1. [Weight = 3] (String reversing) Write a Python program that will accept a string consisting of
multiple words and output the reverse of the words in the string with only one space between
adjacent words. You can keep the punctuations in the string except for the full stop at the end of
the string. The full stop, if exist, will stay at the end of the output string.
Function reverseString(inStr)
Input: inStr, a string generally consisting of multiple words
separated by at least one space.
Output: return a string with the words arranged in an opposite
order, and the adjacent words are separated by only one space. The
punctuations, if any, can be kept with the words, except for the
last full stop, if any, which will stay at the end of the output
Include the following statements in your .py file.
• print(“The correct output is:”, reverseString(“Here I am. Send
• print(“The correct output is:”, reverseString(“Here I am. Send
• print(“The correct output is:”, reverseString(“All hard work
brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”))
• print(“The correct output is:”, reverseString(“The beginning of
wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.”))
The expected print out should be
2. [Weight = 6] (Tic Tac Toe) Visit for a Python
implementation of the famous tic tac toe game. Please download it and run it a few times to
familiarize yourself with the features of this program.
Read the code to understand how it works.
You should be able to understand this program, because we have covered everything used in the
code. In this question, you are asked to make a few enhancements to this code.
a. [Weight = 1] The nine places on the board are not labeled. To aid the human player to make
his move, the first enhancement is to show the numbers of the 9 places on the board. The
expected output is
b. [Weight = 1] Currently there is no way for the human player to stop the current game once it
is started. The second enhancement is to add an option for the human player to stop the game
when he enters -1. The expected output is
c. [Weight = 1] When the human player enters a wrong number, say 10, or the space is already
taken, the program will prompt the user for another input. However, the message prompt is
the same for both cases. The third enhancement is therefore to give different messages for
these two cases. The expected output is
d. [Weight = 3] After the human player enters his number, the board will be updated with the
human player’s move as well as the computer player’s next move. Often it is hard to see both
changes at the same time. In the fourth enhancement, the program will wait for the human
player to enter anything for the program to display the computer player’s move. For example,