Introduction to Artificial Intelligence – COMP 131 ASSIGNMENT: 4 Neural Networks


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A gardener of the Gardens of Heaven is given the task to straighten up a mess that has happened the day before.
A prankster (no one knows if a customer or an employee) mixed up all the Iris plants in the nursery and removed
all the tags from the pots. There were three benches in the greenhouse. On each bench, a type of Iris: Iris Setosa,
Iris Versicolour, and Iris Virginica.
Your job is to help the gardener to classify all the pots with the help of a multi-layer neural network. Your
program will have two functionalities: train the ANN, and classify the plants based on user input. During
classification, the gardener will be asked to provide all the necessary information and respond with a predicted
class of Iris.
To train the ANN, you will use the Fisher’s Iris database (Fisher, 1936). This database is perhaps the best-known
database to be found in the pattern recognition literature. The data set contains 3 classes of 50 instances each,
where each class refers to a type of Iris plant. One class is linearly separable from the other two; the latter are
not linearly separable from each other.
The data base contains the following attributes:
1) Sepal length in cm
2) Sepal width in cm
3) Petal length in cm
4) Petal width in cm
5) Class:
a. Iris Setosa
b. Iris Versicolour
c. Iris Virginica
The database is available in trunk in the Problem Set 4 assignment page. It must be loaded by your ANN for
training and validation purposes. The testing portion of the dataset should be used manually to simulate the
gardener input.
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