IPC144 Workshop 3


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In this workshop, you will code and execute a C language program that stores values in variables of the appropriate data type, performs calculations on the stored variables, and apply relational and logical expressions to determine the true or false result of various test case scenarios.


• Types, Calculations, Expressions Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will have demonstrated the abilities to: • Select appropriate types for storing program variables and constants • Create meaningful variable identifiers contributing to easy to read and maintain code • Code a simple calculation to solve a basic programming task

• Code relational and logical expressions to evaluate the true or false nature of various test statements • Store user input values to program variables • Describe to your instructor what you have learned in completing this workshop

Part-1 (10%) Instructions Download or clone workshop 3 (WS03) from https://github.com/Seneca-144100/IPC-Workshops Note: If you use the download option, make sure you EXTRACT the files from the .zip archive file 1. Carefully review the “Part-1 Output Example” (next section) to see how this program is expected to work 2. Code your solution to Part-1 in the provided “w3p1.c” source code file.

3. This program can be broken down into a few major logical code sections: a) Variable declarations: All variables should be declared together into meaningful groups at the top of the main function b) Display product data: Summarize the product data in a tabular format to help make the data easy to read c) Display summary of test scenarios: Applying relational and logical expressions to produce true (non-zero) / false (0) representation of the results to each test scenario

4. Don’t delete or modify the provided “testValue” variable declaration (you will need this for test case #3 in the data analysis section). 5. Create nine (9) variables to represent the following data. There are three (3) products, each with three (3) related pieces of information: Product-1 Product-2 Product-3 Product ID 111 222 111 Price 111.49 222.99 334.49 Taxed Y N N

Note • All variables are UNMODIFIABLE so be sure to prefix the variable declarations accordingly • You must select the appropriate data type for each variable based on the type of data that needs to be stored • You must use self-describing variable names to maximize readability and maintainability of the code 6. You will require one (1) extra variable that will be needed to store the average price of all the three products.

Calculate the average price for all three (3) products and initialize this variable with the result. 7. You should have eleven (11) variables declared and initialized. NO MORE VARIABLES are to be declared. 8. Display each product information as illustrated in the sample output. • YELLOW highlighted parts represent where you should be using the variables declared in step #4 in the printf statements (do NOT hardcode the ID, Taxed, or Price values)!

• Display the prices to 4 decimal precision points 9. Display the calculated average price (to 4 decimal precision points) of the three (3) products (again, do NOT hardcode this value, use the variable you declared in step #5). 10. Display the five (5) lines of text about “Relational and Logical Expressions”. Pay close attention to the formatting.

11. Display the nine (9) data analysis parts according to the sample output. • All prices in this section should be displayed to 2 decimal precision points • YELLOW highlighted parts represent where you should be using variables in the printf statement • GREEN highlighted parts represent the result of a relational or logical expression. Use the appropriate variables in the expression to derive the necessary result.

• RED highlighted part indicates where you will need to apply an in-line calculation (not stored to a variable). Part-1 Output Example Product Information =================== Product-1 (ID:111) Taxed: Y Price: $111.4900 Product-2 (ID:222) Taxed: N Price: $222.9900 Product-3 (ID:111) Taxed: N Price: $334.4900 The average of all prices is: $222.9900 About Relational and Logical Expressions! ========================================

1. These expressions evaluate to TRUE or FALSE 2. FALSE: is always represented by integer value 0 3. TRUE : is represented by any integer value other than 0 Some Data Analysis… ===================== 1. Is product 1 taxable? -> 1 2. Are products 2 and 3 both NOT taxable (N)? -> 1 3. Is product 3 less than testValue ($330.99)? -> 0 4. Is the price of product 3 more than both product 1 and 2 combined? -> 1 5. Is the price of product 1 equal to or more than the price difference of product 3 LESS product 2? -> 0 (price difference: $111.50) 6. Is the price of product 2 equal to or more than the average price? -> 1

7. Based on product ID, product 1 is unique -> 0 8. Based on product ID, product 2 is unique -> 1 9. Based on product ID, product 3 is unique -> 0 Part-1 Submission 1. Upload (file transfer) your source file “w3p1.c” to your matrix account 2. Login to matrix in an SSH terminal and change directory to where you placed your workshop source code.

3. Manually compile and run your program to make sure everything works properly: gcc -Wall w3p1.c -o w3 If there are no errors/warnings generated, execute it: w3 4. Run the submission command below (replace profname.proflastname with your professors Seneca userid and replace NAA with your section): ~profName.proflastname/submit 144w3/NAA_p1

5. Follow the on-screen submission instructions Part-2 (40%) Instructions 1. Carefully review the “Part-2 Output Example” (next section) to see how this program is expected to work 2. Code your solution to Part-2 in the provided “w3p2.c” source code file

3. This program can be broken down into a few major logical code sections: a) Variable declarations: All variables should be declared together into meaningful groups at the top of the main function b) Product data input: Prompt for data describing three (3) products and store user-input to appropriate variables c) Display product data: Summarize the product data in a tabular format to help make the data easy to read d) Customer preference input (2 times): Prompt for the user’s coffee preferences and store user-inputs to appropriate variables e) Display summary of results: Apply the customer-input preferences;

match how each product meets the needs of the customer defined preferences f) Repeat: Repeat step (d) and (e) for another preference scenario 4. Don’t delete or modify the provided “GRAMS_IN_LBS” variable declaration (you will need this in the conversion from grams to pounds when appropriate). 5. Using the example output as a guide, declare the necessary nine (9) variables used to represent the three (3) product data “records”.

Note • You must select the appropriate data type for each variable based on the type of data that needs to be stored • You must use self-describing variable names to maximize readability and maintainability of the code 6. Prompting user-input for a single-character value can cause unexpected behaviour which you will learn about later in the semester, however, for now use the following scanf formatting specifier (between the double-quotes) to avoid strange behaviour (notably the single-space before the percent sign): scanf(” %c”, …

7. Displaying the product data in a tabular format requires the application of some slightly more advanced formatting features (you will learn more about this later in the semester). For now, use the printf statement provided as a comment in the supplied starter w3p2.c file that will look like the below: printf(” 1 | %d | %d | %d | %4d | %6.3lf | %d |\n”,

8. The below table provides the mapping rules you must apply in matching the customer input preferences to each product (Example: if the user prefers “Light” coffee, and the product type is “Light” this would show as true (1) in the summary table result): Customer Preference Product Coffee Strength Coffee Type Light (l or L) Light (l or L) Medium (m or M) Medium (m or M) Rich (r or R) Rich (r or R) Daily Servings(inclusive range) Coffee Package Weight 1 to 4 250 g 5 to 9 500 g 10 or more 1000 g Like Cream with Coffee Suggest Serving with Cream Yes (y or Y) Yes (y or Y) No (n or N) No (n or N)

9. You should not need to declare more than three (3) additional variables to store the input values that describe the customer’s coffee preferences. The variables will be used in determining how each product “matches” the needs of the customer by comparing the input values to each product (as per above table). Reminder All variable declarations MUST be grouped together at the beginning of the “main” function to maximize the management of your program variables (will be easy to find being all in one place)

10. Displaying the preference to product summary results in a tabular format requires the application of some slightly more advanced formatting features (you will learn more about this later in the semester). For now, use the printf statement provided as a comment in the supplied starter w3p2.c file that will look like the below: printf(” 1| %d | %d | %d |\n”, …

Note A) You must code the required relational and/or logical expression(s) using the appropriate variables as required for each mapped field which will provide the true(1)/false(0) results using the matching rules described in the above table. B) You MUST code your logic to work with all combinations – do not limit your logic so that it only works with the sample data. C) If you applied the correct logic, the code used to produce the outputs for both customer preference parts should be IDENTICAL!

Part-2 Output Example (Note: Use the YELLOW highlighted user-input data for submission) Take a Break – Coffee Shop ========================== Enter the coffee product information being sold today… COFFEE-1… Type ([L]ight,[M]edium,[R]ich): l Bag weight (g): 250 Best served with cream ([Y]es,[N]o): y COFFEE-2… Type ([L]ight,[M]edium,[R]ich): R Bag weight (g): 500 Best served with cream ([Y]es,[N]o): N COFFEE-3… Type ([L]ight,[M]edium,[R]ich): m Bag weight (g): 1000 Best served with cream ([Y]es,[N]o): n —+————————+—————+——-+ | Coffee | Packaged | Best | | Type | Bag Weight | Served| +————————+—————+ With | ID | Light | Medium | Rich | (G) | Lbs | Cream | —+————————+——-

——–+——-| 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 250 | 0.551 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 500 | 1.102 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1000 | 2.205 | 0 | Enter how you like your coffee… Coffee strength ([L]ight, [M]edium, [R]ich): L Do you like your coffee with cream ([Y]es,[N]o): y Typical number of daily servings: 2 The below table shows how your preferences align to the available products: ——————–+————-+——-+ | Coffee | Packaged | With | ID| Type | Bag Weight | Cream | –+—————–+————-+——-+ 1| 1 | 1 | 1 | 2| 0 | 0 | 0 | 3| 0 | 0 | 0 | Enter how you like your coffee… Coffee strength ([L]ight, [M]edium, [R]ich): M Do you like your coffee with cream ([Y]es,[N]o): n Typical number of daily servings: 12 The below table shows how your preferences align to the available products: ——————–+————-+——-+ | Coffee | Packaged | With | ID| Type | Bag Weight | Cream | –+—————–+————-+——-+ 1| 0 | 0 | 0 | 2| 0 | 0 | 1 | 3| 1 | 1 | 1 | Hope you found a product that suits your likes! Reflection (50%)

Instructions Record your answer(s) to the reflection question(s) in the provided “reflect.txt” text file. 1. Determining the customer preference based on the number of servings to the available coffee bag weights required a more complex logical expression. Copy your submitted code for only this part of the logic, and explain the following: A) How many relational expressions did you use and identify each of them. B) How many logical expressions did you use and identify each of them.

2. Referring to Part-1 output #9, show how that logic can be coded in TWO correct ways, one applying DeMorgan’s Law and the other way not using DeMorgan’s Law. Also, identify what method you used in your submitted answer for Part-1. 3. Using the variables you used in Part-2, demonstrate two ways you can organize them, so it is optimized for easy to maintain code and contributes towards clarity in how data is stored in the program.

Part-2 Submission 1. Upload your source file “w3p2.c” to your matrix account 2. Upload your reflection file “reflect.txt” to your matrix account (to the same directory) 3. Login to matrix in an SSH terminal and change directory to where you placed your workshop source code.

4. Manually compile and run your program to make sure everything works properly: gcc -Wall w3p2.c -o w3 If there are no errors/warnings generated, execute it: w3 5. Run the submission command below (replace profname.proflastname with your professors Seneca userid and replace NAA with your section): ~profName.proflastname/submit 144w3/NAA_p2 6. Follow the on-screen submission instructions