An ordered pair is a simple abstract data type often use in various applications. A pair consists
of two objects x and y. These two objects do not have to be the same type. For example, we can
have a pair of string and integer, a pair of floating-point number and string, etc. Generally, a pair
of object x and y is represented by (x,y). Note that x or y can also be a pair (e.g., (x,(y,z))).
The object x is called the first element and the object y is called the second element. Two pairs
(x,y) and (a,b) are said to be equal if and only if x is equal to a and y is equal to b. The order of
a pair can be reversed by simply swap the first and the second elements. For example, the reverse
order of the pair (x,y) is the pair (y,x). The behavior of the ADT pair can be represented as a
Java interface named PairInterface as shown below:
public interface PairInterface
* Gets the first element of this pair.
* @return the first element of this pair.
public T1 fst();
* Gets the second element of this pair.
* @return the second element of this pair.
public T2 snd();
* Sets the first element to aFirst.
* @param aFirst the new first element
public void setFst(T1 aFirst);
* Sets the second element to aSecond.
* @param aSecond the new second element
public void setSnd(T2 aSecond);
CS/COE 0445 — Data Structure Page 1
Lab 1: ADT Pair
* Checks whether two pairs are equal. Note that the pair
* (a,b) is equal to the pair (x,y) if and only if a is
* equal to x and b is equal to y.
* Note that if you forget to implement this method, your
* compiler will not complain since your class inherits this
* method from the class Object.
* @param otherObject the object to be compared to this object.
* @return true if this pair is equal to aPair. Otherwise
* return false.
public boolean equals(Object otherObject);
* Generates a string representing this pair. Note that
* the String representing the pair (x,y) is “(x,y)”. There
* is no whitespace unless x or y or both contain whitespace
* themselves.
* Note that if you forget to implement this method, your
* compiler will not complain since your class inherits this
* method from the class Object.
* @return a string representing this pair.
public String toString();
What to do
You are going to implement the abstract data type Pair by creating a generic class named Pair
that implements PairInterface. For this lab, what you have to do is to modify the starting code
( You need to add instance variables, implement the constructor, and implement all
methods that marked TO DO. Note that it is important for you to implement the method toString()
correctly. This method will be used to test your class. If you incorrectly implement the method
toString() the test result will be incorrect. For example, a pair of string and class wrapper integer
containing string Hello and integer 5, the method toString() should return the string (Hello,5).
Test Class
A test class ( is provided. Simply compile and run this test class. This program
will test your and show your total points (out of 10). If you do not get the full 10
points, you should keep trying to fix your code until you get 10 points. Note that this test class is
not perfect. It cannot tell you why your program is incorrect. You may have to look at the source
CS/COE 0445 — Data Structure Page 2
Lab 1: ADT Pair
code of and see why it says FAIL and trace your code.
Example of Using the ADT Pair
An example of how the ADT Pair is used is a series of coordinates. Imagine if you have to write a
program to plot the parabola graph of the following equation:
y =
2 − 3
You need a series of values (x,y) and use them to plot the graph by converting each pair of value
to a coordinate. To generate a series of values of x from -5.0 to 5.0 (0.01 increment) of the above
equations we need to do the following:
1. Create an array list of Pair
2. Generate series of values using the above equation and add them to the above array list:
for(double i = -5.0; i <= 5.0; i = i + 0.01)
data.add(new Pair
3. Use the above array list to draw the graph.
The program is an example of a program that uses the ADT Pair to store a
value, generate a series of values, and draw the graph. This program will use your So,
make sure that your implementation works correctly. The output of the program is shown below:
CS/COE 0445 — Data Structure Page 3
Lab 1: ADT Pair
Due Date and Submission
For the due date, please check the lab in the CourseWeb. Submit your to the CourseWeb
under this lab by the due date. No late submission will be accepted.
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