In case you meet difficulties, there are hints provided at the end of this file.
Q1. (10 points)
The code below using basic loop. Please edit the codes, use cursor for loop (“For your_index IN cursor_name LOOP”). The output of your new codes should be the same as the original program.
SELECT last_name ||’, ‘ || first_name Full_name, salary,
FROM employees
WHERE salary < 2500
Emp_Name varchar2 (46);
sal employees.salary%TYPE;
deptid employees.department_id%TYPE;
(‘ No Emp Full Name Salary Dept ID’);
(‘—- ———————- ——– ———‘);
FETCH c INTO Emp_Name, sal, deptid ;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (rpad ( c%ROWCOUNT, 7) ||
RPAD (Emp_Name, 25) || to_char (sal, ‘$99,999′)
||’ ‘|| deptid);
Q2. (25 points)
Assume that the company has decided a one-time bonus for the employees in department 80 only, the amount is decided as below.
For employees that get commission_pct equal to or great than .25:
if salary > = 10000 then bonus := 1000
if salary >= 7000 and salary < 10000 then bonus := 800
If salary < 7000 then bonus := 600
For employees that get commission_pct less than .25 and equal and great than .15:
if salary > = 10000 then bonus := 700
if salary >= 700 and salary < 10000 then bonus := 600
If salary < 7000 then bonus := 500
All other employees in department 80 will get $450.
Write an anonymous PL/SQL program, retrieve the info needed for each employee (department 80 only), calculate the amount of bonus he/she should get. Your program will accumulate the bonus from each employee, print out the total amount of the bonuses. (for submission, no need to print out individual bonus)
Q3. (25 points)
This question will use some view(table) in the system catalog: “All_tab_columns”.
“All_tables” lists all tables that user can read, but it does not list the details of the columns in each table. In the view “All_tab_columns”, it lists the “owner” of the tables, the “table_name” and information of columns under each table, such as the “column_name”, the column “data_type” and the length of data_type of that column. The command “desc All_tab_columns” will display the info related. Do not simply “select * from all_tab_columns”, the output is not easy to read. You need to use SQL Plus commands to format the output, such as:
column Owner format A10
column table_name format A30
In this question, you will write an anonymous PL/SQL program. The program will define a cursor with two parameters. The select statement will retrieve the column_name, data_type and data_length from the view All_tab_columns for a certain “owner” and a certain “table_name” that will be passed to it through the parameters.
In the executable section, you will open that cursor two times, first time with the parameters of USER and ‘EMPLOYEES’, the second time with USER and ‘DEPARTMENTS’. Your program will print out the information you have retrieved.
Following lines are just for your reference, not needed for this question. These SQL and SQL Plus commands will display the table-column info of all tables you have created:
Column table_name format A25
Column column_name format A25
Column data_type format A15
select table_name, column_name, data_type, data_length
from all_tab_columns
where owner = user;
Here “user” is the current login account.
Q4. (20 points) Cursor for update, based on table employees.
Write an anonymous PL/SQL program, it will increase the salary 11% of their current salary (it means salary will be salary * 1.11 ) for those employees whose salary less than 2,450 and without commission.
Your program should declare a cursor with “FOR UPDATE” request, thus it can request the system to lock those records retrieved and change these records later.
After update, print out some info about those affected employees, display their ID, last name, old salaries (before this time increase) and new salary.
It is better to rollback after the print out and before the end of program. (in the real life, program should commit the changes if everything runs fine).
Q5. (20 points) Cursor Variable
Define a strong cursor variable type, name it EmpCurTyp. Its return type is
employees%ROWTYPE, based on table Employees.
Then declare a cursor variable of this type.
In your program, first you will open the cursor variable for a select statement as
SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE department_id = deptid
ORDER BY last_name;
Where deptid is a variable of data type as number with an initial value 30.
print out the employees’ employee ID and full names in this department 30.
(please pay attention, the Cursor-For loop does NOT work for cursor variable)
Then, open that cursor variable again, this time for the statement of
SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE commission_pct is null and salary > 15000
ORDER BY employee_id ;
then print out these employees’ ID’s, First names, Last names and their salaries.
Last, do not forget to close the cursor variable.
- Hints for Q1. this is a simple exercise. First run the given codes and get the output.
Then change the LOOP statements, using For dummy_ind in cursor_name, … ,
remember the steps discussed in the class.
- Hints for Q2. retrieve each employee’s info in department 80, inside the loop, we need if -then, or case to assign the value of the bonus. It is easier to handle two variables, one is bonus for individual employee, another total-bonus, for example:
OPEN c ;
Fetch cursor_name into variable_list ;
IF comm >= .25 THEN — Nested IF THEN
IF sal >= 10000 THEN bonus := 1000;
END IF; — end of nested IF
ELSIF (comm < .25 and comm >=.15) THEN — Nested IF THEN
IF sal >= 10000 THEN bonus := 700;
bonus := 450;
Total := total + bonus ;
Bonus := 0; — reset the bonus to 0 for next employee.
the correct result should give total bonus: $24,900.
- Hints for Q3. using cursor with parameter, such as:
Cursor cursor_name ( owner_in IN varchar2, table_in IN varchar2) IS
select column_name, . . .
from all_tab_columns
where owner = owner_in and table_name = table_in;
then later:
OPEN cursor_name (USER, ‘EMPLOYEES’) ; — for basic loop
FOR dummy_indx in cursor_name (USER, ‘DEPARTMENTS’) — for cursor for loop
- Hints for Q4. Just exercise on cursor for UPDATE, inside the loop, for each individual
employee, when update, needs the clause of where current of cursor_name:
UPDATE employees
SET salary …
WHERE current of c;
- Hints for Q5, cursor variable, similar as example on the notes. Define a strong type, then define a variable for this type. In the loop, open the cursor variable two times.
Recall, for cursor variable, we cannot use Cursor for loop.