Physics 342, Homework 3 solved


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1: 2-25 (medium) – Hint – The force being asked for in parts a and b is the normal force. Don’t
forget the acceleration is centripetal so m~a needs to be put in the proper form. SKIP D

2: 2-26 (short) – straightforward

3: 2-41 (short) – straightforward

4: 2-43 (medium to short) – graph this potential. Remember total energy is 1/2mv2 + U(x), I
want what happens to a particle depending on it’s location and the potential there.

5: 2-47 (short) easy if you remember ow to graph functions from calc 1.

6: 2-48 (short) trivial if you think a bit.

7: (potentially long, work in groups if you like) By hook or crook generate the graph in figure
2-9 by solving equation 2.45 numerically then inserting the numerical result into equation 2.43.

Appendix H in the book gives the pseudocode used to generate the plot as well as the values used
for U,V, k, etc. You should find that for k=0 t=106 seconds using these values. You may use Excel
and code a root finder as shown in class or matlab/maple with built in root finders, or basically any
method you like.