MATH 4753 Laboratory 5 Random sampling solved


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This lab will investigate random sampling. We will start with the R function sample().
This will introduce you to functions and how they can be very useful in simulation. The
process of simulation utilizes random sampling and allows the statistician to trial theories
in practice or to carry out analyses when there are no analytical results available.

There are
a number of discrete distributions that you can learn about in R. In this lab you will need to
THINK through the code and understand the process.

In this lab you will learn how to:
1. Simulate from first principles.
2. Use built in r-dist() functions.
3. Make appropriate plots.


All work is to be done on RMarkdown.
Upload completed:
Note: All plots you are asked to make should be constructed
through RMD and knitted into your html document

• Task 1
o Make a folder LAB5
o Download the file “lab5.r”
o Place this file with the others in LAB5.
o Start Rstudio
o Open “lab5.r” from within Rstudio.
o Go to the “session” menu within Rstudio and “set working directory” to where the source
files are located.
o Issue the function getwd()

• Task 2
o Make a new file for your code in RStudio editor, call it “mylab5.R” and place in it all the
code you need to answer the tasks of this lab (copy and paste from lab5.R).
o Use the hash # symbol and write your own comments in the code file explaining what the
code does.

o Using code in lab5.R –mybin(), simulate a binomial experiment where n=10,p=0.7,
and Y=number of successes. When running this particular function you will be carrying
out iter experiments of making n=10 trials with the probability of a success p=0.7 and
then recording the proportion of successes made over all the iterations. For example 1
success might happen on some iterations but it would have a low frequency over all the
iterations, 7 successes would be more frequent and 10 less so.

o Record the plots for each of the following (Use color)
▪ 100 iterations
▪ 200 iterations
▪ 500 iterations
▪ 1000 iterations
▪ 10,000 iterations
o For the last simulation (10,000 iterations) copy and paste the table that is produced from
the function.
o Verify that each value in the table is approximately correct using dbinom() – you will
need to look up the function using ?dbinom

• Task 3
o Suppose that there is a bag of 20 marbles, 12 white (“1”) and 8 black “0”. Using the
sample() function create a sample of size n=5 without replacement. Make sure this
appears in your document
o Now do the same with replace=TRUE.

o Use the function myhyper(), on CANVAS, assume Y = number of whites, remember
sampling is without replacement, n=5. Use this code to make barplots of Y for the
following number of iterations
▪ 100
▪ 200
▪ 500
▪ 1000
▪ 10,000
o For the last simulation (10,000 iterations) copy and paste the table that is produced from
the function.
o Verify that each value in the table is approximately correct using dhyper()

• Task 4
o In lab5.r there is a function called mysample(). Look at the code and describe what
you think it should do – record your response here.
o Run the function with the following arguments mysample(n=1000,
o Describe what you see here.

o Make sure the plot appears in your document ( you need only include one of the 30
• Task 5
o Use R to calculate
▪ (
) – hint: Try choose()
▪ 𝑃(𝑌 > 4), 𝑌~𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠(𝜆 = 2)
Iter times


o Some more calculations in R
▪ 𝑃(𝑌 = 10), 𝑌~𝑁𝑒𝑔𝐵𝑖𝑛(𝑝 = 0.4, 𝑟 = 3) see CANVAS which has a full
explanation of this.
▪ 𝑃(𝑌 ≤ 8), 𝑌~𝐵𝑖𝑛(𝑛 = 15, 𝑝 = 0.4)

• Task 6
o Create an R function by copying code from this lab.
o Document the function using roxygen
o Place the function into your package
o Install and restart the package using the icon in R studio
o Invoke the function by doing the following – suppose your function is called myf()
Inside your R chunk for task 6 invoke the code:
Make sure myf() has the necessary arguments to run.
################### LAB FINISHES HERE ###############################

• Task 7 – Extra for experts
o Write some code that will simulate a neg binomial distribution. You could use the while()