Network Programming (ECE-C433) Programming Assignment #2 (HW2)


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Problem 1. Sniffing Basics (2+3+10+10). This exercise is intended to get your packet capture instincts
warmed up. Write a program to:
a Find the devices available on your system for sniffing.
b. Show the network address and mask on which the system resides.
c. Sniff packets on an interface for a user-specified amount of time. The user-specified duration should be accepted
as a command line argument. For every packet captured, a counter should be incremented and shown as output
on the screen.
d. Obtain separate graphs that show the number of packets captured every minute, second and milli-second,
respectively. In other words, I expect three plots, the y-axis of all should show the number of packets. The x-axis
of the first plot should be minutes, the second plot should be seconds and the third one should have milliseconds
as the units of the third. Sniff for 5-10 minutes (Hint: Look at the graphs on the Lec1 slides to get an idea).
e. For each of the above graphs, plot the CDF (cumulative distribution function) of captured packet sizes.
Problem 2. Link Layer (5+10+10). Write a packet capture engine to do the following:
a. Sniff packets on an interface for a user-specified time. For every packet captured, printout on the screen the
following information in the following order:
de Oliveira ECE Dept. Drexel University
• Destination address in Hex.
• Source address in Hex.
• Type of payload in ASCII.
b. Capture packets for 60 seconds using this code and report a distribution of the type of payload carried by the
Ethernet Frame. Do not make your own Ethernet frame structure, use the one located in /usr/include/net/ethernet.h
c. Start a packet capture, initiate either an ssh/sftp/HTTP session and give a trace of the packets which are
related to the machine you are sniffing from. Set the promisc flag in pcap open live() to 0 and 1 and report the
difference (Tip: To initiate an HTTP session, type in lynx on the CLI of the sniffing server to use the classic text
based browser. Lynx is a very old and one of the first HTTP text browsers from the days when the Internet was
completely text based. See the menu on the bottom of the lynx screen to use it.).
de Oliveira ECE Dept. Drexel University
• Hardcopoy of good commented code.
• Output (no screenshots necessary).
• Explanations where required (Short and to the point).
• Plots where required.
• Be green, keep number of pages down to a minimum.
Credit Basis:
• Code runs on SPIRIT.
• Good commenting.
• Efficient coding techniques (such as modularization etc.).
• Initiative to show something useful and interesting.
• DO NOT just copy and paste the sample code provided.