CSE 1102 HW4: Agents and Spaces


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1. Introduction This project will have you create a small object-oriented application in Java. The project consists of just a few Java classes that work closely together.
This application is a kind of spatial simulator. You will be able to create spaces (or rooms) and connect the spaces together with portals (or doors). There will be a single agent (or person) that is able to move between spaces through the portals.
If a model is a representation of a system, then a simulation is the use of a model to study that which is being modeled. And if the simulation happens to be fun to use, we call it a game. You can call this project a game if you like, but it won’t be much fun just yet.
This type of simulation is the basis for any program that does interactive fiction. Interactive fiction is the technical term for an adventure game. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Interactive_fiction.
Note that there are no graphics in this project. You’ll add that in a subsequent project.
[NERD STUFF — NOT ON EXAM: The coolest part, and this is the part that I really don’t want to tell you, is that this is actually a finite state machine. Read about it if you have time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_state_machine. That means that you can use this simulator as a programming language interpreter, or even a compiler, or a program that controls a physical process like you’d find in a factory, or in an embedded computer in a car.]
2. Value This program is worth a maximum of 20 points. See the grading rubric at the end for a breakdown of the values of different parts of this project.
3. Due Date This project is due by 11:59PM on Sunday, Feb 22, 2015. A penalty of 20% per day will be deducted from your grade, starting at 12:00am. (i.e., at 12:00am the maximum grade you can get is 16 out of 20). See this link for additional information.
4. Objectives The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience working with classes, methods, and instance member variables. The classes you create, and the methods in those classes, will interact closely with each other.
5. Background Here are some Java constructs you will need to use: • do/while loop (I didn’t teach this to you, but it’s in the book; this will be the only time this semester that you need to use a do/while loop) • this (I’ll spend time in lecture going over it, but it may help to start reading about it) • instance variables and methods • everything else you’ve learned so far, but probably not for loops • no static member variables or methods, aside from the main method; they’ll all be instance variables and methods
Description of the problem:
I have drawn a diagram to represent one kind of space I am interested in being able to simulate. There are two rooms connected by a door. It looks like this:
From this diagram you can see that: • You start in the big room. • From the big room it’s possible to go south to the small room. Note that these descriptions and directions are conceptual, not necessarily literal. • From the small room it’s possible to go north to the big room.
I have drawn two arrows to represent the doorway, making movement in each direction explicit. At first I thought to have only one arrow going both directions, because most doorways let you go through them in two directions. However, I didn’t want to restrict this program to just real physical spaces. For instance, this is a possible relationship:
The path from ignorance to enlightenment is through learning, and it’s usually one-way. Perhaps there can be a return to ignorance, but it’s not by following the same path that you followed from ignorance to enlightenment.
I have identified the following things that need to be modeled in the Java program: • Space: This represents (is a model of) either a real or abstract space. Every space will contain a Portal that leads out of the Space to another Space. • Portal: This models connections between spaces and allows a person to move between spaces. • Agent: This models a person that can move between spaces. The Space that the Agent is in will be stored inside the Agent itself, and not the other way around. • Start location: This is where the agent starts when the application begins running. You won’t actually make a class for this. Instead, it will be the first space that you store inside the Agent. • Simulation: This is the entire application that contains the spaces, portals, agents, and start location. This won’t be an actual class, either, but you’ll make something close to it.
6. Assignment Read through all of the subsections in this section before you start to make sure you understand how you must proceed with the assignment.
Remember • In this assignment please do make all member variables private, and begin each member variable name with an underscore. You don’t have to like it, but you have to do it. This is the only time I will require it. • Make all methods public.
6.1. Create a new Eclipse project In Eclipse create a new project for HW4. Name it the same way you have been naming the other projects.
6.2. Space class Summary
The core of this simulation is the spaces that make up the world of the simulation. In a subsequent project we will add items that can be placed in the spaces and picked up and carried by the agent.
Do this Create a class called Space. It has three private member variables: •_ name: This should be a String. •_description: This is also a String. •_ portal: This should be a Portal. You will create the Portal class after you finish the Space class, but if you want to make an empty Portal class right now, go ahead. It will keep Eclipse from complaining that the Portal class doesn’t exist.
Notice that each space contains (rather, contains a reference to) only one Portal, and since a Portal is one-way and every Portal contains (a reference to) another Space, then this means that each Space has only one exit, and each exit leads to another Space. In a later project we’ll change the Space class so that it can contain any number of Portals.
Write three getters (accessors), one for each of the three member variables, and write three setters (mutators).
Also add two more methods: • toString: This method has no parameters and it returns a String . This method returns the string representation of a Space instance. There is no standard rule for what the string representation of any instance should be. In this method, just return the instance’s name. Remember that a toString method must never display anything to the screen. It doesn’t display a string, it returns a string. [See note below] • toStringLong: This is like the toString method, but it returns a long description of the Space instance. To do this, build a string that contains the name and the description. Mine works like this: “classroom: a large lecture hall”. Note that the name is “classroom” and the description is “a large lecture hall”. So this method will combine both strings and insert a colon between them, then return the new combined string.
[Note: Yes, it’s true. The toString method returns the same thing that the getName method returns. It’s important to have both methods in this class. One is used when you want to know what the name of a Space is. The other is used when you want to (or more to the point, when Java wants to) see what the string representation of a Space is. It just so happens that both methods return the same information.]
Testing Create a Main class with a main method. Test with these statements:
Space classroom = new Space(); classroom.setName(“classroom”); classroom.setDescription(“a large lecture hall”); System.out.println(classroom.toStringLong());;
My output looks like this:
classroom: a large lecture hall
6.3. Portal class Summary The portal represents a means to allow the agent to move from one space to another. Right now it will simply connect spaces together and contain some textual information that can be displayed. Later you will add a method that moves the agent.
Do this Create this class with these private member variables: •_ name: a String •_direction: a String •_destination: a Space
Create getters and setters for all three variables.
Also write a toString method that returns the portal’s name and direction. Say the portal’s name is “door” and direction is “outside”, then this method returns the string “door that goes outside”. You have to insert the string: ” that goes “. Note the spaces inside the string.
Write a toStringLong method that returns the same string as toString plus the string ” to “, then the short description of the destination. Note that all these strings must be combined into one string, and that one final string must be returned from this method. Thus, if the destination’s name is “sidewalk”, then this method returns “door that goes outside to sidewalk”. The destination’s getName method and toString method return the same string, so you may use either one.
Modify Space class Go back and change the toStringLong method in the Space class: If the space’s portal is not equal to null, then add the string ” with a ” to the string, then add the result of calling the portal’s toStringLong method. It may be simpler to see the example below.
Testing Statements for the main method:
Space classroom = new Space(); classroom.setName(“classroom”); classroom.setDescription(“a large lecture hall”); Space sidewalk = new Space(); sidewalk.setName(“sidewalk”); sidewalk.setDescription(“a plain concrete sidewalk with weeds growing through the cracks”); Portal door = new Portal(); door.setName(“door”); door.setDirection(“outside”); door.setDestination(sidewalk); classroom.setPortal(door); System.out.println(classroom.toStringLong());
classroom: a large lecture hall with a door that goes outside to sidewalk
6.4. Agent class Summary An agent represents a person or other being who is interacting with the world created by the simulation. The user (you) can be an agent, or an agent can be a character in the world that is controlled by a program, sort of an artificial intelligence (we could in theory create an agent that makes simple decisions, but note that AI is waaaay beyond the scope of this course).
In this project there will be only one agent and it will be controlled by you, by entering commands at the console.
Do this Create a public class called Agent with these member variables: •_location: This is the current location of the agent. [See note below] •_ name: We would like to give the agent a name. I’ll let you determine what the correct types are for those variables.
Create getters and setters for both variables.
toString method: returns just the agent’s name.
toStringLong method: returns the agent’s name, followed by the string ” is in “, followed by the agent’s location. Use the short description of the location (meaning, call the toString method on the location and not the toStringLong method).
[Note: I understand that having the Agent class contain a reference to (I’ll eventually stop saying “a reference to” and just leave it as “contains”) a Space may seem confusing. In the real world, wouldn’t a Space contain an Agent instead? Yes, it would, and when I first wrote this program, that’s how I did it. However, there is always only one Agent in this program, so doing it this way the Agent always knows what space it’s in. Otherwise, if the Space were to contain the Agent instead, how would you find out where the Agent is? You’d have to search through all the Spaces until you found the one that contained the Agent. Make sense? Great!]
Testing The main method:
Space classroom = new Space(); classroom.setName(“classroom”); classroom.setDescription(“a large lecture hall”); Space sidewalk = new Space(); sidewalk.setName(“sidewalk”); sidewalk.setDescription(“a plain concrete sidewalk with weeds growing through the cracks”); Portal door = new Portal(); door.setName(“door”); door.setDirection(“outside”); door.setDestination(sidewalk); classroom.setPortal(door); Agent student = new Agent(); student.setName(“Harry Potter”); student.setLocation(classroom); System.out.println(student.toStringLong());
And the output:
Harry Potter is in classroom
6.5. Portal.transport method Summary Now that we have the ability to create agents and we have spaces and portals, we need a way to move an agent from one space to another space through a portal. This gives the portal the responsibility of moving an agent. You place an agent in a portal, and the portal places the agent in the new space.
This method works sort of like this: Hey, Space! You have a portal, right? Well, here’s an agent. Send this agent through the portal. And since the portal contains a space, the portal knows where to send the agent. Conceptually, this should be easy to grasp.
An agent is moved by changing the Space instance that it refers to in its location member variable to a new Space instance. In other words, the agent itself does not move. Instead, the space that it refers to changes.
Recall: • A portal has a destination that is an instance of Space. • An agent has a setLocation method that has a Space parameter. You just wrote this method in the previous section.
Thus: • You should be able to move an agent to a new location by setting its location to be the portal’s destination. Make sure that this makes sense to you. • If we were to take the portal’s destination (which is an instance of Space) and set the agent’s location to be this destination using the setLocation method, it effectively moves the agent to this new location.
Do this Create a transport method in the Portal class that has an Agent parameter. This method sets the agent’s location to the portal’s destination. This method does not return anything.
[Note: Even though the title of this section is Portal.transport, this must not be a static method. Using ClassName.methodName is a common way to refer to a method in a class (in a document, not in a program), even if it’s an instance method. In fact, none of the methods in this project are static except for the main method.]
This is a very short method.
Note that this is the general idea in object-oriented programming: Here the Portal instance has the responsibility of moving an Agent instance through it to the destination space.
Testing Add these two statements to the bottom of the main method:
door.transport(student); System.out.println(student.toStringLong());
This is the output:
Harry Potter is in classroom Harry Potter is in sidewalk
Yeah, the English usage is bad. We’re not going to worry about that.
6.6. Agent.usePortal method Summary It would be nice if there were a single method in the Agent class to tell the agent to move through the portal in whatever space it’s in. This gives the agent the responsibility of moving itself by using the transport method you just created in the Portal class.
This method works sort of like this: Hey, Agent! You’re in a space, right? Well, go use that space’s portal.
Do this Add a method usePortal to the Agent class that has no parameters and a void return type.
This method gets the agent’s location’s portal, and checks to see if it’s null. • If the portal is not null, have the portal transport the agent using the portal’s transport method. You will need to use the word this to refer to the agent that needs to be transported. • If the portal is null, then don’t do anything.
Now we’re moving the transportation of an agent higher up: it’s now the Agent’s responsibility to use a Portal to cause itself to move to another Space.
Testing In the main method change this method call:
to this:
The output looks the same as before:
Harry Potter is in classroom Harry Potter is in sidewalk
6.7. Create a command loop Summary Now you will create a class that will allow a user to interact with this simulation. The user will be able to enter simple commands to move the Agent, show information about the
current Space, or quit the simulation.
Do this Create a new class called CommandInterpreter.
Create a public static void run method that has an Agent parameter. The run method will use this agent as the main player of the game, err, I mean simulation.
This method will be a big loop that gets a command from the keyboard and does different things depending on what the user enters. For example, if the user enters look, a description of the space will be shown. If the user enters quit, the command loop exits. You’ll add these commands in the next section. First you need to get the loop working.
This method has two local variables: 1. A Scanner instance so that the user can enter commands. 2. A boolean variable that will be used as the loop control variable, just like in the calculator project.
Now create a do/while loop that uses the loop control variable.
Inside the loop, display a simple prompt, like == , and then get a string from the keyboard calling the next() method (not nextLine()) on the scanner.
If the string is equal to quit, set the loop control variable to false (see pages 62 − 63 for information on how to compare strings for equality). That will cause the loop to exit and the program to end. Otherwise, display some kind of error message. See my test run below for an example.
Change the main method to call the CommandInterpreter.run() method:
public static void main(String[] args) { Space classroom = new Space(); classroom.setName(“classroom”); classroom.setDescription(“a large lecture hall”); Space sidewalk = new Space(); sidewalk.setName(“sidewalk”); sidewalk.setDescription(“a plain concrete sidewalk with weeds growing through the cracks”); Portal door = new Portal(); door.setName(“door”); door.setDirection(“outside”); door.setDestination(sidewalk); classroom.setPortal(door);
Agent student = new Agent(); student.setName(“Harry Potter”); student.setLocation(classroom);
CommandInterpreter.run(student); }
Test it The output should look like this:
== help Sorry, I don’t understand ‘help’ == kwyjibo Sorry, I don’t understand ‘kwyjibo’ == quit
6.8. Fill in the command loop Summary Right now the command loop doesn’t do much. It just lets the user enter quit. Here you will add a few more commands: • go: Moves the agent through the space’s portal. • help: Displays a list of all the commands that can be used. • look: Displays the long description of the agent’s current location. • where: Displays the short description of the agent’s current location.
Do this To code these command options, you will need to use a big if/else if ladder inside the do/ while loop. All the code for each of these commands will be written right here in the if/ else if statements. You do not need to create any more methods. • “help”: The help message does not need to be fancy. Just display a string indicating what commands are available: go, help, look, quit, and where. • “where”: This displays the agent’s location’s toString string. You know what agent to use, and you know how to get the agent’s location. • “look”: This displays the agent’s location’s toStringLong string. • “go”: The agent must be moved through the current space’s portal. All you need to do is call the usePortal method on the agent.
Resist the urge to use a switch statement (if you know what that is) in place of the if/else ladder. It won’t work, owing to the way that Java compares strings. It may work in a newer version of Java, but don’t assume that your TAs will be using a new version of Java. Use the if/else ladder. We’ll discuss this at length later.
Test it
After adding these commands you should be able to move around and see where you are.
== help go, help, look, quit, where == where classroom == look classroom: a large lecture hall with a door that goes outside to sidewalk == go == where sidewalk == look sidewalk: a plain concrete sidewalk with weeds growing through the cracks == quit
6.9. Add narration Summary Whenever an agent moves from one space to another using the go command, it happens silently. After the agent moves, the user must enter the command where or look in order to see where the agent is. It would be nice to have some information displayed on the screen automatically whenever the agent moves through a portal.
Do this Modify the Agent.usePortal method so that it describes the transportation that is taking place. When the program runs it will look like this:
== go Harry Potter is moving from classroom to sidewalk ==
A single System.out.println statement is sufficient.
6.10. Display initial location Summary One last change is to let the user know where the agent is right when the program starts running.
Do this In the CommandInterpreter.run method, before the loop starts, display the agent’s name and location.
Harry Potter is in classroom ==
You must display: • The agent’s name • The string ” is in ” • The agent’s location
6.11. Design your own spaces Change the agent, spaces, and portals from what I have shown you to something of your own design. Use at least three unique spaces and two portals connecting them. It must be possible for the agent to visit all the portals.
You can model any of the following: • A real place like your home or your dorm room. • An fictional place like Hobbiton and Mordor (does one simply walk into Mordor?), or Hogwarts or the Death Star. • An imaginary place that you create. • A physiological process like going to sleep and waking up. • An abstract or physical process like one you read about on the FSM web page. • Anything else
Whatever you use, make at least three spaces and two portals.
Note that it is possible to create a loop of spaces. To do this, place a portal in the last space and set its destination to be any one of the other spaces.
You must draw a diagram of your spaces and portals to include in your document. See the next section.
7. Report Create a Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Word file (or some other format that your TA agrees on — ask him or her if you are not sure). Save the file with a .doc or .docx format.
At the beginning of the document include this information:
Project title goes here CSE1102 Project project-number, semester Your name goes here The current date goes here TA: Your TA’s name goes here Section: Your section number goes here
Instructor: Jeffrey A. Meunier
Be sure to replace the parts that are underlined above.
Now create the following three sections in your document. 1. Introduction In this section copy & paste the text from the introduction section of this assignment. (It’s not plagiarism if you have permission to copy something. I give you permission.) 2. Space diagram Draw a sketch of your spaces and portals similar to the one I showed in the Background section of this document, and include that sketch here. I don’t care if it’s drawn using the word processor, or some other drawing program (Google Docs has a good drawing program, then take a screen shot or download it), or if it’s a hand-drawn picture and you take a photo of it. 3. Output Run your program and copy & paste the output from the command window here. You do not need to write anything. Show at least the results of using each of the commands that the command interpreter handles. 4. Source code Copy & paste the contents of your Java file(s) here. You do not need to write anything.
8. Submission Submit the following things things on HuskyCT: 1. Your exported Eclipse project. 2. The report document.
If for some reason you are not able to submit your files on HuskyCT, email your TA before the deadline. Attach your files to the email.
9. Grading Rubric Your TA will grade your assignment based on these criteria: • (2 points) The comment block at the beginning of the Main class file is correct. • (2 points) You created unique spaces, portals, and agent. • (10 points) The program generates the correct output, and does it in the correct way. • (2 points) The program is formatted neatly; member variables begin with underscores. • (4 points) The document contains all the correct information (including the diagram you drew) and is formatted neatly.
10. Getting help Start your project early, because you will probably not be able to get help in the last few hours before the project is due. • If you need help, send e-mail to your TA immediately. • Go to the office hours for (preferably) your TA or any other TA. I suggest you seeing your own TA first because your TA will know you better. However, don’t let that stop you from seeing any TA for help. • Send e-mail to Jeff. • Go to Jeff’s office hours