Problem 1 (20 Points) Write a C++ program to implement and test two functions: SwapP and SwapR. SwapP swaps the values of two integer variables using pass‐by‐pointer. SwapR swaps the values of two integer variables using pass‐by‐reference. Problem 2 (20 Points) Replace the question marks in the following C++ program with C++ code to swap the p1 and p2 pointers to point to each other’s values. # include using namespace std; int main () { int x = 1, y = 9; int *p1, *p2; p1 = &x; p2 = &y; ?????????? cout << *p1 << ” and ” << *p2 << endl; // Prints “9 and 1” return 0; } Problem 3 (60 Points) Write a C++ program that starts by asking a teacher for the size of his class (the number of students). Then the program asks the teacher to enter for each student his/her name along with his/her grade in an exam. All grades are integers that have to be in the range from 0 to 100 (inclusive). Store the names in an array of strings and the grades in another array of integers. Use dynamic memory to create both arrays. Define a function that implements the sorting algorithm INSERTION‐SORT(A,n) as explained in class. Call this function to sort the above arrays in a descending order of the students’ grades in the exam. Your program will display the sorted list of students’ names along with their grades.