EE 352 – Lab 4: Double Sideband Supressed Carrier Modulation and Demodulation


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1 Preliminaries
In this week, we continue amplitude modulation with double sideband suppressed carrier amplitude modulation (DSB-SC AM) method. In laboratory works, we will construct the message and carrier signals as
we did in the previous labworks. In order to construct a signal in Matlab, it is essential to generate a time
vector by using various parameters such as the sampling period (Ts) which is given by Ts = 1/fs where fs is
the sampling frequency, message frequency (fm) and the signal duration (t). Then, the message and carrier
signals can be generated by using this time vector.
In DSB-SC AM, the modulated signal is created by using a product modulator that multiplies the message
signal with a carrier wave. As a result, the phase of modulated signal is reversed each time message signal
crosses zero. Therefore, the DSB-SC modulated signal has a different envelope than the message signal and
we should observe this in the labwork.
In demodulation part of the lab, a coherent detection is employed to recover the message signal from DSB-SC
modulated signal. Modulated signal is multiplied with a sinusoidal wave coherent/synchronized with the
carrier wave and filtered to obtain the message signal. The overall block diagram of DSB-SC modulation
and demodulation is given in Figure 1.
Figure 1: DSB-SC Modulation and Demodulation System Design
EE 352 – Lab 4: Double Sideband Supressed Carrier Modulation and Demodulation
2 Labwork
Read the preliminaries given above carefully before doing the experiment given below.
2.1 DSB-SC Modulation
a. Construct a message signal m(t) = cos(2πfmt) where fm = 100Hz and a carrier signal c(t) =
cos(2πfct) where fc = 1kHz. The sampling frequency is fs = 100kHz and the durations of the
both signals (m(t) and c(t)) is 0.08 s.
b. Employ the DSB-SC modulation for message signal m(t).
c. Plot m(t), c(t) and the modulatedsignals in time domain in the same figure using the subplot( )
d. Plot the message and modulated signal in the frequency domain in the same figure using the subplot(
) function. Comment on the frequency content and magnitude of the obtained signal.
2.2 DSB-SC Demodulation
a. The overall DSB-SC system is presented in Figure 1. Follow the block diagram to obtain the demodulated signal v(t) (before filtering). (Hint: Pay attention to the magnitude of your signals and adjust
your operations accordingly.)
b. Plot the frequency response of v(t). Comment on the frequency content and magnitude of the obtained
c. Construct a non-ideal low pass filter (LPF) by using butter() function to obtain the message signal.
Choose the cut-off frequency and filter order accordingly. Comment on your filter design.
d. Plot the recovered signal after filtering, vo(t), in time and frequency domain using subplot()
function. Compare and comment on the frequency content and magnitude of the obtained signal.