Learning Outcomes
* Create multi-dimensional arrays using NumPy
* Validate user input through exception handling
* Use dictionaries to store and search for values
* Process data according to specifications
* Manipulate NumPy arrays
* Determine and execute NumPy array computations
Program Specifications
The City of Calgary publishes data on various demographics, include school enrollment. You are being asked to design a terminal-based application for computing and printing statistics based on given input.
Your application must meet the following design specifications:
* Your final output should match the given examples (see attached screenshots)
* Stage 1: Array Creation
1. Create a 3-dimensional array using the provided high school enrollment data. You must use a NumPy array.
2. Print the shape and dimensions of the array.
* Stage 2: School Stats
1. Prompt the user to enter either the name or numerical code of a school. If the name or code do not exist within the given data, raise a ValueError to print “You must enter a valid school name or code.”
2. Calculate and print the answers for the following school-specific statistics, using the given output as a template.
* The school name and school code
* Mean enrollment for Grade 10 across all years
* Mean enrollment for Grade 11 across all years
* Mean enrollment for Grade 12 across all years
* Highest enrollment for a single grade within the entire time period
* Lowest enrollment for a single grade within the entire time period
* Total enrollment for each year from 2013 to 2020
* Education planners want to better understand the impact of large-scale classes in high schools. Determine if any enrollment numbers were over 500. If not, print “No enrollments over 500.” If yes, print the median value of the >500 enrollments.
* Stage 3: General Stats
1. Every run of your program should also calculate and print the answers for the following general statistics. These will be the same for every run.
* The mean enrollment in 2013
* The mean enrollment in 2020
* Total graduating class of 2020 across all schools
* Highest enrollment for a single grade within the entire time period (across all schools)
* Lowest enrollment for a single grade within the entire time period (across all schools)
* Your code should include and use at least one 3-dimensional NumPy array, at least one subarray view, at least four different NumPy computational functions, at least one masking operation, and at least one dictionary.
* Your code must follow the conventions discussed so far in the course (names_with_underscores, ClassNames, four spaces for indentations, spaces between variables/operators, comments throughout, etc.)
* All classes, methods, and functions must contain docstring documentation.
1. For each class, include a functionality summary and describe any class and/or instance variables (do not include a separate docstring for \_\_init\_\_)
2. For each method/function, include a functionality summary and describe parameters and return values (or specify if there are none)
3. Main functions do not need a docstring but should be well-commented
* Your code will be run by the TAs as your end user.
* FAQs about the assignment will be answered on the D2L discussion boards. Please check the boards for any clarifications before submitting.
* The grading rubric will be posted to D2L.
## 📝 Assignment Tasks
* Make sure to watch video lessons 15 – 17, labs 6 and 7, and review the corresponding Jupyter Notebooks.
* Clone this repository to your local computer.
* Open VSCode and start a new terminal. Make sure that your `ensf592` environment is activated.
* `` is provided as a starting point. Fill in the header with your own information.
* Remember to test your program execution via the terminal: `python`
* Take a screenshot of your successful program run and upload it to your assignment repository.
* Commit your screenshot and code.
* Push your local git history to github: `git push origin main`
* Submit your repository HTTPS link to the Assignment 3 D2L dropbox.
* Tip: If you want to learn more about a specific aspect of a Python object or the functionality of NumPy, remember to take a look at the official documentation!