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1) a) What is the solid angle subtended by the moon as viewed from the earth if we assume the
moon to be a sphere of radius R at a distance d?
b) What is the range of possible solid angles subtended by a flat circular plate of radius R at a
distance d?
2) Consider a room in the shape of a cube of dimension 100 feet × 100 feet × 100 feet. Consider
a square patch of size 1 foot by 1 foot on the ceiling. Suppose that the patch is exactly in the
center of the ceiling.
a) What is the foreshortened area of the square patch as viewed from a corner of the room on
the floor?
b) What is the solid angle subtended by the square patch as viewed from a corner of the room
on the floor?
c) What is the solid angle subtended by the square patch as viewed from a corner of the room
on the ceiling?
3) Consider a Lambertian plane in three dimensions defined by the equation
7x +

50y + z + 2 = 0
a) What is the surface gradient (p, q) for the plane?
b) Suppose that the plane is in a dark room with a single point light source. Consider the point
P = (0, 0, −2) on the plane. Determine the location (x, y, z) where we should put the point light
source so that the light source is a distance 20 from the point P and the reflected radiance from
P in the direction of (0, 0, 0) is as large as possible.