A very important part of DB is about the system catalog, in hw 3 question 3, we have introduced the view All_Tab_Columns.
In this question will use a view from system catalog called user_constraints. (Similarly, there is another view named user_cons_columns).You may use ‘desc user_constraints’ to see the columns defined in this table/view. You may refer to this link to learn more.
You need to define a user-defined record type called Constrnt, which has three columns:
T_name varchar2 (30) — correspondent to table_name
const_name varchar2 (30) — correspondent to constraint_name
Const_type char (1) — correspondent to constraint_type
Write an anonymous PL/SQL block, define a cursor for retrieving the info from the view of
user_constraints for the table named EMPLOYEES and Departments. In the executable section, your program will run a loop to fetch the cursor (values) into a record variable just defined, then print out the contents of this record. Better to use basic loop, as it is easier to “INTO” the local variable.
The structure below is for your reference,
Cursor c
select table_name, constraint_name , constraint_type
from user_constraints
where upper (table_name) in ( ‘EMPLOYEES’ , ‘DEPARTMENTS’)
order by 1;
Description of constraint type LETTER:
P – Primary key.
U – Unique key.
R – Referential integrity.
C – Check constraint on a table.
Q2. (20 points). Refer to page 3 in note6b_Records.
Define a user-defined record type called DEPT_INFO that has three fields as:
dept_id (correspondent to department_id in departments table),
dept_name (department_name in departments table),
total_emp as integer, it should be the number ( how many) employees work in this department_id, the info should be retrieved from employees table.
After having defined this record type, then your program will declare a variable of this type.
The program will retrieve the needed info for department_id 60, populate each field of this record type variable, and print out the result.
Note: we can either use a single SQL to retrieve all correspondent columns for the fields in this records; or we may use a few separated SQL statements just coping with one field value at a time. For example, as for department_id 60:
SELECT count (*) as total_emp FROM employees WHERE department_id = 60;
There are some hints provided in the end of this file for in case you need.
Q3. (20 points)
In question 2, we build a record type, and declare a variable of that type, it is good to store one record info at a time. For this question, we will create a collection using this record type as its elements, thus it can store a set records.
Write a PL/SQL block, define a user-defined record type called Dept_Info as in question 2 that has three fields.
Define a nested table type named as Dept_Info_NT, that uses Dept_Info as its element; then declare a nested table variable called LIST.
Retrieve data from Departments and Employees table for all the departments that have a manager for that department (departments.manager_id is not null) assigned. Populate this LIST with the retrieved data, print out the contents of the LIST.
Note, we use NT_variable_name (index) to reference the NT element; in this question, we need to use NT_variable_name (index).record_field to reference the element’s field. Such as
LIST(i).dept_id for department_id column in the departments table.
If you have difficulties, please refer to the hints at end of this file.
Q4. (15 points) note, Q5 and Q6 are based on this question Q4.
Write a PL/SQL block, in that program, define a local procedure named Dept_Head_Name. That means this procedure lives in that block only, it is also called nested procedure.
This procedure will accept the Department_ID as IN parameter, and it has one OUT parameter, called Dept_Head_fullname that will pass back the department manager’s full name (first name + space + last name) to the invoker (program).
In the executable section, the program will invoke this procedure Dept_Head_Name with the department ID of 60 as IN parameter value. The program will print out the full name of the manager of that department.
There is some hints for the SQL if needed.
Q5. (10 points)
This question 5 is based on question 4. This time, you will create a standalone procedure same as in question 4, all you will do is to change the local procedure into a standalone procedure. Your program will consist of two parts. The first part is a block of “create or replace procedure” .You need to compile this “create procedure ” code before you invoke that procedure.
After having successfully compiled the stand alone procedure, as second part, you will write a separate PL/SQL block, in its executable section, the program will invoke this procedure passing the value of 60 of department ID to the procedure, your program will store the OUT parameter value into your local variable. Your program will then print out the manager full name of this department 60.
Simply say, change the code in q4, make the procedure as a stand alone via create or replace it in the DB schema level. Then you may call it in your PL/SQL block as in Q4.
Q6. (15 points) Based on question 5.
This time, you will print out the full names of the department’s head ( manager) for all the departments that has a manager assigned to.
Assuming that you have created the procedure in Q5, so you do not need to repeat your “create procedure ” code, just write one PL/SQL that will invoke standalone procedure.
In the PL/SQL block, you will define a cursor that will return all the department ID’s
(… from departments where manager_id is not null),
run a loop, repeatedly invoke that procedure. Your program needs to provide the value of department_id you get from cursor to the procedure, and assign the OUT parameter value from the procedure into your local variable (the full name). Then print out the info.
The is for your reference,
Cursor c
select table_name, constraint_name , constraint_type
from user_constraints
where upper (table_name) in ( ‘EMPLOYEES’ , ‘DEPARTMENTS’)
order by 1;
you may use one SQL statement:
select e.department_id , d.department_name, count (e.employee_id) total
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id and e.department_id = 60
group by e.department_id , d.department_name;
this SQL statement may help to define a cursor:
select e.department_id , d.department_name dname, count (e.employee_id) total
from employees e, departments d
where e.department_id = d.department_id and d.manager_id is not null
group by e.department_id, d.department_name
order by 1;
Do not forget to allocate the storage with calling the List.extend procedure, such as:
For indx in c loop — cursor for loop
LIST(i).dept_id := indx.department_id;
Q4. Hint. When use this query in PL/SQL block, you need to change the literal value 60 into a variable name.
SELECT first_name ||’ ‘|| last_name
FROM employees WHERE employee_id =
(select manager_id from departments where department_id = 60);
— or
SELECT e.department_id, first_name ||’ ‘|| last_name as dept_head_name
FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.employee_id = d.manager_id and e.department_id = 60 ;