EECS 337 Systems Programming (Compiler Design) Assignment #10


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Part 1: Reading
Compilers – Principles, Techniques, & Tools, 2nd Edition, Sections 7.5, 7.6, 8.1
Homework Exercises – problems 8.2.1 (a,b,c,d), 8.2.2 (a) using PIC 16F84 instructions, the
laboratory assignment and answer the questions at the end of the assignment.
In this assignment you expand the calculator program to support C style declaration statements
(char, short, int, long) and implement code for handling single dimension arrays X = Y[Z] as part
of expressions on the right side. For extra credit you add code to handle single dimension arrays
X[Y] = Z on the left side. You add a new C function to support the highlighted quad (8) below. You
copy and modify the previous version to support the new features.
1) X = Y op Z
2) X = op Y
3) X = Y
4) GOTO L or L:
6) IF X relop Y GOTO L
8) X = Y[Z] or X[Y] = Z
9) X = &Y or X = *Y or *X = Y
The C programming language has a number of type specifiers. These break down into
elementary and aggregate data types. The data type can also be modified with a storage
classifier. The list below shows the type and storage class specifiers from the ansi C compiler.
: CHAR // elementary 1 bytes
| SHORT // elementary 2 bytes
| INT // elementary 4 bytes
| LONG // elementary 4 or 8 bytes
| SIGNED // elementary 4 bytes
| UNSIGNED // elementary 4 bytes
| FLOAT // elementary 4 bytes
| DOUBLE // elementary 8 bytes
| CONST // elementary 4 bytes
| VOLATILE // elementary 4 bytes
| VOID // elementary 1 bytes not variable
| struct_or_union_specifier // aggregate n bytes
| enum_specifier // aggregate n bytes
| TYPE_NAME // elementary or aggregate type
: TYPEDEF // elementary or aggregate type
| EXTERN // elementary 4 bytes
| STATIC // elementary 4 bytes
| AUTO // elementary 4 bytes
| REGISTER // elementary 4 bytes
Declarations and Array Indexing
We would like to add C style declarations for elementary and single dimension array types into
the calculator program. We add char, short, int and long declaration types to the grammar for
elementary variables and single dimension arrays. Most computer architectures assume 8 bits
per byte with elementary variable sizes defined in powers of 2s (1, 2, 4, 8, 16). Indexing into a
character array is then straightforward. For example the following C code fragment with an
elementary character variable and array generates the following quads.
char c,
char c1[ 16];
c = c1[ 15];
t1 = 15
t2 = c1 [ t1 ]
c = t2
Where the following C code fragment using short declarations generates the following quads.
Notice the extra quad to multiple the previous destination by the sizeof the type specifier in order
to determine the correct array index value. The same is true for integers and long data types.
short s;
short s2[ 16];
s = s2[ 15];
t1 = 15
t2 = t1 * 2
t3 = s2 [ t2 ]
s = t3
The following C code declarations with integers and longs generate the following quads.
int i;
int i4[ 16];
long l;
long l8[ 16];
i = i4[ 15];
l = l8[ 15];
t1 = 15
t2 = t1 * 4
t3 = i4 [ t2 ]
i = t3
t1 = 15
t2 = t1 * 8
t3 = l8 [ t2 ]
l = t3
When the array reference is on the left size the same set of operations are used to determine the
correct array index value.
c1[ 15] = c;
s2[ 15] = s;
t1 = 15
t2 = c
c1 [ t1 ] = t2
t1 = 15
t3 = t1 * 2
t2 = s
s2 [ t3 ] = t2
Part 2: Laboratory
From a console window, make a directory on your computer in your EECS337 directory under
your Case ID and call it hw10.
mkdir ~/EECS337/caseid/hw10/ ; where caseid is YOUR Case ID, enter all in lower case
Change directory to the hw10 directory.
cd ~/EECS337/caseid/hw10/
Download a copy of: hw10_caseid.tar file to the hw10 directory from
in the EECS337 homework assignment area. To untar the tar file type the command:
tar xvf hw10_caseid.tar
The following files will be created in the current working directory.
math26.txt // extra credit
Copy the following files from the assignment 09 directory to this directory with the commands:
cp ../hw09/lex.l .
cp ../hw09/main.c .
cp ../hw09/quad.c .
cp ../hw09/yacc.y .
cp ../hw09/yystype.h .
Optional: If you did not complete the last assignment you can download the hw09solutions.tar
file from the assignment directory and use that as your starting code. In this case edit all the files
and change “caseid” to your Case ID. Use the command “tar xvf hw09_solutions.tar” and the
hw09/ directory will be created with the source files.
Look at the new symbol_table.c file. This file has been update to print the symbol table type
specifiers and the array variables. A new_symbol function has been added to insert new symbol
declarations into the symbol table. All variables are assumed to be at level 0 and normally defined
in the static or global memory section. If you are using your own symbol table file then update
your version of the file. In this case use the command below to copy your previous version to the
current working directory and update the file to generate an equivalent symbol table output.
cp ../hw09/symbol_table .
You are now ready to solve the laboratory assignment.
Part 3: Laboratory Assignment
Edit the yystype.h file. Inside the symbol table data structure insert the code below. Notice the
state assignment values are based on the sizeof the type specifiers. For the calculator program
we only support declarations of these four elementary types.
int specifier;
int sizeofspecifier;
int sizeofarray;
All constants are stored in the symbol table so the values (2, 4, 8) must also be installed. The
index for the type specifier constants are stored in the sizeofspecifier variable for that identifier.
For C style array declarations (int a[ 8];) the constant is automatically installed by the scanner
(lex.l) and the index into the symbol table is stored in the sizeofarray variable. For scalar variables
the sizeofarray is zero. Inside the DATA structure add the errors variable after the label variable.
int errors;
After the extern new_quad5 function add the two new extern function definitions.
extern QUAD *new_quad8( int operator, int index, QUAD *q1, QUAD *q2);
extern int new_symbol( int specifier, int identifier, int constant);
Save the yystype.h file.
Edit the main.c file and find the main_exit function. Replace the return 0; statement with the
code below. We now start to do static checking so report the number of total compiler errors.
* check for compiler errors
if( data.errors)
fprintf( stderr, “Errors: %d\n”, data.errors);
return data.errors;
Save the main.c file.
Edit the lex.l file and add the keywords and actions for the type declarations. Then save the file.
“char” { yylval.index = CHAR; return CHAR; }
“short” { yylval.index = SHORT; return SHORT; }
“int” { yylval.index = INT; return INT; }
“long” { yylval.index = LONG; return LONG; }
Edit the yacc.y file and after the IDENTIFIER token insert the four new parser tokens shown
below. The tokens define the scalar types allowed in the declaration productions.
%token CHAR
%token SHORT
%token INT
%token LONG
Insert the declarations line below into the lines production before the error production. | lines decls ‘\n’
After the lines semi-colon and before the statements production add the declaration productions.
Notice these functions do not return any values and only modify the symbol table.
decls : type ident ‘;’
new_symbol( $1.index, $2.index, 0);
| type ident ‘[‘ number ‘]’ ‘;’
new_symbol( $1.index, $2.index, $4.index);
type : CHAR
At the end of the expression productions and before the semi-colon add the right side identifier
array production shown below.
| ident ‘[‘ expr ‘]’
$$.quad = new_quad8( ‘]’, $1.index, $3.quad, 0);
Save the yacc.y file.
Edit the quad.c file. Inside the print_quad function add the code to print the right side of quad 8.
case ‘]’:
printf( “\t”);
print_quad_operand( quad->dst_type, quad->dst_index);
printf( ” = “);
print_quad_operand( quad->op1_type, quad->op1_index);
printf( ” [ “);
print_quad_operand( quad->op2_type, quad->op2_index);
printf( ” ] “);
At the bottom of the file add the new quad function. Design and implement this function.
* allocate a quad8 function
$$.quad = new_quad8( ‘]’, $1.index, $3.quad, 0);
QUAD *new_quad8( int operator, int index, QUAD *q1, QUAD *q2)
return q1;
Save the quad.c file.
Build the calc program and fix any errors using the commands:
make clean and make
To test your version, type:
./calc +symbol and enter the lines below.
int a;
int b[ 10];
a = b[a+1];
t1 = a
t2 = 1
t3 = t1 + t2
t4 = t3 * 4
t5 = b [ t4 ]
a = t5
symbol table:
index: 1 identifier: a length: 2 specifier: int
index: 2 constant: 4 length: 2 format: decimal
index: 3 identifier: b[10] length: 2 specifier: int
index: 4 constant: 10 length: 3 format: decimal
index: 5 constant: 1 length: 2 format: decimal
Test using the test files using the commands below:
./calc math24.txt
./calc math25.txt
Part 4: Output Generation
When all your lab assignments have been completed execute the homework script file
“./” using the command below.
./ &> hw10_test.txt
Print out the hw10_test.txt file and put your name, assignment number and date on it. Turn in the
file for the assignment and answer the questions at the end of the assignment.
Part 5: Extra Credit (5 points)
Save a copy of your code and then edit the following two files. The code is used to support
assignments with array identifiers on the left size.
Edit the yacc.y file and add the production shown below, after the assignment production inside
the statements (stmts) production and before the semi-colon. This supports the quad X[Y] = Z.
| ident ‘[‘ expr ‘]’ ‘=’ expr ‘;’
$$.quad = new_quad8( ‘[‘, $1.index, $3.quad, $6.quad);
Save the yacc.y file.
Edit the quad.c file and add to the print_quad function the code below. This adds support to print
the quad, which is defined above.
case ‘[‘:
printf( “\t”);
print_quad_operand( quad->dst_type, quad->dst_index);
printf( ” [ “);
print_quad_operand( quad->op1_type, quad->op1_index);
printf( ” ] = “);
print_quad_operand( quad->op2_type, quad->op2_index);
Edit the new_quad8 function to support this new operation. Save the quad.c file.
Build the calc program and fix any errors using the commands: make clean and make
Test using the extra credit test file using the command below:
./calc math26.txt
Edit the file and remove the comment to test the math26.txt file. When the extra
credit code is complete and working then execute the homework script file “./” using
the command below.
./ &> hw10_test.txt
Print out this hw10_test.txt file instead of the file from Part 4. Put your name, assignment number,
date on it and mark it with EXTRA CREDIT. Turn in this printout and answer the questions at the
end of the assignment.
Part 6: Laboratory Questions
1) In symbol_table.c, why does the char *types[] array have a bunch of empty strings?
2) What error is generated when using a floating-point constant for declaring an array size?
Example: int b[1.1];
3) In the function new_symbol, why are the sizeof the type specifiers (2, 4, 8) installed into
the symbol table?
4) Can you use a storage class type to declare a variable? Example: extern extern1;
5) Can you use the sizeof() operator on a storage class type? Example: sizeof( extern)