EE 660 Homework 6 (Week 11)


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1. In class we derived the generalization-error bound for a C-class problem with C > 2,
from the training-set error, based on the growth function �ℋ(2�). In this problem,
you will derive the generalization-error bound for a C-class problem from the test-set
error and from a validation-set error with finite M.
Throughout this problem:
let �’
� denote the (in-sample) unnormalized confusion matrix based on dataset �, so
that entry )�’
= [number of data points labelled � = � that were misclassified as
ℎ = � ] ;
also, let )�out*
= � [(ℎ = �) ��� (� = �)] be the ��th entry of the out-of-sample
confusion matrix �out .
(a) For a given single hypothesis h for the C-class problem (so ℎ ∈ {1,2, ⋯ , �})
tested using dataset � that has N data points, give an expression for the total
number of points that were misclassified �mis , in terms of the entries )�’
Also give an expression for the error rate on �, ��(ℎ) , in terms of the entries
For the out-of-sample confusion matrix, give an expression for the total
probability of error � (ℎ ≠ �) in terms of the entries of �out . Hint: are the
events for )�out*
and )�out*
mutually exclusive?
Use these results to give expressions for � = � [incorrect classification] and
� = percent misclassified by h on �.
Apply Hoeffding Inequality to µ and n.
Write the resulting expression in terms of �� and �out .
Reformulate to give an expression in the following form:
�[�out(ℎ) ≤ ��(ℎ) + �(�)] ≥ 1 − d .
in which you fill in for �(�). Hint: this is similar to what we did in Lecture 7
for the C = 2 case.
Is this a generalization-error bound for test-set error, for a C > 2 class problem?
Comment: As you may have observed in the Midterm Assignment Pr. 1, the
generalization-error bound based on a test set can be much tighter than the
bound based on a training set and its VC dimension.
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(b) Extend the result of (a) to a validation-set error on �val, in which the hypothesis
set has |ℋ| = �, 0 < � < ∞ .
Hint: does the same technique applying a union bound that we did for the 2-
class problem (Lecture 7) apply?
2. This problem concerns the generalization error bound in a transfer learning problem,
as given in Lecture 13 (v2.1), Eq. (6).
In this problem you will study the effects of varying �2, �3, and a on the crossdomain generalization error bound.
Throughout this problem, let ε45 be everything in the cross-domain generalizationerror bound (RHS of Lecture 13 (v2.1) Eq. (6)), except omitting �2,3
∗ . Note that �2,3

is a constant of the parameters we will be varying.
Also throughout this problem, use the values �89 = 10, δ = 0.1, �ℋ:ℋ = 0.1 .
However, leave them as variables until you are ready to plot, or until you are asked
for a number.
(a) Give the simplified number (to two decimal digits) for ε45, for the following
(i) �3 = 1, �2 = 100, � = 0.1, 0.5, 0.9
(ii) �3 = 10, �2 = 1000, � = 0.1, 0.5, 0.9
(iii) �3 = 100, �2 = 10000, � = 0.1, 0.5, 0.9
(iv) �3 = 1000, �2 = 100000, � = 0.1, 0.5, 0.9
Tip: put these in a table for easy viewing.
(v) Do any of these sets of numbers assure some degree of generalization (i.e.,
ε45 < 0.5, assuming �2,3
∗ ≈ 0)? If so, which?
Comment: As in the supervised learning case, these bounds can be very loose,
but evidence indicates the functional dependence of ε45 on its variables still
generally apply.
(b) For this part, let �2 = 1000 and plot ε45 vs. a for �3 =
10,  100,  1000,  10000 (4 curves on one plot), over 0 ≤ � ≤ 1. Answer: what
approximate value of a is optimal for each value of �3 ? Try to explain the
dependence of ε45 on a for different values of �3 , and any difference in
optimal values of a.
(c) For this part, let �3 = 100 and plot ε45 vs. a for �2 =  10,  100,  1000,  10000
( 4 curves on one plot), over 0 ≤ � ≤ 1. Answer: what approximate value of a
is optimal for each value of �3 ? Try to explain the dependence of ε45 on a for
different values of �2 , and any difference in optimal values of a.
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(d) Common default values for a are α = 0.5 and α = β.
(i) In terms of minimizing the cross-domain generalization-error bound, which
default choice looks better (based on your answers to (b) and (c) above)? Is
that choice reasonably consistent with your results of (b) and (c)?
(ii) Give algebraic expressions for ε45(α = 0.5) and ε45(α = β). Compare
them algebraically: can you draw any conclusions about which is lower?
(iii) Plot �;<(� = 0.5) vs. N for � = 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, for 1000 ≤ � ≤ 100000
(3 curves on 1 plot). Repeat for �;<(� = �). What conclusions can you
draw from the plots?
3. (a) Is it possible to have a covariate shift while satisfying all of:
�2(�|�) = �3(�|�), �2(�) = �3(�), �2(�|�) = �3(�|�) ?
If no, prove your answer; if yes, justify your answer.
(b) Is it possible to have a covariate shift while satisfying:
�2(�|�) = �3(�|�) ?
If no, prove your answer; if yes, justify your answer.
(c) Is it possible to have a concept shift while satisfying:
�2(�) = �3(�) and �2(�) = �3(�) ?
If no, prove your answer; if yes, justify your answer.