1 Objectives
In this lab, you will learn how to identify a second-order LTI system from it’s time and frequency
responses. As an example, we will use a Matlab class that simulates a DC motor. We will treat this as
a black-box system (i.e., a system with inputs and outputs but without any knowledge of its internal
working). The final objective is to identify the model parameters of the DC motor using the properties
of its time response.
Intermediate objectives are:
• Understand the mathematical representation of a DC motor.
• Understand how to model a continuous time system in discrete time using Matlab.
• Identify the transfer function of a dynamical system in time domain.
• Identify the transfer function of a dynamical system in frequency domain.
2 Introduction
2.1 Model of a DC motor
A DC motor is a device that converts armature current into mechanical torque. A schematic of a DC
motor is shown in Figure 1.
+ v(t)
+ e(t)
T, ω
Figure 1 DC motor
Let i denote the armature current and T denote the mechanical torque. The motor torque T is proportional to the armature current i. In particular,
T = Kti
where Kt is a proportionality constant. The rotation of the motor shaft produces a back electromotive
force e which is proportional to the angular velocity ω of the shaft. In particular,
e = Keω
ECSE 307: Linear Systems and Control
Fall 2017
Instructor: Aditya Mahajan
TA: Mohammad Afshari and Anas El Fathi
Page 2 of 8 September 24, 2017
where Ke is a proportionality constant.
Let v denote the voltage applied to the motor’s armature, R denote the electric resistance, L denote
the electric inductance, J denote the moment of inertia of the rotor, and b denote the motor’s viscous
friction constant.
Then, according to Newton’s second law and Kirchoff’s voltage law, we get
dt + bω = Kti
dt + Ri = v − Keω
Taking the Laplace transform of the above equations, we get
(Js + b)Ω(s) = KtI(s)
(Ls + R)I(s) = V(s) − KeΩ(s)
Eliminating I(s) from the two equations, we get
(Js + b)Ω(s)
V(s) − KeΩ(s)
(Ls + R) ⟹ (Js + b)(Ls + R)Ω(s) = KtV(s) − KtKeΩ(s)
Thus, the transfer function of the DC motor is
H(s) = Ω(s)
V(s) =
(Js + b)(Ls + R) + KtKe
We can write this in the canonical form as follows
H(s) = K ω2
2 + 2ζωns + ω2
where the gain K = Kt
bR + KtKe
, the natural frequency ωn =
bR + KtKe
JL , and a damping coefficient
ζ = 1
bL + RJ
√JL (bR + KtKe)
2.2 Simulated model of a DC motor
We provide a Matlab class simulating a DC Motor based on the model presented above. The following
explains how to get the necessary Matlab files:
1. Log in to myCourses and select the content folder Labs.
2. Download
3. Unzip the content in your Matlab workspace.
4. Open Matlab and navigate to the path where you have Lab_02_SystemIdentification_Simulation.m.
5. Run Lab_02_SystemIdentification_Simulation.m. You shouldn’t have any errors.
The simulation of the DC Motor can be found in Interface/SimDCMotor.m. For the purpose of this
laboratory, we will treat SimDCMotor.m as a blackbox. There is no need to understand its implementation to do the laboratory experiments.
ECSE 307: Linear Systems and Control
Fall 2017
Instructor: Aditya Mahajan
TA: Mohammad Afshari and Anas El Fathi
Page 3 of 8 September 24, 2017
The script file Lab_02_SystemIdentification_Simulation.m contains commented code to guide you
through the lab. To see the detailed documentation of SimDCMotor, use:
doc SimDCMotor % General documentation about SimDCMotor
3 Identification by Step Response Analysis
Recall that a dynamical system whose input-output behavior is described by a constant coefficient
linear differential equation is always an LTI (linear and time-invariant) system. If the input of a
continuous-time system is taken as a step signal, the corresponding output is called the step response.
The first method for system identification is to analyse the step response of a dyanmical system. First
we will recall key properties of the step response of second order systems, then we will analyse the
step response of SimDCMotor.m.
3.1 Second order systems
A generic second-order system is described by a second-order linear differential equation
+ b1
dt + b0y(t) = a0u(t)
The transfer function of this system is given by
H(s) = Y(s)
U(s) =
2 + b1s + b0
This transfer function be written in the canonical form as
H(s) = Kω2
2 + 2ζωns + ω2
• K is the DC gain, also called steady state gain. The DC gain represent the amplitude ratio between
the steady state step response and the step input.
• ζ is the damping ratio.
• ωn is the natural frequency.
Figure 2 demonstrates the unit step response of an underdamped (ζ < 1) second-order system.
In the time domain, the form of the step response s(t) of a second-order system depends on the
damping ratio. For an underdamped or undamped (0 ≤ζ < 1) second-order system, it has the following
s(t) = K (
1 − e
√1 − ζ2
sin (√1 − ζ2ωnt + arccos(ζ))
Moreover, it is possible to define an underdamped or undamped (0 ≤ζ < 1) second-order system by
the following requirements:
• Rise time (𝐭𝐫): is the time it takes the system to reach to rise from 10 % to 90 % of its final value.
This value could be related to the natural frequency by
ECSE 307: Linear Systems and Control
Fall 2017
Instructor: Aditya Mahajan
TA: Mohammad Afshari and Anas El Fathi
Page 4 of 8 September 24, 2017 0.1
Figure 2 Step response of a second order system
tr ≈
• Peak time (𝐭𝐩): is the time until the response hits its maximum overshoot1
tp =
ωn√1 − ζ2
• Overshoot (𝐌𝐩): is the maximum peak value of the system response curve measured from the
final steady-state value.
Mp = e
√1 − ζ2
• Δ% Settling time (𝐭𝐬): is the time required for the response curve toreach and stay within a ±Δ%
range around the steady-state value.
ts ≈ −
3.2 Question 1
Consider a general second-order system with K = 1 and ωn = π rad/s. Use Matlab to plot the step
response for ζ ∈ {0, 0.5, 1, 1.5}. In each case, compute the rise time, maximum overshoot, and 5%
settling time from the plots.
3.3 Step response of SimDCMotor
In the following, instructions of how to analyse the step response of SimDCMotor is detailed.
1 ωd = ωn√1 − ζ2
is the damped frequency.
ECSE 307: Linear Systems and Control
Fall 2017
Instructor: Aditya Mahajan
TA: Mohammad Afshari and Anas El Fathi
Page 5 of 8 September 24, 2017
1. In order to use the SimDCMotor object, we initialize it by specifying the values of resistance R and
moment of inertia J. Other model parameters take a default value. The code snippet below shows
how to initialize SimDCMotor.
% Set parameters for DC motor
Parameters.Resistance = 1.5; % Terminal resistance (Ohm)
Parameters.Inertia = 5e-4; % Rotor inertia (kg m^2)
% Create an object handle for SimDCMotor with specified parameters
Motor = SimDCMotor(Parameters);
The Motor parameters can be seen by typing:
2. The input interface to a SimDCMotor object is the function drive(). The drive() function takes 3
arguments, the voltage applied to the motor’s armature in volts, the time when this voltage is
applied in seconds, and the duration of the drive function in seconds.
For instance,
Motor.reset(); % reset the motor internal variable (including time)
% Drive Motor with a voltage (2 V) for a duration (5 sec) starting from delay (1 sec),1,5)
will drive the DC Motor with a 2V input voltage at time equals 1 second during 5 seconds.
3. The outputs of a SimDCMotor object are 4 values in a form of arrays:
– Use Motor.time() to retrieve the time history.
– Use Motor.current()to retrieve the history of the armature current i in amper.
– Use Motor.velocity() to retrieve the history of the DC motor angular velocity in radian per
– Use Motor.angle() to retrieve the history of the DC motor angle in radian.
3.4 Question 2
1. Using Matlab script Lab_02_SystemIdentification_Simulation.m simulate a step response of value
1 V for 5 seconds to a SimDCMotor object with the following parameter:
– Resistance: 1.5 Ω.
– Inertia: 5 × 10−4 kgm2
2. Using Matlab, plot in the same graph both the voltage input u(t) and the angular speed of the
Motor y(t).
ECSE 307: Linear Systems and Control
Fall 2017
Instructor: Aditya Mahajan
TA: Mohammad Afshari and Anas El Fathi
Page 6 of 8 September 24, 2017
3. From the plot, identify the parameter of the transfer function of this Motor: DC gain, natural
frequency, and damping ratio. Observe that this is a step response of a second order system.
4. Using the DC motor mathematical model and given the proportionality constants Kt = Ke = 0.05,
provide an approximation of the motor viscous friction constant b.
4 Identification by Frequency Analysis
4.1 Frequency analysis of a linear system
If a cosine wave u(t) = Au cos(ωt) is injected into a linear system at a given frequency, the system
will respond at that same frequency ω with a certain magnitude Au and a certain phase angle relative
to the input ϕ. The steady-state system output can be written as y(t) = Ay cos(ωt + ϕ). A system
Bode plot represents the magnitude and phase shift between the input and output (from the system)
at each frequency.
For a given system, it is possible to draw a “point-by-point” Bode plot by injecting a cosine wave
with a fixed frequency and measuring the magnitude and phase shift of the output after it reaches its
4.1.1 Lissajous method for phase shift
The Lissajous (ellipse) method dates from the the analog oscilloscope time. Most oscilloscopes have a
“XY mode” where it is possible to plot one signal in function of another. Using this view with sinusoidal
signals, it is possible to accurately measure the phase shift between the two signals.
Let’s assume an input signal u(t) = Au cos(ωt) and its output signal y(t) = Ay cos(ωt + ϕ). By
eliminating time between those signal:
cos(ϕ) ± √
1 − (
Au )
The shift phase ϕ satisfies:
cos(ϕ) = yu=Au
where yu=Au
is the value of y when u passes its maximum. The fraction yu=Au
can be measured
empirically in the XY plot of y(t) in function of u(t).
4.2 Frequency analysis of SimDCMotor
This time we need to send a cosine wave input signal to SimDCMotor. In the following we provide an
example based on the Matlab script Lab_02_SystemIdentification_Simulation.m:
1. SimDCMotor implements a discrete time model with a chosen sampling time. In order to drive a
SimDCMotor object we can generate a discrete signal for the input, then send it following a fixed
time interval. One can generate a discrete time vector by the following:
dt = 0.1; % Sampling time for input signal (in seconds)
T = 5; % Total duration of simulation (in seconds)
time = 0:dt:T; % A vector containing all time samples
ECSE 307: Linear Systems and Control
Fall 2017
Instructor: Aditya Mahajan
TA: Mohammad Afshari and Anas El Fathi
Page 7 of 8 September 24, 2017
2. Using a for loop, we generate the input signal u(t) = cos(ωt) and drive the Motor for one time
Omega = pi; % input signal frequency (rad/s)
for t = time
% Generate a cosine wave input at current time
u = cos(Omega*t);
% Drive motor for a duration of dt at time t, t, dt);
Note that the input signal sampling time should be small enough to generate a smooth signal.
3. Apart from the input signal sampling time, the SimDCMotor also pocesses an internal sampling time
which dictates when to process a new voltage input and when to return a new measurement. The
default value of this sampling time can be seen along with other Motor options by typing:
A new internal sampling time can be set by typing:
Motor.setSamplingTime(0.01) % Set a new sampling time for SimDCMotor
Note that even if you decide to drive the Motor with a new voltage faster than its internal sampling
time, the motor will only processes the last voltage recieved at the end of its internal sampling
time interval.
4.3 Question 3
1. Using Matlab, simulate a cosine wave input to simDCMotor of magnitude 1 and phase 0 (u(t) =
cos(2πft)), and find the magnitude and phase shift for different frequencies:
Frequency (Hz) Ay yu=1 Magnitude (db) Phase (deg)
ECSE 307: Linear Systems and Control
Fall 2017
Instructor: Aditya Mahajan
TA: Mohammad Afshari and Anas El Fathi
Page 8 of 8 September 24, 2017
You may need to adjust the duration of simulation and the sampling time depending of the
chosen frequency.
2. Draw the resuling Bode plot (Magnitude (db) vs Frequency (Hz) on a semilog plot and Phase (deg)
vs Frequency (Hz) on a semilog plot).
3. From the Bode plot, what is the system order?
4. From the Bode plot, measure the DC gain.
5. From the Bode plot, measure the cut-off frequency (Frequency at which the magnitude drops by a
factor of −20 log10(
) = −3(db) from the DC gain).
5 Assignement
In a report format, answer the laboratory questions. The report should contain:
• An introduction and a conclusion, outlining the purpose of the laboratory and what you have
• Explanation of the steps to answer the laboratory questions.
• All figures should have a legend and a caption.
• Include your code in the report appendix.