EE306 Introduction to Computing Lab 4


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Problem Statement:
Consider the same test cases as Lab 3, where you were given a list of students with unique IDs
and their number of credit hours, starting at location x4004.

In Lab4 you will write a program
in LC-3 assembly language to create to:
1. create a histogram, and
2. calculate the range and mean of the credit hours.

The following highlighted portion has been taken from Lab3 to emphasize that the test cases
for Lab4 will be formatted the same way as Lab 3.

The list of credit hours completed by students, integers between 0 and 150 (for the sake of this
lab), along with the corresponding unique non-zero ID of the students will be stored in memory
starting at address x4004. The ID and Credit hours of each student will be specified as follows:
• Bits [15:8] – Unique ID
• Bits [7:0] – Credit Hours Completed

The end of this list is specified using a Unique ID of zero, for which the Credit Hours field could
be anything. (This entry merely acts as the sentinel or terminator.)

A histogram is a table representing the number of items that fall between a given set of intervals.
We create the histogram based on the following intervals of credit hours (shown below is decimal)
29 and Below – ‘F’ (Freshman)
30 – 60 – ‘S’ (Sophomore)
61 – 90 – ‘J’ (Junior)
Above 90 – ‘G’ (Senior)

The number of individuals falling in each of the 4 intervals is stored in consecutive memory
locations starting at address x4000. Bits [7:0] contain the number of individuals in each interval,
and bits [15:8] contain the identifier of each interval in ACSII, which are ‘F’, ‘S’, ‘J’, and ‘G’.
Refer to the ASCII code chart to find the ASCII codes for ‘F’, ‘S’, ‘J’, ‘G’.

Example: Tables 1 and 2 show content of memory locations corresponding to list and outputs
before and after execution of program for a given list. Note that in this lab you are not expected to
sort the list. You can, however, sort it (or use the program that you wrote in Lab3).

Table 1. State of memory before program is executed
Address Bits[15:8]
x4000 – –
x4001 – –
x4002 – –
X4003 – –
x4004 23 28
x4005 10 21
x4006 56 15
x4007 2 19
x4008 13 41
x4009 84 95
x400A 91 89
x400B 45 90
x400C 67 73
x400D 19 35
x400E 114 105
x400F 0 –

Table 2. State of memory after program is executed
Address Bits[15:8]
x4000 70 4
x4001 83 2
x4002 74 3
X4003 71 2
x4004 23 28
x4005 10 21
x4006 56 15
x4007 2 19
x4008 13 41
x4009 84 95
x400A 91 89
x400B 45 90
x400C 67 73
x400D 19 35
x400E 114 105
x400F 0 –
Contains data that will be
overwritten by your
Note that these are the ASCII codes
(in decimal) for ‘F’, ‘S’, ‘J’, ‘G’.

Report the statistics of the student list.
1. Range as a concatenation of highest number of credit hours in higher order byte (bits [15:8])
and lowest number of credit hours in lower order byte (bits [7:0]) at location x6000.

2. Mean of the credit hours as a 16-bit integer at location x6001.
If mean has a fractional part, round it down to the lower integer. For example, 55.545 can
rounded to 55.
Table 3. State of memory after program is executed
Address Bits[15:8] (in decimal) Bits[7:0] (in decimal)
X6000 105 15
X6001 00 55

1. Unique IDs are all unsigned and non-zero.
2. If there are zero individuals in the list, the range and mean should be set as -1 (xFFFF).
3. If there is one individual in the list, both the highest and lowest number of credit hours will be

4. Start your program at location x3000. So, the first line of your assembly program must be
.ORIG x3000.
5. You can test your program by manually loading data in locations x4004 onwards (with the last
item in the list being the null ID number).

6. Note that the length of the list is not specified, though the maximum number of individuals is
determined by the maximum possible unique IDs that can be specified in bits [15:8]. When
you test your program for a variety of test cases make sure that you include a case with zero
students in the list, and a case with the maximum number.

The file that you will upload to online repository for this assignment must be named
For example, if your eid is ma123 then the file name should be ma123.asm)