ROS Basics
The ROS core systems: Packaging, Buildsystems, Messaging, CLI & GUI tools, creating packages, nodes, topics, services, and parameters.
Writing a Simple Publisher and Subscriber (Python)
Examining the Simple Publisher and Subscriber
Writing a Simple Service and Client (Python)
Examining the Simple Service and Client
ROS Introduction
ROS Get Started Guide Introduction, Concepts, Higher-Level Concepts,Client Libraries,,Technical Overview
ROS developer’s guide
ROS Python Style Guide
Useful cheat-sheets:
ROS cheat-sheet for Kinetic and Catkin
Documentation on command line tools
Assignments to do this week
Install ROS Noetic
Complete these Tutorials
Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment. NOTE: in this course we will exclusively use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and the stable ROS Noetic Release
Navigating the ROS Filesystem
Creating a ROS Package
Building a ROS Package
Understanding ROS Nodes
Understanding ROS Topics
Understanding ROS Services and Parameters
Using rqt_console and roslaunch
Using rosed to edit files in ROS
Creating a ROS msg and a ROS srv
Writing a publisher and subscriber in Python
Writing a Simple Publisher and Subscriber Python
Examining the Simple Publisher and Subscriber
Writing a service and client in Python
Examining the Simple Service and Client
Assignments to hand in this week
Assignment#2: Assignments to hand in by the deadline.
Write and test a publisher node that publishes a TOPIC and subscriber node that subscribes to this TOPIC.
Write and test a server node that provides a SERVICE and client node that calls this SERVICE
Check in the assignment into your gitlab account under PA1