Problem statement
The purpose of this assignment is to show how interrupt-driven I/O can interrupt a program,
execute the interrupt service routine, and return to the interrupted program, picking up exactly
where it left off (just as if nothing had happened).
In this assignment, we will use the Keyboard
as the input device for interrupting the running program.
To demonstrate this, we will need three things:
1. The interrupt vector table must be generated; interrupts will need to be enabled. The operating
system will set up the interrupt vector table and enable the interrupts and then start execution of
the user program.
2. A program that will run at priority level 0.
3. An interrupt service routine that will be invoked as a result of someone hitting a key on the
The operating system enabling code.
We are going to require you to do the enabling actions that the operating system would do before
the execution of the User program.
1. Normally, the operating system establishes the interrupt vector table to contain the starting
addresses of the corresponding interrupt services routines. You will have to do that for the
keyboard interrupt. The starting address of the interrupt vector table is x0100 and the interrupt
vector for the keyboard is x80.
2. Normally, the operating system would set KBSR[14] to enable the keyboard to interrupt user
programs. You will have to do that.
3. Push Appropriate PSR and PC values to the stack. Then, an RTI instruction in the OS code
will take you to the user program starting at 0x3000.
You must perform these tasks as a part of the operating system code.
The user program.
The user program will print the prompt “WHAT STARTS HERE CHANGES THE WORLD”
followed by a newline character (x0A). The user program is to do this in an infinite loop.
In order to make sure the prompts don’t get written to the monitor too fast to be seen by the
naked eye, the user program should include a piece of code that will count down from say x5000
each time a character is output to the screen. You may want to try out other numbers if your
processor is too fast or slow.
The keyboard interrupt service routine.
The keyboard interrupt service routine will read the character typed, prints a newline and
performs one of the following tasks based on the type of character:
1. Upper Case Alphabet, then print the string “Practice Social Distancing” and then a newline.
2. Lower Case Alphabet, then print “Wash your Hands frequently” and then a newline.
3. Number between 0 and 9, then print “Stay Home, Stay Safe” and then a newline
4. For any other character, print “———– End of EE306 Labs ^^ ———–”, a newline and Halt
the processor.
VERY IMPORTANT: You are not allowed to use any TRAP instruction other than HALT
in your interrupt service routine. To display a character to the screen, you must poll the DSR
and then write to the DDR, you may not call TRAP x21 (OUT), or use any of the other TRAP
routines. If you use TRAP in the interrupt service routine or if you do not properly poll the DSR
before writing to the DDR, your program is not correct and will not be graded even though it
may appear to work.
Hint: Don’t forget to save and restore any registers that you use in the interrupt service routine.
Your job will be to write the operating system code, user program and the keyboard interrupt
service routine describe above.
A template for each of these files is provided to you. Do not change the .ORIG address in
these files and use them to finish the requirements of this lab.
Turn-in a single file named exactly after your eid. For example, xy123.asm.
An example of how the console should look when you run the program:
Figure 1: Sample Output – Key Sequence: A, z, 9, ]