MATH 4753 Assignment 2 solved


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1. [3 marks] MS 3.36 pg 105-106
2. [3 marks] MS 3.52 – pg 111

3. [1 marks] MS Theorem 3.1 – pg 113 Prove the theorem in your own words.
4. [1 marks] MS Theorem 3.2 – pg 114 Prove the theorem in your own words.

5. [1 marks] MS Theorem 3.3 – pg 116 Prove the theorem in your own words.
6. [1 marks] MS Theorem 3.4 – pg 117 Prove the theorem in your own words.
7. [3 marks] MS 4.2 – pg 138

8. [4 marks] MS 4.12 – pg 143
9. [4 marks] MS 4.34 – pg 154
10. [2 marks] MS 4.46 – pg 158
11. [2 marks] MS 4.54 – pg 162

12. [2 marks] MS 4.66 – pg 168
13. [3 marks] MS 4.78 – pg 173
14. [4 marks] MS 5.2 – pg 191
15. [3 marks] MS 5.10 – pg 196

16. [3 marks] MS 5.36 – pg 205
17. [5 marks] MS 5.38- pg 205