Problem 0 (5 points): I arm that I understand NEU’s Code of Conduct and Academic
Integrity expectations; I understand that all suspected violations (including cheating, collusion, and plagiarism) will be submitted to the Oce of Student Conduct & Community
Expectations; and I pledge that the work I submit will be my own.
(Write your full name as your signature.)
ECE 5610, Fall 2019, Final Exam, 100 minutes
Problem 1 (45points)
The block diagram of a rigid-body satellite is given in Figure 1. The control signal is the voltage
!(#). The zero-order hold output %(#) is converted into a torque &(#) by an amplifier and the
thrusters. The system output is the attitude angle Θ(#) of the satellite.
Figure 1: Block diagram for a satellite.
(a) Find the transfer function G(z) = Θ(+)/-(+).
(b) Use the results of part (a) to find the system’s unit-step response, that is, the response
with !(#) = .(#). (You need to find Θ(z) and Θ(kT))
(c) Sketch the zero-order-hold output %(#) in (b).
Figure 2 shows a simplified diagram of the attitude control of a satellite. Note that A/D is an ideal
sampler with sampling time T>0, and D/A is ZOH.
Figure 2: Simplified diagram of a satellite digital attitude control
(d) Assume that 2(+) = 3 > 0 and the sampling time is T > 0. Find the steady state error
to a step input as a function of 3. (Hit: What is the type of system? Is it stable?)
(e) Can you find a value of 3 such that the following performance specifications are satisfied?
a. Zero steady state error to a step input
b. No overshoot in the step response
(Hint: for checking stability you can use any methods you like!)
If so, give a suitable value for K, if not, fully justify you answer. A simple yes or no answer will
not give you partial credit.
ECE 5610, Fall 2019, Final Exam, 100 minutes
Problem 2 (30 points)
Consider the model of a first order hold shown in Figure 3
Figure 3: Block Diagram for Problem 2.
(a) Find an analytic expression for the impulse response of this system c(t). [Hint: The
continuous-time transfer function of a first hold is given by:
Then you need to take inverse Laplace transform to obtain c(t)!]
(b) Find the discrete transfer function E(z)/R(z). (Hint: You need to use the general procedure!
Do you remember it? J 1)- find the original flow graph 2) assign variables to each sampler
outputs 3) consider each sampler output as source. Find the sampler inputs and the
system outputs in terms of each sampler output and the system input 4) take the starred
(c) Find the discrete transfer function C(z)/R(z). Does your result make sense (Hint: Recall
that this block diagram is supposed to implement a first-order hold!) A simple yes or no
answer will not give you partial credit.
Page left blank for calculations.
ECE 5610, Fall 2022, Final Exam, 100 minutes
Problem 3 (20 points)
Find the values of K for which the following system is stable for 6(+) = 1/(+ − 2).
Page left blank for calculations.
ECE 5610, Fall 2022, Final Exam, 100 minutes