Q1. Write a recursive function in C++
void printNumberedChars(string str, int i=0) { … }
which prints each character of the given string str on a new line, with each line numbered 1, 2, 3, …. For example calling the function
with printNumberedChars(“hello”); should output the following:
1. h
2. e
3. l
4. l
5. o
Q2. Write a recursive function in C++
int sumArray(const int* arr, unsigned int size) { … }
which takes an array of integers, of the specified size, and returns the sum of the numbers in the array.
Q3. Write a recursive function in C++
long lowestPrimeFactor(long N, long i=2) { … }
that returns the lowest prime factor of the number N. Note the following cases:
If N is less than 2, then return 1
If N is prime, then return N
Otherwise, return the lowest prime factor of N
Note: It is suggested that the default value of the parameter i should be 2. This default may be different depending on your implementation.
Q4. Write a recursive function in C++
void printPrimeFactors(long N) { … }
that prints out all prime factors of N in order of largest to smallest.
For example, calling your method from main() with
should print out the following to the output console: