HW-8 CS451


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The Clock page replacement requires 1 bit (the use bit)
associated with each page. Whenever we load or access a
page we set the use bit to 1. Whenever we want to replace
a page, we scan the buffer (implemented as a circular
linked-list) looking for a page with a use bit set to 0.
If we find a page with a use bit of 1, we reset that bit
to 0 and move on.

The Not-Recently-Used (NRU) page replacement requires 2
additional bits associated with each page (a referenced
bit “R” and modified bit “M”). Whenever we read from or
write to a page we set the R bit to 1. Whenever we write
to a page we set the M bit to 1. When a process is started,
both bits for all of its pages are set to 0. Periodically,
the OS resets the R bit to 0. When a page fault occurs
the OS inspects all pages and assigns them to 1 of 4

Class 0: R = 0, M = 0
Class 1: R = 0, M = 1
Class 2: R = 1, M = 0
Class 3: R = 1, M = 1

The OS removes (at random or first found) a page from the
lowest non-empty class set.

Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to implement
a combined Not-Recently-Used & Clock page replacement algorithm
that uses 2 bits (M and R) and a circular linked list where
each page is represented by a node in the linked list. We will
call this new invention the “Enhanced Second Chance – Clock”
alorithm (ESC-C).

To implement ESC-C, you must modify hw7 as follows:

The circular linked list will have 6 entries (can manage 6
pages) and will be managed by Morticia. Each of the 5 monster
threads will request at least 1 memory page when they are
created. If the account balance for any thread
is negative (after ANY “W”) the thread will set the R and M
bits to 1 for that initially loaded page. If the account
balance for any thread is positive (after ANY “W”) the thread
will set the R bit to 1 for that initially loaded page and
leave the M bit as it was. The ESC-C algorithm must reset
all R bits to 0 on occasion (I leave this to you to decide).

On occasion (e.g. randomly) each thread will require an
additional page, generating a page fault. At this point the
thread generating the page fault must: 1) print “Page fault in
thread XXX”, 2) locate a page to replace and print the details
(R and M bits and ownership) of the page being removed, 3) load
the new page, and 4) set the bits to some initial value (see

Once more than 1 additional page has been loaded, it is very
likely that a thread will have no pages in memory. That
thread will also generate a page fault whenever it encounters
a “W”.

You will also need a mutex to protect the links in the linked
list to prevent any possible corruptions of the linked list.

Initially loaded pages will need some protection to keep them in
until first used.

1. Your program must compile and run on Linux Mint.
2. Your full name must appear as a comment at the beginning of your
3. Your source code must be named hw8-yourname.c or hw8-yourname.cpp
4. Your source MUST compile using “gcc hw8-yourname.c -pthread” or
“g++ hw8-yourname.cpp -lpthread”
5. Failure to follow the above 4 directions will result in
loss of points.