PPL202 Assignment 2


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Question 1: Theoretical Questions [30 points]
Q1.1 Give an example for each of the following categories in L3:
● Primitive atomic expression
● Non-primitive atomic expression
● Non-primitive compound expression
● Primitive atomic value
● Non-primitive atomic value
● Non-primitive compound value
[6 points]
Q1.2 What is a special form? Give an example [2 points]
Q1.3 What is a free variable? Give an example [2 points]
Q1.4 What is Symbolic-Expression (s-exp)? Give an example [2 points]
Q1.5 What is ‘syntactic abbreviation’? Give two examples [5 points]
Q1.6 Let us define the L30 language as L3 excluding the list primitive operation and the literal
expression for lists with items (there is still a literal expression for the empty list ‘()).
Is there a program in L3 which cannot be transformed to an equivalent program in L30? Explain
or give a contradictory example.
[5 points]
Q1.7 In practical session 5, we dealt with two representations of primitive operations: PrimOp
and Closure. List an advantage for each of the two methods [2 points].
Q1.8 In class, we implemented map in L3, where the given procedure is applied on the first item
of the given list, then on the second item, and so on. Would another implementation which
applies the procedure in the opposite order (from the last item to the first one), while keeping the
original order of the items in the returned list, be equivalent? Would this be the case also for:
reduce, filter, compose [6 points]
Answers should be submitted in file id1_id2.pdf
Question 2: Programing in L3 [25 points]
Implement in L3 the procedure last-element, which returns the last element of a given list.
You may assume the list is not empty.
For example:
(last-element (list 1 3 4)) → 4
Implement in L3 the procedure power, which given 2 numbers – n1, n2, return n1 to the power
of n2 (n1^n2). You may assume the given numbers are not negative.
For example:
(power 2 4) → 16
(power 5 3) → 125
Implement in L3 the procedure sum-lst-power, which given a list and a number N, returns the
sum of all its elements in the power of N.
For example:
(sum-lst-power (list 1 4 2) 3) → 1^3+ 4^3 + 2^3 = 73
Implement in L3 the procedure num-from-digits, which given a list of digits, returns the number
consisted from these digits.
For example:
(num-from-digits (list 2 4 6)) → 246
(num-from-digits (list 5 7)) → 57
A narcissistic number is a number that is the sum of its own digits, each raised to the power of
the number of the digits.
For example:
153 = 1^3+5^3+3^3=1+125+27=153
370 = 3^3+7^3+0^3=27+343+0=370
1 = 1^1=1
Implement in L3 the procedure is-narcissistic, which tests if a given number is narcissistic or not.
The procedure gets as parameter a list of digits, which represents a number.
For example:
(is-narcissistic (list 1 5 3)) → #t
(is-narcissistic (list 1 2 3)) → #f
You may add auxiliary procedures to all questions.
The code (without comments) should be submitted in file test/q2.l3
Don’t forget to write a contract for each of the above procedures.
; Signature:
; Type:
; Purpose:
; Pre-conditions:
; Tests:
Write the contracts in file id1_id2.pdf.
You can test your code with test/q2-tests.ts
Question 3: Syntactic Transformations [25 points]
Let us define the L21 as L2 with the addition of the special form ‘for’, for supporting loops:
A ‘for’ expression is defined by: the loop variable (VarDecl), start value (NumExp), end value
(NumExp), and a body composed of one expression (CExp). For example:
(for i 1 3 (* i i))
The ‘for’ expression is evaluated as follows: the expression in the body is evaluated for each of
the loop variable values (from ‘start’ to ‘end’), where the last evaluation is the value of the whole
‘for’ expression.
The evaluation of the above expression, for example, will apply (* i i) three times:
(* 1 1)
(* 2 2)
(* 3 3)
Where the last evaluation, 9, is he value of the ‘(for i 1 3 (* i i))’ expression.
In this question you are required to implement a syntactic transformation from a given L21 AST
to an equivalent L2 AST.
1. The file ‘test/L21-ast.ts’ contains the parser of L2. Extend this file with the new ‘for’
special form of L21:
– Extend the AST type model with ForExp.
– Complete the parseL21 procedure, which gets an L21 program string and returns
its parsed AST.
2. Implement the procedure for2app (at file test/q3.ts), which applies a syntactic
transformation from a ForExp to an equivalent AppExp, as demonstrated in the following
(for i 1 3 (* i i))

(lambda ()
( (lambda (i) (* i i)) 1 )
( (lambda (i) (* i i)) 2 )
( (lambda (i) (* i i)) 3 )
3. Implement the procedure L21ToL2 (at file test/q3.ts), which gets an L21 AST and returns
an equivalent L2 AST.
Don’t forget to write the contract of the for2app,L21ToL2 procedures as a comment in the code.
The code should be submitted in files test/q3.ts, test/L21-ast.ts
You can test your code with test/q3-tests.ts
Question 4: Code translation [20 points]
Write the procedure l2ToJS which transforms a given L2 program to a JavaScript program.
The procedure gets an L2 AST and returns a string of the equivalent JavaScript program.
For example:
(+ 3 5 7) — (3 + 5 + 7)
(= 3 (+ 1 2)) — (3 === (1 + 2))
(if (> x 3) 4 5) — ((x > 3) ? 4 : 5)
(lambda (x y) (* x y)) — ((x,y) => (x * y))
((lambda (x y) (* x y)) 3 4) — ((x,y) ⇒ (x * y))(3,4)
(define pi 3.14) — const pi = 3.14
(define f (lambda (x y) (* x y))) — const f = ((x,y) ⇒ (x * y))
(f 3 4) — f(3,4)
In case the procedure body contains more than one expression, a body framed by “{}” should be
defined in the translated JS code, where each expression in the body is followed by “;”, and
the last expression is prefixed by “return”. For example:
(define g (lambda (x y) (+ x 2) (- y 3) (* x y))) — const g = ((x,y) ⇒ {(x + 2); (y – 3); return (x * y);
In case the given L2 program is composed of more than one expression (, each one of them should
be translated in one line, followed by an ‘;’. The last expression in the last line should be set as a
parameter of a ‘console.log’ command:
(L2 (define b (> 3 4)) (define x 5) (define f (lambda (y) (+ x y))) (define g (lambda (y) (* x y))) (if (not
b) (f 3) (g 4)) ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 7))
const b = (3 > 4);
const x = 5;
const f = ((y) => (x + y));
const g = ((y) => (x * y));
((!b) ? f(3) : g(4));
console.log(((x) => (x * x))(7));
Note: As a starting point you may take the unparse procedure, which gets an L2 AST and
returns an L2 program string. The unparse procedure is given in l2-ast.ts in the template files
Don’t forget to write a contract for the l2ToJS procedure, as a comment in the code.
The code should be submitted in file test/q4.ts
You can test your code with test/q4-tests.ts
Good Luck!