The main point of this lab is to assess large data problems. We will again generate a literate
report that describes a simple linear regression analysis, relating trip duration to trip distance,
but we will focus on measuring the memory requirements of the analysis.
The Data
The data set for this lab is a single large CSV file containing electric vehicle trips (a larger version
of what we have been using in previous labs). This file is available on the VMs at the following
For this lab you should NOT load the entire data set into R at any point.
The code snippets shown below are also available on Canvas.
The Task
1. Determine the size of the file Dockless_Vehicle_Trips.csv. How many trips does the file
2. Load 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000 trips from the CSV file into R. Calculate the size of the
resulting data frames in R. Explore and explain the contribution of each column to the size
of the overall data frame. Estimate the size of the data frame if we loaded the entire CSV
We will work with the data frame containing 100,000 trips for the remainder of the lab.
3. Check for and remove any missing values and/or very large values from the distance and
duration variables. The resulting data frame should be named tripKeep.
4. Use the following code to remove any non-positive values from distance and duration and
log both variables. Measure the maximum memory used by this code and explore the
largest individual objects that are created by this code.
trips <- subset(tripsKeep, Trip.Duration > 0 & Trip.Distance > 0)
trips$logDuration <- log(trips$Trip.Duration)
trips$logDistance <- log(trips$Trip.Distance)
Repeat the process with the following code (and comment on the different memory usage).
subset <- tripsKeep$Trip.Duration > 0 & tripsKeep$Trip.Distance > 0
logDuration <- log(tripsKeep$Trip.Duration[subset])
logDistance <- log(tripsKeep$Trip.Distance[subset])
5. Generate test/training group labels by running the following code.
labels <- rep(1:10, length.out=length(logDuration))
groups <- sample(labels)
Use the function mse() (shown below) to estimate the test error for a simple linear regression
model using k-fold cross-validation. What is the maximum memory used by R?
mse <- function(i, formula) {
testSet <- groups == i
trainSet <- groups != i
fit <- lm(formula,
pred <- predict(fit, data.frame(x=logDistance[testSet]))
mean((pred – logDuration[testSet])^2, na.rm=TRUE)
6. Plot the simple regression line fit to all of the data (100,000 trips). Hint: because there are
so many individual points to plot, try the smoothScatter() function.
7. Estimate the memory usage if we tried to estimate the test error via k-fold cross-validation
on the full data set (the entire CSV file). Does the VM have sufficient RAM to perform this
task? What about if an entire lab full of students (40 students) tried to fit the model at the
same time on the same VM?
8. Use the shell command time to measure the memory required to build your lab report. (Do
not run this code within your R markdown file; just show the code and the result from
running it in the shell.) Does this correspond to the memory usage measured within R?
The Report
Your submission should consist of a tar ball (as generated by the tar shell tool) that contains an
R Markdown document and a Makefile and a processed version of your R Markdown document,
submitted via Canvas.
You should write your document and your Makefile so that the tar ball can be extracted into a directory anywhere on one of the virtual machines provided for this course (
or and the markdown document can be processed just
by typing make.
Your report should include:
• A description of the data format.
• A discussion of the memory usage required to read the data into R.
• A discussion of the memory usage required to transform the data in R.
• A discussion of the memory usage required to estimate test error for a linear regression
• A plot of the linear regression model.
• A conclusion summarising the analysis.
Your report should NOT be longer than 10 pages.
Marks will be lost for:
• Submission is not a tar ball.
• More than 10 pages in the report.
• R Markdown file does not run.
• Section of the report is missing.
• R Markdown file is missing.
• Processed file (pdf or docx or html) is missing.
• Makefile is missing.
• Significantly poor R (or other) code.