1. Convert a given Class A to remove implicit conversions
• Do Not Change ANY compiler settings – this project is very sensitive
o Convert all methods to prevent the implicit conversion
• Test the code Class A
o Originally compiled with the unaltered class
Only warnings (no errors)
Run in Debug / Release mode
Save the text files – (need them later)
• Debug – Implicit conversion.txt
• Release – Implicit conversion.txt
o Compile with the new protected class
Should generate compiler errors
Cut and paste the compiler errors into a txt file
• Errors – for implicit conversion
• Error.txt – (need the file later)
Optimization C++
Programming Assignment
Optimized C++ PA -5
o Switch the data to all floats
Run the code again in Debug / Release mode
Save the text files – need them later
• Debug – NO Implicit conversion.txt
• Release – NO Implicit conversion.txt
• Please create an Output file to mimic the reference text.
o You can cut and paste this output file by hand
That’s why you saved the previous 5 files
To use for cut and paste
2. Convert a given Class B to use Return Value Optimizations
• Do Not Change ANY compiler settings – this project is very sensitive
• Convert the class B to use the return value optimizations
o Single step the code in debug and release
o Print constructors and destructors to help prove to you that it’s working
• Only for your use, do not test with those prints
• Loop the code to show that there are savings with and without RVO
o Used the supplied timer
o Stress it and see the performance difference
o Output the findings to a text file
• Please create an Output file to mimic the reference text.
o You can cut and paste this output file by hand
o Same as before
• You need {With/Without RVO} for {Debug/Release}
• So it will take 4 runs to get the complete data
3. Convert a given Class C rework to use proxy object
• Do Not Change ANY compiler settings – this project is very sensitive
• Convert the class C to use proxy object optimizations
• Write an more optimized function at the center of the proxy object
o Loop the code to show that there are savings with and without proxy objects
• Used the supplied timer
• Stress it and see the performance difference
• Output the findings to a text file
• Please create an Output file to mimic the reference text.
o You can cut and paste this output file by hand
• same as before
Optimization C++
Programming Assignment
Optimized C++ PA -5
4. Take C++ Benchmarks as the stress test
• Measure the timing with default setting in the compiler
o For the original C++ Benchmarks
• Adjust and research the compiler settings
• Measure the difference.
o Write the before and after in an output text file
• Instructor will provide the C++ Benchmarks program
o Make all your changes in MR_FAST mode, not anything else
• Please create Output files to mimic the reference text.
o You can cut and paste this output file by hand
o Also list your modifications to the compiler in that MR_FAST file
• Write all programs in cross-platform C or C++.
o Optimize for execution speed and robustness.
• Create a programming file for each problem, for example
o Student directory
/PA5/ P5_Proxy/…
/PA5/ P5_RVO/…
/PA5/ P5_ Benchmarks/…
o Make sure that each problem can be compiled and run through the checked in
• Do all your work by yourself
o Feel free to talk with others about setup, version control, ideas
o But do not copy your friend’s code.
Please don’t – I can tell with my difference tools
o Feel free to share ideas
• Fill out the submission Report
• Check in the problems multiple times, at least 3 times per problem
o Have reasonable check-in comments
o Seriously, I’m checking
• Make sure that your program compiles and runs
o Warning level 4, some times that is not possible due to MS headers…
o Your code should be squeaky clean.
Optimization C++
Programming Assignment
Optimized C++ PA -5
Fall 2015 Keenan
• We are using Perforce
o You should have received the document describing how to login.
Please look at the documentation and videos under the reference directory
o Submit program to perforce in your student directory
Sub directory called: /PA5/…
• As described above
o All your code must compile from perforce with no modifications.
Otherwise it’s a 0, no exceptions
Simple check list to make sure that everything is checked in correctly
• Did you do all 4 problems?
• Do they compile and run without any errors?
• Warning level 4 free (or as close as you can go)?
• Submitted it into /PA5 directory?
• Can you delete you local drive, regrab the PA5 directory?
o Is all the code there?
o Does it compile?
• Did you check in your text files?
Most assignments will have hints in a section like this.
• Do many little check-ins
o Iteration is easy and it helps.
o Perforce is good at it.
• Look at the lecture notes!
o A lot of good ideas in there.
o The code in the examples work.
• Use the Piazza
o This is different than the last assignment.
Optimization C++
Programming Assignment