Homework Assignment 4 COP 3223C Loops and Arrays


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Description: You are building a mini-weather station in your apartment in Florida and want to
store a series of ambient temperature readings every hour for 24 hours, and then find the
average, maximum and minimum values for that day period. We start measuring at midnight
(time 0:00) until midnight the following day (time: 24:00, or 0:00 the next day). Actually, that
makes it 25 readings, right?. We want to store the data collected in an array of integers called
temp[], where index 0 (temp[0]) contains the reading at midnight, index 1 (temp[1])
contains the reading at 1:00 AM, index 2 is 2:00 AM and so on.
However, while we write and test the program we won’t have access to the actual temperature
sensor or the data acquisition system. So, we have to simulate the data collection. We can do
this by generating random numbers between 60 and 100 (for degrees Fahrenheit) and inserting
them into the array sequentially until we fill up the array. (Nevermind that the numbers won’t
be gradually increasing, peaking in the afternoon and then decreasing, as one would expect
ambient temperature to do.) Then, we calculate the average, maximum and minimum vales
and print them out as a simple table.
So, you will need to design a loop within main() to populate the array, one cell at a time.
Moreover, you will need to write two programmer-defined functions:
1) The first function called get_value() will return a random integer between 60 and 100.
This function will be called from main() and the value returned will be inserted into the
proper location in the array.
2) The second function called calc_results(int [], int) will accept the entire array
once it has been completely populated, and will identify the maximum and minimum
temperatures, as well as calculate the average temperature for the day. Note that you will
have to convert integer values into floating point values to calculate the average. It will also
print out the 25 temperatures in a table as well as the three computed values.
The output should look like this: (assume October 31, 2016 is the day for which the values were
Temperature Conditions on October 31, 2016:
Time of Day Temperature in degrees F
0 85
1 80
2 97
3 90
4 68
5 75
6 77
7 98
8 97
9 62
. .
. .
. .
24 89
Maximum Temperature for the day: Degrees F
Minimum Temperature for the day: Degrees F
Average Temperature for the day: Degrees F