ESOF 322 Homework #5


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Question 1 (25 pts)
In this question you will exercise your reverse engineering skills.
a) Download the source code for any Open Source system. You can typically search sites like SourceForge
to find an Open Source system. Make sure the system is written in Java. (10 pts)
1. What system did you download? (4 pts)
2. What does it do? (2 pts)
3. How many Lines of Code (LOC) does it have? How did you calculate this? (4 pts)
b) As an example, you can use this Design Pattern Finder tool
to scan the code for potential realizations of many design patterns. Note that this tool only works in a
Windows system, so you will need a Windows machine or virtual machine.
If you do not have a Windows machine, you will have to use a machine in one of our labs or install virtual
machine software (i.e. VMware or VBox). Then create a virtual Windows system.
The tool should give you a hint of potential existence of design patterns in the code. Print out the output
of the Design Pattern tool for the Open Source system you chose. (15 pts)
1. Capture the output of the tool (without checking the “Search in file content” box) and print it. (2
2. How does this tool look for instances of design patterns? (4 pts)
3. Do you think the process used by the tool is correct? How would you do it? Be specific. (9 pts)
Question 2 (10 pts)
Create a control flowgraph for the sieve algorithm. To the left of the line numbers in the source code
clearly identify the nodes that will be used in your graph. Once you have identified the nodes, draw the
control graph. (4 pts)
1. /* Find all primes from 2-upper_bound using Sieve of Eratosthanes */
3. #include
4. typedef struct IntList {
5. int value;
6. struct IntList *next;
8. INTLIST sieve ( int upper_bound ) {
10. INTLIST prime_list = NULL; /* list of primes found */
11. INTLIST cursor; /* cursor into prime list */
12. int candidate; /* a candidate prime number */
13. int is_prime; /* flag: 1=prime, 0=not prime */
15. /* try all numbers up to upper_bound */
16. for (candidate=2;
18. candidate <= upper_bound;
19. candidate++) {
21. is_prime = 1; /* assume candidate is prime */
22. for(cursor = prime_list;
24. cursor;
25. cursor = cursor->next) {
27. if (candidate % cursor->value == 0) {
29. /* candidate divisible by prime */
30. /* in list, can’t be prime */
31. is_prime = 0;
32. break; /* “for cursor” loop */
33. }
34. }
35. if(is_prime) {
37. /* add candidate to front of list */
38. cursor = (INTLIST) malloc(sizeof(INTCELL));
39. cursor->value = candidate;
40. cursor->next = prime_list;
41. prime_list = cursor;
42. }
43. }
44. return prime_list;
45. }
a) Provide a set of test cases that would give 100% Node Coverage (NC). (2 pts)
b) Provide a set of test cases that would give 100% Edge Coverage (EC). (2 pts)
c) Is 100% NC or 100% EC possible in general? Why, or why not? (2 pts)
Question 3 (10 pts)
Select any application (it can be either web or mobile app) that you use the most and propose 3 MRs
that can be used to test that application. Apply those MRs and share the results i.e. which MR(s) passed
and which of them failed? Also, share the url of the application you tested.
Question 4 (12 pts)
Given the following program:
Give test cases that will kill the following mutations (4pts each):