EECS445: Introduction to Machine Learning Homework #5


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1 [25 points] Gaussian mixtures for image compression
In this problem, you will redo the task of Homework 4 Problem 1. Instead of using K-means, you will be
using Gaussian Mixture Model.
(a) Load mandrill-large.tiff into matlab by typing A = double(imread(’mandrill-large.tiff’));.
Now, A is a “three dimensional matrix,” and A(:,:,1), A(:,:,2) and A(:,:,3) are 512⇥512 arrays that
respectively contain the red, green, and blue values for each pixel. Enter imshow(uint8(round(A)));
to display the image.
(b) Since the large image has 262144 pixels and would take a while to cluster, we will instead run vector
quantization on a smaller image. Repeat part (a) with mandrill-small.tiff. Treating each pixel’s
(r, g, b) values as an element of R3, run GMM with full covariances and K=5 on the pixel data from
this smaller image, iterating (preferably) to convergence, but in no case for less than 30 iterations. For
initialization, set each cluster centroid to the (r, g, b)-values of a randomly chosen pixel in the image.
Use MAP estimation for the latent cluster-assignment variable for each pixel.
(c) Take the matrix A from mandrill-large.tiff, and replace each pixel’s (r, g, b) values with the value of
the closest cluster centroid. Display the new image, and compare it visually to the original image. Hand
in all your code and a printout of your compressed image.
(d) If we represent the image with these reduced (K) colors, by (approximately) what factor have we compressed the image? Is It di↵erent from what you have using K-means? Would it be di↵erent if K was 16
(same as is it in K-means).
(e) After training the GMM, report the model parameters {(µk, ⌃k) : k = 1, …, 5} and the data loglikelihood.
2 [25 points] Gaussian Processes
In this problem, you will be asked to implement Gaussian Process regression. We will assume a parameterization of covariance matrix C for Gaussian process regression as follows:
C(xn, xm) = k(xn, xm) + 1n,m
k(xn, xm) = exp ⇢
22 ||xn xm||2

For more details of covariance matrix C and kernel function k(·, ·), please read Chapter 6.4.2 of the Bishop
book. Now suppose that we have a training set {(xi, ti);i = 1 …,N} of N points. To make the problem
simple and comparable to the earlier homework, we will use the dataset that was provided for homework #1
Q2 (for locally-weighted linear regression).
(a) [15 points] Implement Gaussian Process regression for arbitrary query points. As we did in Homework
#1 Q2, densely draw samples for query points (Hint: in matlab notation, define a set of query points as
min(x):.2:max(x), where x is a vector of 1-dimensional training examples.), and for any query point
x⇤, compute the mean and variance of the conditional distribution p(t
⇤|x1, …, xN , t1, …, tN , x⇤). Please
draw the original samples and overlay with the predicted regression curve with error bars. (Hint: use
the errorbar function in matlab.) Try three di↵erent pairs of hyperparameter (, 1) values, such as
(1, 0.1), (0.2, 0.5), (10, 0.01). and plot the regression curve for each hyperparameter setting.
(b) [2 points] What does model? What happens when value is too small or too large?
(c) [2 points] What does 1 model? What happens when 1 value is too small or too large?
(d) [6 points] Now, we will search the hyperparameter values to maximize the data log-likelihood.1
(i) Concretely, search the grid of hyperparameters 2 {0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5} and 1 2 {0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3}.
For each hyperparameter setting of (, 1) value, compute the log-likelihood of the data in your
code (i.e., total 20 values for all possible combinations, but you don’t have to report the numbers
for all cases). (Hint: look at Section 6.4.3 of the Bishop book.) What are the best hyperparameters
among the values you tried? What is the corresponding data-likelihood?
(ii) For the best hyperparameters that you have found, draw the predicted regression curve with error
bars (and overlay with the original points).
3 [30 points] Training Sparse Autoencoders
In this question, you will implement a Sparse Autoencoder, by following Stanford’s Unsupervised Feature
Learning and Deep Learning (UFLDL) Tutorial. Recall from class, an autoencoder consists of 3 layers: the
input layer, followed by an “encoder” layer, followed by a “decoder” layer. The encoder layer transforms
the input features into a hidden representation (can be thought as an encoding of the input feature vector).
The decoder layer outputs a vector who’s dimensions is equal to the dimensions of the input vector. The
autoencoder is trained such that the output of the decoder layer is as close as possible to the input feature
vector. In other words, the autoencoder transforms an input example x into some “hidden representation”
(encoding), then tries to reconstruct x from the hidden representation (decoding). The training of an auto
encoder is concerned with minimizing the reconstruction error.
Standard Autoencoders make the hidden representation smaller than the dimensions of the input vector:
x 2 RM, encode(x) 2 RH, where H<M. In contrast, sparse autoencoders have a hidden representation
that is larger than the input vector (i.e. H>M). This setting allows sparse autoencoders to discover
interesting structures in the training data. You should read through the first section of the UFLDL tutorial2
1To simplify the problem, we will simply search over a grid of hyperparameter values; however, it is possible to compute
gradient (w.r.t the hyperparameters) and perform gradient descent to find a local maximum of the data-likelihood. For details,
see Section 6.4.3 of the Bishop book. 2
titled Sparse Autoencoder
(a) [18 points + 5 extra credit] Train and visualize an auto-encoder on natural images, by completing
Steps 1 through 5 in:
Submit all your code. Attach the visualizations to your hardcopy submission (from step 5). It will help
for the next part if you vectorize3 your implementation. More importantly, you will get 5 extra credit
points if you have a vectorized implementation! (what better than extra credit can be used to enforce
good habits?)
(b) [12 points] Train your implementation of sparse auto encoder on hand-written digits. Then, map
all training (and test) data to the encoding (hidden representation) produced by your trained auto
encoder. Complete steps 1, 2 and 3 of:
Self-Taught_Learning (you are expected to reuse your code from part (a)). Finally, using the extracted
features (i.e. the hidden representation, which is output of the encoder layer), use a classifier of your
choice to do classification. You may want to use liblinear since you have experience with it at this
point. Report your classification accuracy. Submit your code.