EECS1022 (M,N,O) Lab8 (Mobile Computing Part 2) Building a Tic-Tac-Toe Game App using Android Studio


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1 Task 1: Complete Weekly Java Tutorial Videos
• For Lab8, you are assigned to study Weeks 9 – 11 of the Java tutorial series: [ Week 9 (Android Studio) ] [ Week 10 (2D Array: I) ] [ Week 11 (2D Array: II) ]
To reference tutorial videos from the previous weeks, see: [ All Weeks ]
These Java tutorial videos assigned to you are meant for you to:
1. Obtain extra hands-on programming experience on Java, supplementing your weekly lectures.
2. Complete the lab assignment with the necessary skills and background.
Though we do not require the submission of the weekly Java tutorial project (like in Lab0), examples and
insights discussed in these tutorials will be covered in your (written and programming) tests
and exam: should you decide to skip the weekly tutorial videos, it would be your choice.
As you study through the example Java classes in the tutorial videos, you are advised to type them out
(but absolutely feel free to add new Java classes to experiment) on Android Studio.
• You can find the iPad notes of illustrations from the tutorial videos here:˜jackie/teaching/tutorials/notes/EECS1022%20Tutorial%20on%20Java.pdf
Notes from Lab5 and Lab6
• See this notes on how to manipulate objects with reference-typed, multi-valued attributes:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_W21_Tracing_
• See this notes on how to infer classes and methods from given JUnit tests:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_W21_Inferring_
• You can find here the example covered in the notes for practice:
– Starter:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_
– Solution:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_
2 Task 2: Setup an Android Studio Project
Starting Task 2 should mean that you have already completed the weekly Java tutorial videos (Section 1).
2.1 Step 1: Install Android Studio
See the detailed PDF instructions “Install Android Studio 3.6.3 File” on the M,N,O eClass site: https://
2.2 Step 2: Set up an Empty Activity in Android Studio
Unlike previous labs, there is no project archive file for you to import. Instead, you are asked to create an
Empty Activity in Android Studio:
1. Launch Android Studio and click on Create New Project.
2. Under Select a Project Template, select Empty Activity.
3. Under Configure Your Project:
• Name: type TicTacToe
• Package Name: type eecs1022.lab8.tictactoe
• Save Location: make sure the last part of the path should match the app name TicTacToe
• Language: choose Java
4. After the new project is successfully built:
4.1 Under app/java/eecs1022.lab8.tictactoe, create a new package called model.
4.2 Under app/java/eecs1022.lab8.tictactoe (test), rename the JUnit test class ExampleUnitTest to
4.3 After performing the above steps, your project structure in Android Studio should look like:
2.3 Step 3: Download and Replace the Controller Class and JUnit Test Class
1. From eClass, download the archive file EECS1022 W21, containing:
• The controller class:
• The JUnit test class:
2. As shown in the left figure, do the following replacements:
• Copy and replace the given to your project folder:
• Copy and replace the given to your project folder:
It is expected that compilation errors exist in both given files when first
replaced into your project. See Section 3.2.1.
3 Task 3: Develop a Mobile App in Android Studio
3.1 Step 1: Study the TicTacToe Problem
You are required to develop an object-oriented program solving the problem of a tic-tac-toe game. Tic-tac-toe is a
paper-and-pencil game for two players, x and o, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3 × 3 grid. The game may
be started either by the x player or by the o player. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a
horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line wins the game. For example, Figure 1 shows a tic-tac-toe game where player
o wins through a diagonal line. However, it is not necessarily the case that every game has a winner (e.g., see
Figure 2): when there is not a single free slot in the grid, and when neither player has managed to mark a winning
line, then it is called a tie. That is, a game is considered as over either when there is a winner (e.g., Figure 1), or
when there is a tie (e.g., Figure 2).
Note. Your app only needs to determine if there is a tie when all 9 slots on the board have been marked/occupied.
That is, your app need not declare a tie when it is already known that no possible subsequent moves can result
in a winner.
Figure 1: Tic-Tac-Toe: The o Player Wins Figure 2: Tic-Tac-Toe: A Tie
3.2 Step 2: Using JUnit Tests to Develop Classes in Model Package
3.2.1 Inferring Model Classes from JUnit Tests
• It is expected that the Tests JUnit class (which you downloaded and copied from eClass) contains compilation errors. This is because that declarations and definitions of the required class(es) and method(s) it
references are missing.
• The model package you created is empty. Class(es) and method(s) derived from the given JUnit class must
be added to this package. You must not create any classes not indicated by the JUnit tests, otherwise your
submitted model classes will not compile with the grading program.
Therefore, your tasks are:
1. Inferring from the given JUnit tests, add the missing class(es) and method(s) into the model package.
Note a line from the Tests class (which specifies that all classes from the model package are referenced):
import eecs1022.lab8.tictactoe.model.*;
2. Pass all JUnit tests given to you (i.e., a green bar).
You must not modify these given JUnit tests, as they suggest how the intended class(es) and
method(s) should be declared.
How to Deal with a Failed JUnit Test? Like the previous labs, in Android Studio, place breakpoints around
assertions of the failed tests, launch the debugger, and then use the “step over”, “step into”, “step out”, Variables,
and Watches tools to help fix your code. See Java Tutorials Week 9 for how to use all these.
3.2.2 Status of TicTacToe
A tic-tac-toe game’s initial status reports the name of player due to move. Each subsequent status of the game is
resulted from the last attempt to move (i.e., by entering a row number and a column number):
• When there is an error upon moving with the input row and/or column numbers, the game’s status should
be the corresponding error message.
• Otherwise, when there is no error, the game’s status should indicate either the game is over (due to a winner
or a tie being determined) or the name of player due to move (see the given JUnit tests).
When multiple errors occur simultaneously, exactly one message for the error with the higher priority (i.e., lower
priority number) is displayed. For example, say the game is already over due to a tie, and the denoted (r, c) slot is
already occupied, we only output the error message Error: game is already over with a tie.
Inputs: Row number r and column number c (which should be 1, 2, or 3 to be valid).
Rank Error Condition Error Message
1 There is already a winner. Error: game is already over with a winner.
1 There is already a tie. Error: game is already over with a tie.
2 The row number r is invalid. Error: row r is invalid.
3 The column number c is invalid. Error: col c is invalid.
4 Slot at position (r, c) is already marked as x or o. Error: slot @ (r, c) already occupied.
In the above table, the two errors with the same priority cannot occur simultaneously.
3.2.3 Hints and Requirements
• See this notes on how to declare and manipulate reference-typed, multi-valued attributes:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_W21_Tracing_
• See this notes on how to infer classes and methods from given JUnit tests:˜jackie/teaching/lectures/2021/W/EECS1022/notes/EECS1022_Inferring_
Programming IDEs such as Eclipse and Android Studio are able to fix such compilation errors for you.
However, you are advised to follow the guidance as specified in the notes to fix these compilation
errors manually, because: 1) it helps you better understand how the intended classes and
methods work together; and 2) you may be tested in a written test or exam without the
assistance of IDEs.
• Any new class(es) you add must reside in the model package.
– Once the necessary class(es) and method(s) are declared, you can add as many attributes as necessary
to implement the body of each method.
– Study carefully example instances as specified in they suggest the how the intended class(es)
and method(s) should be declared and implemented.
– Focus on gradually passing one test at a time.
3.3 Step 3: Design a GUI Layout
3.3.1 Given GUI Layout to Implement
You are then asked to implement the following GUI design:
In the left GUI design:
• Textviews (for displaying input prompts) are boxed in green.
• Plain Texts (or textfields for reading user-typed inputs) are
boxed in blue.
• The spinner (for displaying a drop-down menu of options) is
boxed in orange.
• Buttons (for invoking attached controller methods) are boxed
in red.
• The (invisible) textview (for displaying computation results) is
boxed in purple.
To implement the above GUI design, open activity main.xml
(under app/src/main/res/layout) in Android Studio.
Then, drag, drop, and organize the above specified GUI components.
For each GUI component, be sure to set the appropriate text, as
suggested above, and set its id to be used later in the controller
3.3.2 Assumed Usage Pattern of the App
For the simplicity of this lab, you can assume that users (or testers) of your app behave in the following way:
1. Start/Restart
1.1 Enter the name of player x.
1.2 Enter the name of player o.
1.3 Click on the button “START/RESTART”
This step should cause your program to (re-)create a Game object. The bottom of the mobile screen
must display the board and status (e.g., next player to make a move) of the current game.
You can also assume that the very first button clicked by the user is “START/RESTART”, whereas each
subsequent click on “MOVE” is relative to the game started by the last-clicked “START/RESTART”.
2. Move
2.1 Enter a row number
2.2 Enter a column number
You can assume that the user’s inputs can be converted into integers, but they may not denote valid
rows/columns (in which case the game status should report such errors).
From an external user’s point of view, valid row/column numbers are 1, 2, or 3. On the other hand,
the corresponding valid row/column indices (which only you as a programmer need worry about) are,
respectively, 0, 1, and 2.
2.3 Click on the button “MOVE”
This step should cause your program to, if no errors, make the necessary changes to the board (e.g.,
mark x or o on the corresponding slot) and display an updated status of the game.
See Section 3.2.2 for the possible error messages to be displayed.
3. Repeat Step 2 until the game is over (i.e., a winner is determined or there is a tie).
4. Repeat from Step 1 if desired to start a new game.
3.4 Step 4: Develop the Controller Class
From Section 2.3, you already copied and replaced the given controller class MainActivity.
• Follow through the comments/hints in the given controller file to complete it.
• Refer to this short demo tutorial video on how your Android mobile app is supposed to work: https:
Tests shown in this demonstration are examples; you should test your app with many other inputs.
• Test the app by launching it using an emulator in Android Studio:
• The app name on the top of the emulator screen must read:
TicTacToe App – FirstName LastName (StudentNumber)
where your first name, last name, and student number are displayed in the suggested order.
Hint: Go to the resource file app/res/values/strings.xml and modify the app name attribute accordingly.
4 Submission
1. Before you submit, you must make sure that there are no compilation errors in the given JUnit test class
and in all classes you have created in the model package.
Submitting programs with errors (meaning that it cannot be run for grading) will result in
possible partial, but low, marks.
2. Go to the eClass site for Sections M,N,O:
3. Under the Lab Submissions section, click on Lab8 to submit the following list of files:
• All Java file(s) in the model package (as indicated by the given
• The completed controller file: TicTacToe/app/src/main/java/eecs1022/lab8/tictactoe/
• The completed GUI layout file: TicTacToe/app/src/main/res/layout/activity main.xml
• The strings resource file: TicTacToe/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
• You may upload as many draft versions as you like before the deadline.
• You must explicitly submit the draft version for grading before the deadline.
• Once you click on the submit button, you can no longer upload another draft version