ENSF 594 Final Project solved


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Exercise A: Implementation and Comparison of Sorting Algorithms
Computers are frequently used to sort lists of items, especially when these lists are long.
Many sorting techniques are available, some more efficient than others. In this projct, you
will implement four different sorting algorithms in a Java language program and compare
their performance. The sorting algorithms you will implement are:
1. Bubble Sort
2. Insertion Sort
3. Merge Sort
4. Quick Sort
You can base your own code for these algorithms on the code discussed in lectures, or on code
found from other sources. Be sure to cite the source for any code you borrow or adapt, putting the
citation in comments in your program.
Your program will create an array of integers to be sorted. The user will be able to specify whether
the array is filled with integers in random order, ascending order, or descending order. The length
of the array is arbitrary and will be specified at run time. The array may contain duplicate numbers.
Your program will take this array and sort it into ascending order, outputting the sorted list to a text
file, one item per line. The sorting algorithm to use and the name of the output file will also be
specified at run time using command-line arguments.
Your program will time how long it takes to sort the array. Be sure to time only the sorting function
itself, and not the time taken to fill the array with numbers or do input or output. Your program will
print the time in seconds to the screen (standard output). You will use this data to help compare the
efficiency of the four algorithms.
Write a program in the Java programming language to implement the above requirements. Your
program will be invoked from the command line as follows:
java Exercise1 order size algorithm outputfile
where Exercise1 is the name of the file containing executable bytecode for your program, order is
the order of the integers in the input array (use one of the following strings: ascending, descending,
random), size is the number of items in the integer array to be sorted, algorithm specifies the sorting
technique to use (use one of the following strings: bubble, insertion, merge, quick), and outputfile
is the name of the output file where the sorted list will be written to. Be sure your program detects
any command-line input errors (for example, a negative number for size), printing out an error
message, and aborting the program.
Experiments and Data Collection
You will use your program to perform a series of experiments that help you to compare the
efficiency of the four sorting algorithms in the best case (input array already sorted into ascending
order), worst case (input array in descending order), and average case (input array in random order).
At the very least, use the following sizes for the array length: 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000, and
1,000,000. Determine the timings for all four algorithms using these inputs.
Complexity Analysis
Using the techniques shown in class, do a complexity analysis of each of the four algorithms. Be
sure you show all the steps for this, from counting operations to the final big-O characterization of
the algorithm.
Create a formal PDF written report that describes at least the following:
1. The experimental method used.
2. The data collected (use tables and graphs to help illustrate this).
3. Data analysis. What does the data tell us about the algorithms?
4. The complexity analysis (show all steps for this).
5. Interpretation. What does the empirical data and complexity analysis tell us about the
algorithms? How do the algorithms compare with each other? Does the order of input
matter? How do algorithms within the same big-O classification compare to each other?
6. Conclusions. What algorithms are appropriate for practical use when sorting either small
or large amounts of data? Are there any limitations with any of the algorithms? How does
your analysis support these conclusions?
You can add more to this, if necessary. Be sure the report is complete, organized, and well
Submit electronically via D2L:
1. Your formal PDF written report.
2. Your source code files. Your TA will run your program to verify that it works correctly. Make
sure your Java program compiles and runs without issues.
Exercise 2: Linked Lists and Sorting
The goal of this assignment is to write a Java program that arranges a list of words into separate
lists of anagrams. The input is a text file that contains a list of words, each word on its own line.
The number of words in the input is arbitrary and could be very large.
The program should print to an output file the lists of anagrams in the following way:
• All the words that are anagrams of each other are displayed together on a single line; any
word without any corresponding anagrams is displayed alone on a line.
• The words on each line should be in alphabetic order.
• Lines of words are sorted into ascending alphabetic order according to the first word of a
• Words in a line should be separated by a single space.
For example, this input:
should yield the output:
arc car
dog god
pots stop tops
You must use linked lists to deal with the arbitrary number of anagrams in a line and use an array
of references to keep track of all the linked lists. For example:
arc car
dog god
An acceptable alternative to using an array is to use a vector, provided you program your own
vector class (i.e. you cannot use a class such as Vector or ArrayList from the Java libraries for this).
Adapt the insertion sort given in class so that it works on the items in the linked lists, and adapt the
quick sort so that it sorts the array of references. Be sure to cite your sources of information. You
must write your own implementation of linked lists and sorting algorithms rather than using calls
to a Java library.
Your program should read and store all the words in the file to your data structure first, and then
sort as a second step, applying the insertion sort to each row of words, and then the quick sort to
the array, using the first word in the list as the sort key. An acceptable alternative to the insertion
sort is to insert each word in its row in ascending order as you read it from file. Your program must
also print out to the screen the time in seconds it takes to process an input file.
One way to determine if two words are anagrams is to sort the letters in both words. If the sorted
words are the same, then the original two words are anagrams of each other. For example, “dog”
and “god” are both sorted into “dgo”, so they are anagrams.
Write a program in Java to implement the above requirements. Your program will be invoked from
the command line as follows:
java Exercise2 inputfile outputfile
where Exercise2 is the name of the file containing executable bytecode for your program,
inputfile is the name of the input file, and outputfile is the name of the output file.
Complexity Analysis
1. What is the worst-case complexity of your algorithm when checking if two words are
anagrams of each other? Express this using big-O notation, and use the variable k to represent
the number of letters in each word. Support this with a theoretical analysis of your code.
2. Let N be the number of words in the input word list, and L be the maximum length of any
word. What is the big-O running time of your program? Justify your answer using both a
theoretical analysis and experimental data (i.e. timing data).
Submit electronically via D2L:
1. Your formal PDF written report.
2. The readme file.
3. Your source code files. Your TA will run your program to verify that it works correctly.