1. Introduction
In this assignment, you’ll train and evaluate some decision trees and random forests for classification and
regression tasks.
2. Instructions
2.1. Code and submission. Create a Python module called and upload it to the assignment folder
on D2L. You will need the following import statements:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
Then implement the 9 functions described in the specifications below.
2.2. Documentation. Your script must contain a header docstring containing your name, ISTA 331, the
date, and a brief description of the module. Each function must contain a docstring. Each function docstring
should include a description of the function’s purpose, the name, type, and purpose of each parameter, and
the type and meaning of the function’s return value.
2.3. Testing and required files. You’ll need the test test script, and the following data files:
training.csv, testing.csv, bikes.csv.
2.4. Grading. Your submission will be graded by running it through the test script, examination of the
plots, and examination of your code. Code should be clear and concise, but you will only lose style points if
your code is a real mess. Include inline comments to explain tricky lines and summarize sections of code.
The test script grades the returned values of all functions below except for plot confusion matrix (which
doesn’t return anything). These are, collectively, worth 80% of your grade. The remaining 20% is based on
the plots.
2.5. Collaboration. Collaboration is allowed. You are responsible for your learning. Depending too
much on others will hurt you on the tests. “Helping” others too much harms them in reality. Cite any
sources/collaborators in your header docstring. Leaving this out is dishonest.
3. Function Specifications
3.1. Classification trees.
• get classification frames: this function takes no arguments. It creates a DataFrame from the
training.csv and testing.csv file. Use only the first 10 columns. The data frame should look
like this:
This data is satellite-based spectroscopy data, attempting to classify four types of land in Japan.
The classes are ’s’ (sugi forest), ’h’ (hinoki forest), ’d’ (mixed deciduous forest), ’o’ (non-forest
• get X and y: this function takes a frame and returns a DataFrame of predictors and a vector (Series)
of class labels.
• make and test tree: this function takes 5 arguments: a training X, a training y, a testing X, a
testing y, and a maximum depth. Initialize and fit a DecisionTreeClassifier on the training data
with the given maximum depth. Return a confusion matrix measuring the accuracy of the model on
the testing data.
• plot confusion matrix: this function takes the same 5 arguments as the previous function. Get a
confusion matrix from the previous function and display it using plt.matshow. Pass the parameter
cmap = Don’t call in this function; you’ll call it later in main.
The resulting confusion matrix plot will look something like this:
1Suki and hinoki are types of trees. Not our kind of trees.
3.2. Regression trees.
• get regression frame: this function takes no arguments and creates a DataFrame from the bikes.csv
file. The data frame should look like this:
This is data from a bike sharing program in London. Our target variable is casual, the daily
number of non-registered riders.
• get regression X and y: this function takes the frame created by get regression frame and splits
it into training and testing X and y. Use np.random.choice to select a random sample of 15000
instances to be the training set. Take the rest to be the testing set. For X, include the predictors
[’season’, ’holiday’, ’workingday’, ’weathersit’, ’temp’, ’atemp’, ’hum’, ’windspeed’];
for y, use the target variable ’casual’.
Return training X, testing X, training y, testing y in that order.
• make depth plot: this function takes four arguments: a X and a y, a maximum depth n, and a
keyword representing the model type, either ’tree’ or ’forest’. For each integer i between 1 and
n inclusive, initalize a model with max depth = i. Make a DecisionTreeRegressor if the keyword
is tree, or a RandomForestRegressor if the keyword is ’forest’. Use cross val score with cv
= 5 (five-fold-cross-validation) and scoring = ’neg mean squared error’ to evaluate the model
on the training data. This uses negative MSE to evaluate the model (negative to make it a ‘score’
instead of a ‘cost’). Note the mean and standard deviation of the 5 scores.
When you have evaluated models for all i from 1 to n, plot the average score against i. Don’t
call here; you’ll call it later in main. Put error bars on the plot using the standard error of
the scores (standard deviation divided by square root of # of scores). A plot should look something
like this:
Return the value of i that produced the best score.
• compare regressors: This function takes a training X, a training y, testing X, a testing y, and a list
containing a DecisionTreeRegressor and a RandomForestRegressor (already fit to the training
data). For each model, compute its MSE on the training set. Then compute its R2 using the formula
2 = 1 −
V ar(y)
V ar means variance, which you can calculate with np.var.
Next, calculate the model’s RMSE on the testing set. Print the results in the following format:
Model type: DecisionTreeRegressor
Depth: xxxxx
R^2: xxxxx
Testing RMSE: xxxxx
Model type: RandomForestRegressor
Depth: xxxxx
R^2: xxxxx
Testing RMSE: xxxxx
where the xs are replaced by the actual values. Round the floats to 4 decimal places.
3.3. Main function.
• main: get your frames, split them into training and testing data.
Plot confusion matrices for the classification task with max depth of 1, then max depth of 5. Call after each call to plot confusion matrix.
Make the depth plot for the regression data for each type of model (tree and forest), testing depths
from 1 to 15. Call after each call to make depth plot.
Finally, create and fit a DecisionTreeRegressor and a RandomForestRegressor on the training
data using the best value of max depth found by the depth plots. Call compare regressors to
compare the two models.