FE515 Assignment 1 solved


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Question 1: Familiar with your IDE

By finishing this question correctly you will:
1. install R and RStudio and configure them on your own computer,
2. understand how to install and load R packages,

3. learn how to find documents for a function/package that you are not familiar with.

Please complete all of the followings:
• Download and install R and RStudio on your computer. They are both free online,
available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

• From Canvas, download and read RStudio101.pdf to get familiar with this IDE,
learn the fundamental things such as how to install an R package.

• In RStudio, go to “Tools→Global Options→Code Editing”, change “tab width” from
2 to 4. There may be different entry names for different operating systems.
• Check “Highlight selected line”, “Highlight selected word” and “show line numbers”.

• Create a new folder for this course, and set it as your working directory.
• Load package ‘fBasics’, this is one of the default packages in R.

• Install and load package ‘quantmod’, unlike fBasics, you need to download first.
• Make a screen shot for your installation and loading package ‘quantmod’, and upload
this screenshot with your code together.

• In your source type “?basicStats” and learn how to use this function by yourself.
Then run this function on the random variable “xx”, which you created before in the
previous subquestion.
• Try double question mark, “??basicStats” and see what you get.

Question 2: Basic data types

• Three ways to create vector:
– Of course the first and easiest way is using a colon.
– With function seq(), Create a series named v1, from -10 to 10, by = 0.1, then
print it out.

– Create a STRING vector v2 = {‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’ } using rep().
• Explicit conversion
– Convert v2 to numeric and assign to a new variable v2num
– Convert v2 to logical, what is the result? Assign the result to v2NA.

– Convert v2num to logical and assign to v2logical.

• Matrix and List
– Create a 3 by 3 matrix based on v2num, byrow = T. Name your matrix m2.
– m2 is a singular matrix, do something to make this matrix solvable, calculate
and print the inverse matrix of m2.

– Create a list called myFirstList, using v2, v2num, v2NA, v2logical and m2
as the elements.

– Name these elements as “char”, “integer”, “NAs”, “bool” and “mat”.
– Use two methods to subset the 4th element: by indexing and by element name.

Question 3: Loops

2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without
any remainder. Use a loop to find out what is the smallest positive number that is evenly
divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20?

Question 4: ”apply” function

Download C.csv from canvas, read this table in R and name it as C2008 and do following
• Create subtable which only contains Open, High, Low and Close

• Using ”apply” function we mentioned in class to calculate mean value for each column
and save it as a vector

• Using ”apply” function we mentioned in class to calculate mean value for each row
and save it as a 3 by 7 matrix, the data should be assigned by row.
Please upload all code and necessary files showing that you have completed all questions.