Problem Set 4 CS 4301


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Problem 1: Missing Entries (50 pts)

Suppose that you are given a symmetric matrix A ∈ R
that is missing some entries, e.g., Aij =?
for some indices i, j ∈ {1, . . . , n}. To determine which entries are missing, we will use an index
matrix Q ∈ {0, 1}
such that Qij = 1 if Aij =? and Qij = 0 otherwise.

1. Explain how to formulate the problem of finding the closest symmetric positive semidefinite
matrix to A under the Frobenius norm (over the non-missing entries) as a convex optimization
2. What is the dual of your optimization problem?

3. Write a Python function that takes as input the matrices A and Q, an initial guess for the
completion, B, and a number of iterations and returns the the result of applying projected
gradient descent, starting at B, for the specified number of iterations.

Problem 2: Matrix Factorizations (50 pts)

1. Consider the following convex function, known as the generalized KL divergence, for two
nonnegative matrices A, B ∈ R
KL(A||B) = Xm

Aij log 
− Aij + Bij

Suppose, now that A ∈ R
is a nonnegative matrix that we would like to approximate
as a product of two nonnegative matrices C ∈ R
, U ∈ R

. Explain how to formulate
the problem of finding the closest pair of nonnegative matrices to A under the generalized
KL-divergence as a biconvex optimization problem.

2. In Python, write a function that takes as input the matrix A and an integer k > 0 and
returns a matrix C and U obtained by running block coordinate descent to convergence from
a random starting point.

3. Is your block coordinate descent procedure guaranteed to converge to a critical point?