Question 1: Get familiar with Quantmod
For this question, you can not using any other package to finish it
• Download daily data for JPM from yahoo finance, download daily data for C from google
finance. Time period for both stock should from 2010-01-01 to 2015-12-31
• Calculate daily return, weekly return, monthly return for JPM and C with function from
quantmod. For this question, you need calculate simple return and log return. In another
word, you should have 6 di↵erent vector about returns in total.
• Use chartseries() to plot stock price for JPM. In this plot, you should not show volume,
instead, you need to add two stock technical index. Those two index have to be shown in
one plot, if you code return me 2 separate plots I will not give you points for this question.
• Explain how to use the index you select and write down the equation about who to calculte
this index.
Question 2: Stationary and normality
For this question you need to use 6 return series from previous question
• Test all 6 returns are they stationary. Explain your result
• Test all 6 returns are they apply to Normal. Explain your result.
• Calculate skewness and kurtosis for 3 returns from JPM. Tell me they are left skew or
right skew, heavy tail or short tail
• Calculate auto-correlation for JPM daily return up to lag 10
Question 3: Function and for loop
For this question, you have to write a function to finish, in this function you need to set up 4
input variable
• stock name
• start date
• end date
• period
Now, search the newest list for Dow 30 companies and download daily data for all the 30
companies. I needs 2 time period data, start from 2010-01-01 to 2010-02-01 and start from
2016-01-01 to 2016-03-07. Tell me the mean value for daily return and weekly return.
result should be in table and looks like this:
Ticker Start date End date Mean for daily return Mean for weekly return
MMM 2010-01-01 2010-02-01 0.30321 0.4321
… … … … …
• Your function should return you a vector or list after each calculation.
• Use for loop to control change of date and stock name.
Question 4: Intro to HFT(2)
Use AAPL.O from previous homework, this time let’s do something new
• Read AAPL.O.csv, this time I need you to subtract all Trade information
• Calculate time di↵erence for each trade and make a histogram, tell me whether it is apply
to Normal
• From your csv file you will see the data is start from 9:30am and end at 4:00 pm. Now
split your data into three section, 9:30 11:30, 11:30 14:00, 14:00 16:00.
• For each section, tell me is trade price apply to Normal? Also make a histogram for trade
volume, your Y-axis should be density rather than frequency
• In high frequency trading, every time when you submit order, the minimum requirement
is 100 share. Hence we expect all the trade volume should be integer after divide by 100.
For this kind of volume, let’s call it normal trades. Now calculate the proportion of normal
trade in di↵erent time section. To finish this question, you should write a loop or function,
rather than do it individually.