Lab 01 STATS 769 


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The point of this lab is to make sure that everyone can generate a literate report (using R Markdown) and that everyone can fit and evaluate a simple linear regression predictive model using a
small data set in a simple format.
The Data
We will work with three CSV files (available on Canvas):
Each of these files contains data on 5000 trips on electrics bikes or scooters in Austin, Texas, USA.
Each row represents a trip, with the following variables measured:
Vehicle type (bicycle or scooter).
Trip duration, in seconds.
Trip distance, in meters.
The hour of the day during which trip occurred, in local time (US/Central).
The day of the week on which the trip occurred, in local time (US/Central), where Sunday
= 0, and so on.
The month # the trip occurred, in local time (US/Central), where 1 = January, etc.
The year the trip occurred.
The Task
1. Import the three CSV files into R and combine them into a single data frame.
2. Extract a subset of 1000 rows from each month to use as a test set (a total of 3000 rows);
the remaining 12000 rows are the training set.
3. Using the training set, fit a linear regression model to predict trip duration based on trip
4. Evaluate the model on the test set.
The Report
Your submission should consist of an R Markdown document (or similar), submitted via Canvas.
You should write your document so that I can process it on my computer without any manual
intervention. For example, do not include any calls to setwd() or file.choose().
For this lab, you should write code that assumes that the CSV files are in the current working
Please also submit a processed version of your R Markdown document (PDF or HTML) in case I
cannot process your document on my computer.
Your report should include:
• A description of the data format and how the data were imported to R.
• An explanation of how you created the training and test sets.
• A basic exploration of variables to be used in the data analysis (e.g., plots of distributions
and plots of relationships).
• Model fitting using a training set.
• Model evaluation using a test set.
• A conclusion summarising the analysis.
Your report should NOT be longer than 10 pages.