HW-7 CS451 


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It’s that spooky time of year when the dead walk the Earth,
things go bump in the night, and the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) recognizes the need for zombie preparedness

To honor this time of year, we will call this assignment the 5
little monsters (Vlad, Frank, Bigfoot, Casper, and Gomez).
We will honor Morticia by naming her the mommie thread.

Since monsters cannot balance their budget, we will show
them how by writing a program that performs many parallel
bank account updates WITHOUT a lost update!

Write a C/C++ program that uses the PTHREAD library to create
5 threads and mutexes to synchronize them. The program must
to the following:

* Morticia may initialize the mutexes, then create the threads.
You may want to detach the threads once they are created.

* Each thread will open its own command file (Vlad.in, Frank.in,
etc) for reading. The file format will be:

+/-N Note that there may be many +/-N lines

R indicates the start of a critical section – where you will
acquire the account balance from global storage (a single

+/-N (float) indicates a deposit (+N) or withdraw (-N) from
the account.

W indicates the end of the critical section – where you
will write the account balance to global storage. At this
point each thread must also display the text:

Account balance after thread *thread_name_here* is $xxx

Note that there will also be many RNW sections in each file.

Start with a budget of 0 (zero).

Each input file may be of different length and you may simply
allow the thread to die at the file end. Hence you may NOT want
to have Morticia employ a pthread_join and detach the threads

The result of the single account should NOT contain any lost
update. That is, the results should be the same as if a single
thread processed all 5 input files on the single account (hint,
for testing). However, you CANNOT force the threads into any
serial execution. Once spawned they must be free from external
influences (other than the mutexes).

I suggest you include a sleep() function in each thread to make
sure each thread runs long enough to get the random update
behavior required.

You can only create the threads once.

You can only use mutexes to sychronize the threads, no semaphores
or any kind of global “flag” is allowed.

1. Your program must compile and run on Linux Mint.
2. Your full name must appear as a comment at the beginning of your
3. Your source code must be named hw7-yourname.c or hw7-yourname.cpp
4. Your source MUST compile using “gcc hw7-yourname.c -pthread” or
“g++ hw7-yourname.cpp -lpthread”
5. Failure to follow the above 4 directions will result in
loss of points.