In this assignment, you will build a trigram hidden Markov model to identify gene names in biological
text. Under this model the joint probability of a sentence x1, x2, · · · , xn and a tag sequence y1, y2, · · · , yn is
defined as
p(x1 · · · xn, y1 · · · yn) =
q(y1|∗, ∗) · q(y2|∗, y1) · q(STOP|yn−1, yn) ·
|yi−2, yi−1) ·
where * is a padding symbol that indicates the beginning of a sentence and STOP is a special HMM state
indicating the end of a sentence. Your task will be to implement this probabilistic model and a decoder for
finding the most likely tag sequence for new sentences.
The files for the assignment are located in the archive We provide a labeled training data set
gene.train, a labeled and unlabeled version of the development set, gene.key and, and
an unlabeled test set gene.test. The labeled files take the format of one word per line with word and tag
separated by space and a single blank line separates sentences, e.g.
Comparison O
with O
alkaline I-GENE
phosphatases I-GENE
and O
nucleotidase I-GENE
Pharmacologic O
aspects O
of O
neonatal O
hyperbilirubinemia O
. O
The unlabeled files contain only the words of each sentence and will be used to evaluate the performance of
your model.
The task consists of identifying gene names within biological text. In this dataset there is one type of entity:
gene (GENE). The dataset is adapted from the BioCreAtIvE II shared task (http://biocreative.
To help out with the assignment we have provided several utility scripts. Our code is written in Python, but
you are free to use any language for your own implementation. Our scripts can be called at the command-line
to pre-process the data and to check results.
Collecting Counts
The script count handles aggregating counts over the data. It takes a training file as input and
produces trigram, bigram and emission counts. To see its behavior, run the script on the training data and
pipe the output into a file
python count gene.train > gene.counts
Each line in the output contains the count for one event. There are two types of counts:
• Lines where the second token is WORDTAG contain emission counts Count(y ❀ x), for example
13 WORDTAG I-GENE consensus
indicates that consensus was tagged 13 times as I-GENE in the the training data.
• Lines where the second token is n-GRAM (where n is 1, 2 or 3) contain unigram counts Count(y),
bigram counts Count(yn−1, yn), or trigram counts Count(yn−2, yn−1, yn). For example
16624 2-GRAM I-GENE O
indicates that there were 16624 instances of an O tag following an I-GENE tag and
indicates that in 9622 cases the bigram I-GENE I-GENE was followed by an O tag.
The script eval gene provides a way to check the output of a tagger. It takes the correct
result and a user result as input and gives a detailed description of accuracy.
> python eval gene gene.key gene dev.p1.out
Found 2669 GENEs. Expected 642 GENEs; Correct: 424.
precision recall F1-Score
GENE: 0.158861 0.660436 0.256116
Results for gene identification are given in terms of precision, recall, and F1-Score. Let A be the set of
instances that our tagger marked as GENE, and B be the set of instances that are correctly GENE entities.
Precision is defined as |A∩B|/|A| whereas recall is defined as |A∩B|/|B|. F1-score represents the harmonic
mean of these two values.
Part 1 (20 points)
• Using the counts produced by count, write a function that computes emission parameters
e(x|y) = Count(y ❀ x)
• We need to predict emission probabilities for words in the test data that do not occur in the training
data. One simple approach is to map infrequent words in the training data to a common class and to
treat unseen words as members of this class. Replace infrequent words (Count(x) < 5) in the original training data file with a common symbol RARE . Then re-run count to produce
new counts.
• As a baseline, implement a simple gene tagger that always produces the tag y
∗ = arg max
e(x|y) for
each word x. Make sure your tagger uses the RARE word probabilities for rare and unseen words.
Your tagger should read in the counts file and the file (which is gene.key without the
tags) and produce output in the same format as the training file. For instance
Nations I-ORG
Write your output to a file called gene dev.p1.out and locally evaluate by running
python eval gene gene.key gene dev.p1.out
The expected result should match the result above. When you are ready to submit, run your model on
gene.test and write the output to gene test.p1.out. Run python to submit.
Part 2 (30 Points)
• Using the counts produced by count, write a function that computes parameters
|yi−2, yi−1) = Count(yi−2, yi−1, yi)
Count(yi−2, yi−1)
for a given trigram yi−2 yi−1 yi
. Make sure your function works for the boundary cases q(y1|∗, ∗),
q(y2|∗, y1) and q(STOP|yn−1, yn).
• Using the maximum likelihood estimates for transitions and emissions, implement the Viterbi algorithm to compute
arg max
p(x1 · · · xn, y1 · · · yn).
Be sure to replace infrequent words (Count(x) < 5) in the original training data file and in the decoding algorithm with a common symbol RARE . Your tagger should have the same basic functionality
as the baseline tagger.
Run the Viterbi tagger on the development set. The model should have a total F1-Score of 0.40. When
you are ready to submit, evaluate your model on gene.test and write the output to gene test.p2.out.
Run python to submit.
Part 3 (10 Points)
In lecture we discussed how HMM taggers can be improved by grouping words into informative word
classes rather than just into a single class of rare words. For this part you should implement four rare word
Numeric The word is rare and contains at least one numeric characters.
All Capitals The word is rare and consists entirely of capitalized letters.
Last Capital The word is rare, not all capitals, and ends with a capital letter.
Rare The word is rare and does not fit in the other classes.
You can implement these by replacing words in the original training data and generating new counts by
running count Be sure to also replace words while testing.
The expected total development F1-Score is 0.42. When you are ready to submit, evaluate your model on
gene.test and write the output to gene test.p3.out. Run python to submit.