Math 1080: Homework #6


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Problem 1: Compute LU factorization of the matrix
𝐴 = [
3 0 βˆ’2 βˆ’2
0 βˆ’1 3 βˆ’1
βˆ’2 0 3 0
2 βˆ’2 1 2
Problem 2:
Solve the following system of equations by both LU factorization and QR factorization:
2π‘₯1 βˆ’ π‘₯3 = βˆ’7
2π‘₯1 + 2π‘₯2 + 3π‘₯3 = 1
π‘₯1 + π‘₯2 + 3π‘₯3 = 2
Problem 3:
Let 𝐴 be nonsingular 𝑛 Γ— 𝑛 matrix. Show that 𝐴 has LU factorization 𝐴 = πΏπ‘ˆ (no
pivoting) with the diagonal terms of the matrix π‘ˆ all nonzero if and only if for each 1 ≀
π‘˜ ≀ 𝑛 the upper left π‘˜ Γ— π‘˜ submatrix 𝐴1:π‘˜,1:π‘˜ is nonsingular.
(Hint: Use induction argument).
Problem 4:
Compute the LU factorization with partial pivoting, (i.e., find P, L, U such that
) for the following matrix
𝐴 = [
βˆ’1 βˆ’2 βˆ’1 βˆ’2
3 βˆ’1 1 βˆ’1
3 0 2 βˆ’1
0 1 βˆ’1 0