Complete the following programming exercises in Java. Submit your answers as a set of .java files, each file properly formatted/indented. Files of
the wrong format (e.g. .zip, .doc. .txt) may not be graded. As indicated below, not all questions are worth the same marks.
This assignment is due 6 pm Wednesday 1st April. No late submissions accepted.
Q1. Write a class in Java called Point2D. The class stores a point’s x, y coordinates as private data members and must have the following methods:
A constructor that creates a new point with given x and y coordinate values
A method Point2D midPoint(Point2D p) which returns a new point object which is the midpoint of the line segment between point p and this
A String toString() method which overrides the toString() method of the Object class (see and returns a string representation of the point.
Your method should function correctly with the main() method below, which should print out the string “(3.5,2.0)”
public static void main(String args[]) {
Point2D p1 = new Point2D(1,1);
Point2D p2 = new Point2D(6,3);
[20 marks]
Q2. Add a static method to your Point2D class static Point2D farthestFromOrigin(Point2D[] points) which returns a reference to the point in the
array that is farthest to the origin.
Explain why this method should be static.
[10 marks]
Q3. Write a method in Java static int charCount(String s, char c) which counts the number of occurrences of the character c in the string s. You may
use any of the Java String methods, documented at, to implement your method.
Write your method in a Java file
[10 marks]
Q4. Included below is a set of five C++ files which together implement a bank application. The files define four classes: an abstract Account class, a
CurrentAccount and LoanAccount class, that both inherit from Account, and a Bank class. The Bank_App.cpp file contains test code to create a
Bank, add accounts to it and the call methods on the Bank.
Rewrite this entire C++ application as a set of Java classes. Replicate the structure and functionality of the original code as exactly as possible. The
test code in Bank_App.cpp should be replicated in a Java class called Bank_App and, when run, the code should output exactly the following:
Account type: Current Account
account number: 1001 has balance: 300 Euro
– Overdraft limit: 200
Account type: Loan Account
account number: 2002 has balance: 250000 Euro
– Loan term: 360 months
The total amount of outstanding loans is = 550000 euros.
[50 marks] (The code for each class is worth 10 marks)