Learning Outcomes
* Create a simple Flask application with multiple routes
* Scrape and parse data from a single web page
* Store and manipulate data within a DataFrame
* Print a DataFrame object to a webpage
Program Specifications
Follow along with the Lab 12 demonstration. The demo program is a collaborative effort between Garth Johnson and Emily Marasco, and is used with permission.
Before submitting your files, you must complete the following tasks:
* Change “STUDENT NAME” to your own name in the code.
* Follow the “/hello/<name>” route by entering your own name. Take a screenshot of the display.
* Modify the book table to display a new column with the sale price (reduced by 25%). Submit a screenshot of the modified table being displayed.
* Create a new route “/learn” that displays one thing that you learned in ENSF 592. Submit a screenshot of your answer being displayed.
* Your submitted code must match your provided screenshots.
* Your code will be run by the instructor/TAs as your end user.
* FAQs about the assignment will be answered in Lab 12 and on the D2L discussion boards. Please check the boards for any clarifications before submitting.
* The grading rubric will be posted to D2L.
To run your web application:
* Make sure you are working in the correct directory
* `export FLASK_ENV=development`
* `export`
* `flask run`
* Make sure you are working in the correct directory
* `set FLASK_ENV=development`
* `set`
* `flask run`
Exporting the `FLASK_ENV` as `development` enables some nice features that you can explore later on (see Visual Studio’s [Run the App Debugger]( page for more info on how to setup/use it from within VS), and disables some anoying reminders to NOT use this in ‘production’ without a proper WSGI (or similar interface).
Once the application is running, browse the local system on port `5000` (typically http://localhost:5000/). When you do, you should see the friendly message “Hello World!” in your browser and the following in the terminal where the application is running:
❯ flask run
* Serving Flask app “” (lazy loading)
* Environment: development
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 290-425-530 – – [25/Apr/2021 12:04:00] “GET / HTTP/1.1” 200 – – – [25/Apr/2021 12:04:01] “GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1” 404 –
If you followed the ENSF 592 installation guidelines, you should have all the necessary modules ready to go.
If you encounter issues, run the requirements file using `pip install -r requirements.txt` to ensure you have the correct versions necessary.
Make sure you are in your assignment working directory and your ENSF 592 virtual environment.
## 📝 Assignment Tasks
* If you weren’t able to attend the June 15th lab, be sure to watch the recording and follow along.
* Clone this repository to your local computer.
* Open VSCode and start a new terminal. Make sure that your `ensf592` environment is activated.
* `` is provided as a starting point. Add your name to the header.
* Remember to test your program execution via the terminal: `run flask`
* Fulfill the tasks above and upload the successful execution screenshots to your assignment repository.
* Commit your screenshots and code.
* Push your local git history to github: `git push origin main`
* Submit your repository HTTPS link to the Assignment 6 D2L dropbox.
* Tip: If you want to learn more about a specific aspect of Python or Flask, remember to take a look at the official documentation!
## 📚 Developer Comments
First off, much of this is inspired by [RealPython]( and various other sites, pages, and people encountered through the teaching and learning process.
This is a basic ‘quick n simple’ Python-Flask application tutorial written for general usage of Python/Flask. This will help a new (but probably not noob) Pythonista learn how to set up a basic web server application in Python with Flask running on a local server, and assumes that the the developer is using Visual Studio Code as their IDE of choice.
Flask is a Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework (see [this page]( for some insight to what MVC is and isn’t, and also Real Python’s [MVC Explained]( page for more details.
If you’d like to try scraping more websites, take a look at
If you’d like to expand on the book catalog example (without Flask), take a look at this link: