- Add the following lines to the end of your ~/.bashrc file on EC2 and submit a screenshot showing these lines added to your file.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java
export PATH=$PATH:~/spark-3.3.1-bin-hadoop3/bin
export PATH=$PATH:~/hadoop-3.3.4/bin:~/hadoop-3.3.4/sbin
- Explain what each line added to your ~/.bashrc file in task 1 does.
- Submit screenshot(s) showing examples of executing the following Linux commands on your EC2 instance.
ls, cd, mv, cp, rm, rmdir, mkdir, cat
- Explain what each of the commands in task 3 does.
Submission: 1. Screenshots for question 1 and question 3
- A pdf includes your answers for question 2 and question 4
- Zip the files mentioned above into a .zip file (not .rar!). Name the zipped file with your name. e.g. “”