Question 5.1
Using crime data from (description at, test to see whether there is an outlier in the last
column (number of crimes per 100,000 people). Is the lowest-crime city an outlier? Is the highest-crime
city an outlier? Are there others? Use the grubbs.test function in the outliers package in R.
Question 6.1
Describe a situation or problem from your job, everyday life, current events, etc., for which a Change
Detection model would be appropriate. Applying the CUSUM technique, how would you choose the
critical value and the threshold?
Question 6.2
1. Using July through October daily-high-temperature data for Atlanta for 1996 through 2015, use
a CUSUM approach to identify when unofficial summer ends (i.e., when the weather starts
cooling off) each year. You can get the data that you need from the file temps.txt or online,
for example at or . You can
use R if you’d like, but it’s straightforward enough that an Excel spreadsheet can easily do the
job too.
2. Use a CUSUM approach to make a judgment of whether Atlanta’s summer climate has gotten
warmer in that time (and if so, when).