Do not flood the report with tangential
information such as low-level documentation of your code that belongs in code comments
or the README. Similarly, when discussing the experimental results, do not copy and
paste the entire system output directly to the report. Instead, create tables and figures to
organize the experimental results.
6 Potential FAQ
Question 1: Is the grade based on the performance of my submissions relative to
the others in the class? No, you will be evaluated on the quality and creativity of your
write up, but it is expected that your submissions should outperform the simple baseline we
have provided. If you do get unsatisfactory results, for example your semi-supervised approach
performs worse than the supervised classifier, we would expect a discussion and analysis in the
writeup (and you can get full credit).
Question 2: Then why have the class leaderboard? The leaderboard is provided for you
to be able to evaluate how good your results are relative to others. Some might find it useful.
Similar settings are found in academia, where progress is evaluated performance on standardized
datasets, for example ImageNet in Computer Vision.
Question 3: I do not find this leaderboard motivating, will there be other assignments with a leaderboard? No,this will be the only assignment with a leaderboard.
Question 4: This assignment seems too open-ended, and I can see spending many
whole days improving my classifier. How will I know I am done? The short, but
perhaps unsatisfactory, answer is: when you feel you have put an adequate effort. For each part,
this would mean you decided on one non-trivial approach you would like to use, implemented
it, analyzed the results, and presented the approach in insightful way. There is going to be diminishing returns in accuracy with the amount of effort you put in, we would discourage solely
using the accuracy gain in deciding when you are done.
Question 5: I am not sure what is a valid external resource that I can use, and what
is not? External resource are not allowed. Using additional labeled text from elsewhere will be
considered cheating.
Question 6: My code is taking too long to run. What should I do? By most standards,
this is a small dataset. If you are facing efficiency issues, you may need to analyze your code
for bottlenecks and address them, for example caching feature calculations if runtime feature
computations are taking too long. However, we expect you to waste too much time optimizing
your code; if you are struggling, it would be better to randomly sub-sample the unlabeled
7 Acknowledgments
This assignment is adapted with some changes from similar assignments made available by Noah
A. Smith, and Sameer Singh.