Program 6 – Binary Search Trees CS 580U


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Part 1: BST ● Create a link based Binary Search tree composed of a Node and Tree struct. You should have a header file, bst.h, with the following: ○ Node struct containing left, right, and parent pointers, in addition to holding an Data struct value. ○ Tree struct containing a pointer to the root of the tree. ○ A function declaration for a function that allocates a tree, and initializes the root to NULL; ○ A function declaration for a function that takes a Data struct as a parameter, allocates a node, and initializes the left, right, parent fields to NULL. ● You should also have a source file, bst.c, that implements the two declared functions: ○ Tree * newTree(); ○ Node * newNode(Data d, Node * parent); ● Test your functions and structure to ensure everything is initialized correctly by creating a Tree and adding a root to it. Part 2: BST Operations ● Alter your tree struct declaration in your header file to contain the function pointers for insert, search, removeData. Implement the operations in your BST.c file. ● INSERT: ○ Create a function, Data * (*insert)(Tree * bst, Data value), that inserts into the tree – Helpful hints: ■ Return a pointer to the Data value inserted into the tree ■ Make sure you check for the special case of an empty tree [if(bst->root == NULL)], ■ After checking for the root, use a separate helper function to insert a value into the tree, Data * insertNode(Node * node, Data value), that you can use for the recursive call ■ If the value is already in the tree, return NULL ● SEARCH: ○ Create a function, Data * (*search)(Tree * bst, Data value), that searches for a value in the tree. Return a pointer to the Data object if found – Helpful hints: ■ Make sure you check for the special case of an empty tree [if(bst->root == NULL)], ■ After checking for the root, use a separate helper function to search the tree, Node * searchNode(Node * node, Data value), that you can use for the recursive call ● REMOVE: ○ Create a function, void (*removeData)(Tree * bst, Data value), that removes a value from the tree – Helpful hints: ■ Use your (hopefully) working search auxiliary function to find the node you need to delete ● Your auxiliary search function can return a node pointer, and you primary search function returns the data from that pointer. ■ You will have 3 cases requiring 3 separate functions: ● remove a leaf node : void removeLeaf(Tree * bst, Node * d_node); ● remove a node with 1 branch: void shortCircuit(Tree * bst, Node * d_node) ● remove a node with 2 branches: void promotion(Tree * bst, Node * d_node) ○ You will need to use your removeLeaf() and shortCircuit() functions in your promotion function, so make sure they are working before starting on the promotion function. Part 3: Testing Your Tree ● In the driver code provided below, we do the following to test your tree: ○ Using your insert function, insert the following values into your tree (in this order) ■ 5,3,10,4,8,2,1,7,9,6,12,11,13 ● The following will be tested: ○ Insertion of the above value set ○ Search on each value ○ Search on a value not in the tree ○ Deletion of each value using the following algorithms ■ Delete leaf ■ Delete 1 child ■ Delete 2 child ■ Delete root ■ Delete 1 child root ■ Delete leaf root ● You will also need to implement the following: ○ Tree * (*clone)(Tree*): Takes a tree and uses preorder traversal algorithm to return a clone of the tree ○ int (*compare)(Tree*, Tree*): Takes a tree and uses preorder traversal algorithm to determine if the trees are equal ○ void (*sort)(Tree *, Data *): Takes a tree and a data array buffer as parameters, and fills the buffer with the tree data in sorted order using the inorder traversal algorithm. ○ void (*delete)(Tree * bst): Add a post-order deleteTree() function that deletes all nodes and the tree ■ Remember, post order only deletes leafs, so you need only call deleteLeaf() ○ Hint: Each of the above functions is easier to implement if you use an auxiliary recursive function Part 4 – Submission ● Required code organization: ○ program6.c – contains the driver code, and executable program code ○ bst.c/h – Your header file should have (at minimum) the following function declarations: ■ Data struct ● value (int) ■ Node struct ● data (Data) ● left (Node *) ● right (Node *) ■ Tree struct ● root (Node *) ● Data * (*insert)(Tree *, Data); ● Data * (*search)(Tree * bst, Data value); ● void (*sort)(Tree *, Data *); ● int (*compare)(Tree *t, Tree * copy); ● Tree * (*clone)(Tree *t); ● void (*delete)(Tree * bst); ● void (*removeData)(Tree * bst, Data value); ■ Node * newNode(Data d, Node * parent); ■ Tree * newTree(); ■ makefile ● You must have the following labels in your makefile: ○ all – to compile all your code to an executable called ‘program6’ (no extension). Do not run. ○ run – to compile if necessary and run ○ checkmem – to compile and run with valgrind ○ clean – to remove all executables and object files ● While inside your program 6 folder, create a zip archive with the following command ○ zip -r _program6 ■ This creates an archive of all file and folders in the current directory called ■ Do not zip the folder itself, only the files required for the program ● Upload the archive to Blackboard under Program 6.