Matrix Multiplication [50 points]
1. Naive Matrix Multiplication [10 points]
Implement the naive matrix multiplication to multiply two matrices of dimension
4K × 4K. Report the execution time (in ns) and performance (in F LOP S).
Programming homework
• Native Matrix Multiply
Implement C = A B (A, B, C are n n matrixes)
for i = 1 to n
for j = 1 to n
for k = 1 to n
C(i,j) = C(i,j) + A(i,k) B(k,j)
Figure 1: Naive Matrix Multiplication
2. Block Matrix Multiplication [15 points]
A matrix can be viewed to be constructed by bigger blocks. Assume an n × n
matrix is partitioned into m × m blocks and each block is a b × b matrix ,where
b =
, b is called the block size. As shown in Figure 2, a 4 × 4 (n = 4) matrix
can be viewed as a 2 × 2 (m = 2) block matrix; each block matrix is a 2 × 2
(b = 2) matrix.
Programming homework
• Blocked Matrix Multiply
The matrix can be partitioned into four 2×2 blocks
The partitioned matrix can then be written as
Figure 2: Block Matrix
Block matrix multiplication computes the output block by block. Figure 3 depicts the principle of Block Matrix Multiplication. Here, the algorithm has m3
iterations as oppose to n
iterations for Naive Matrix Multiplication; the computation of each iteration is based on blocks rather than a single element for Naive
Matrix Multiplication.
Programming homework
• Blocked Matrix Multiply
C = A B, Consider A,B,C to be N-by-N matrices of b-by-b
sub-blocks, where b=n / N is called the block size
for i = 1 to m
for j = 1 to m
for k = 1 to m //do a matrix multi. on blocks
C’(i,j) = C’(i,j) + A’(i,k) * B’(k,j)
Figure 3: Block Matrix Multiplication
Use block matrix multiplication to solve the previous problem with block size
b = 4, 8, 16 respectively. Report the execution time (in ns) and performance (in
F LOP S) respectively. Compare the result against the result obtained by using
naive matrix multiplication. Report your observation.
2.1 Examples
• A matrix-vector multiplication example code, “example.c”, which multiplies
a matrix with a vector is provided. To compile “example.c”, type: ‘gcc -O3
-o run example.c’. You can refer to it for some useful functions.
• A matrix-matrix multiplication example code framework “problem1.c”; you
can either insert your codes into it or write the whole program by yourself.
To compile “problem1.c”, type: ‘gcc -O3 -o run problem1.c’.
• To run the compiled program in hpc, type: ‘srun -n1 ./run’.
• Initialize the matrices: A[i][j] = i, B[i][j] = i + j, C[i][j] = 0, for any 0 ≤
i, j < n. After the computation, print out the value of C[100][100]. Refer
to “problem1.c”.
2.2 Submission
• Two .c/.cpp files: ‘problem1a.c’ for naive matrix multiplication; ‘problem1b.c’ for block matrix multiplication. Make sure your program is runnable.
(10+20 pts)
• Report. Write clearly how to compile and run your code. Screenshot of the
execution time and performance on hpc. (20 pts)
3 Submission Instructions
You may discuss the algorithms. However, the programs have to be written individually. Submit the code and the report via Please make
sure to include your name, student ID and the homework number in the PDF, and
name your PDF file lastname firstname hw#.
[1] “Command Line Parameter Parsing,”
[2] “Using make and writing Makefiles,”